Forskningsetik Presentation, research group TC 10 years. Testicular cancer is, in my opinion, one of the most fascinating enigmas in cancer epidemiology. We have been puzzled for 10 years and I will try during this talk to share with you this fascination. We started our work by performing a descriptive studie on the occurrence patterns around the Baltic Sea. Although data comes from just a tiny corner of the world, the results contain almost all the elements that are evident from studies from other continents or regions.
Helsingforsdeklarationen (1964) Nurnbergkoden (1947) Helsingforsdeklarationen (1964) Lagen om etikprövning av forskning som avser människor (2004) Presentation, research group TC 10 years. Testicular cancer is, in my opinion, one of the most fascinating enigmas in cancer epidemiology. We have been puzzled for 10 years and I will try during this talk to share with you this fascination. We started our work by performing a descriptive studie on the occurrence patterns around the Baltic Sea. Although data comes from just a tiny corner of the world, the results contain almost all the elements that are evident from studies from other continents or regions.
Ger sötsaker karies? På ett mentalsjukhus lät man under en 10-årstid utvecklingsstörda äta godis i varierande omfattning och sedan såg man i vad mån de utvcklade karies Presentation, research group TC 10 years. Testicular cancer is, in my opinion, one of the most fascinating enigmas in cancer epidemiology. We have been puzzled for 10 years and I will try during this talk to share with you this fascination. We started our work by performing a descriptive studie on the occurrence patterns around the Baltic Sea. Although data comes from just a tiny corner of the world, the results contain almost all the elements that are evident from studies from other continents or regions. (Vipeholmsstudien)
Ger höga doser östrogen i puberteten bröstcancer? På 60-talet behandlades extrem långväxt hos flickor med östrogen för att avsluta bentillväxten. Får man följa upp deras cancersjuklighet utan att informera dem? Presentation, research group TC 10 years. Testicular cancer is, in my opinion, one of the most fascinating enigmas in cancer epidemiology. We have been puzzled for 10 years and I will try during this talk to share with you this fascination. We started our work by performing a descriptive studie on the occurrence patterns around the Baltic Sea. Although data comes from just a tiny corner of the world, the results contain almost all the elements that are evident from studies from other continents or regions.
Hur långt är människor beredda att gå för att lyda order? Försökspersoner instruerades att ge andra försökspersoner elstötar i ett inärningsexperiment. Presentation, research group TC 10 years. Testicular cancer is, in my opinion, one of the most fascinating enigmas in cancer epidemiology. We have been puzzled for 10 years and I will try during this talk to share with you this fascination. We started our work by performing a descriptive studie on the occurrence patterns around the Baltic Sea. Although data comes from just a tiny corner of the world, the results contain almost all the elements that are evident from studies from other continents or regions. (Milgramexperimenten)
Ska man förstöra innerörat vid allvarliga fall av Ménieres sjukdom? En behandlingsmetod för menieres sjukdom går ut på att förstöra innerörat. Behandlingen har pågått länge. Får man göra en ”falsk” operation? (Danish Sham study) Presentation, research group TC 10 years. Testicular cancer is, in my opinion, one of the most fascinating enigmas in cancer epidemiology. We have been puzzled for 10 years and I will try during this talk to share with you this fascination. We started our work by performing a descriptive studie on the occurrence patterns around the Baltic Sea. Although data comes from just a tiny corner of the world, the results contain almost all the elements that are evident from studies from other continents or regions.
Ska polisen få använda PKU-registret? I Sverige tas blodprover på alla nyfödda barn för att kontrollera att de inte har, bland annat, fenylketonuri. Dessa prover sparas. Presentation, research group TC 10 years. Testicular cancer is, in my opinion, one of the most fascinating enigmas in cancer epidemiology. We have been puzzled for 10 years and I will try during this talk to share with you this fascination. We started our work by performing a descriptive studie on the occurrence patterns around the Baltic Sea. Although data comes from just a tiny corner of the world, the results contain almost all the elements that are evident from studies from other continents or regions.
Får man livmoderhalscancer av papillomvirus? Exempel: Får man livmoderhalscancer av papillomvirus? Fall-kontrollstudie: Ett antal sjuka jämförs med ett antal friska med avseende på virusförekomst Presentation, research group TC 10 years. Testicular cancer is, in my opinion, one of the most fascinating enigmas in cancer epidemiology. We have been puzzled for 10 years and I will try during this talk to share with you this fascination. We started our work by performing a descriptive studie on the occurrence patterns around the Baltic Sea. Although data comes from just a tiny corner of the world, the results contain almost all the elements that are evident from studies from other continents or regions.
Cancerfall Friska kontroller 1000 1000 Virus: Ja: Nej: 300 700 30 970 300/700 30/970 Presentation, research group TC 10 years. Testicular cancer is, in my opinion, one of the most fascinating enigmas in cancer epidemiology. We have been puzzled for 10 years and I will try during this talk to share with you this fascination. We started our work by performing a descriptive studie on the occurrence patterns around the Baltic Sea. Although data comes from just a tiny corner of the world, the results contain almost all the elements that are evident from studies from other continents or regions. Relativ risk: = 13,9
30% bortfall Bortfallet oberoende: Cancerfall Friska kontroller 700 700 Virus: Ja: Nej: 210 490 21 679 Presentation, research group TC 10 years. Testicular cancer is, in my opinion, one of the most fascinating enigmas in cancer epidemiology. We have been puzzled for 10 years and I will try during this talk to share with you this fascination. We started our work by performing a descriptive studie on the occurrence patterns around the Baltic Sea. Although data comes from just a tiny corner of the world, the results contain almost all the elements that are evident from studies from other continents or regions. 210/490 21/679 Relativ risk: = 13,9
Bortfall beroende av virusförekomst 30% hos virusnegativa 70% hos viruspositiva: Cancerfall Friska kontroller 580 688 Virus: Ja: Nej: 90 490 9 679 Presentation, research group TC 10 years. Testicular cancer is, in my opinion, one of the most fascinating enigmas in cancer epidemiology. We have been puzzled for 10 years and I will try during this talk to share with you this fascination. We started our work by performing a descriptive studie on the occurrence patterns around the Baltic Sea. Although data comes from just a tiny corner of the world, the results contain almost all the elements that are evident from studies from other continents or regions. 90/490 9/679 Relativ risk: = 13,9
Bortfall beroende av både virus- och Bortfall beroende av både virus- och sjukdomsförekomst Hos friska kontroller: 30% hos virusnegativa 70% hos viruspositiva Hos cancerfall: 0% hos virusnegativa 70% hos viruspositiva Cancerfall Friska kontroller 790 688 Virus: Ja: Nej: Presentation, research group TC 10 years. Testicular cancer is, in my opinion, one of the most fascinating enigmas in cancer epidemiology. We have been puzzled for 10 years and I will try during this talk to share with you this fascination. We started our work by performing a descriptive studie on the occurrence patterns around the Baltic Sea. Although data comes from just a tiny corner of the world, the results contain almost all the elements that are evident from studies from other continents or regions. 90 700 9 679 90/700 9/679 Relativ risk: = 9,7
Bortfall beroende både av virus- och sjukdomsförekomst, Hos friska kontroller: 30% hos virusnegativa 30% hos viruspositiva Hos cancerfall: 0% hos virusnegativa 70% hos viruspositiva Cancerfall Friska kontroller 790 700 Virus: Ja: Nej: Presentation, research group TC 10 years. Testicular cancer is, in my opinion, one of the most fascinating enigmas in cancer epidemiology. We have been puzzled for 10 years and I will try during this talk to share with you this fascination. We started our work by performing a descriptive studie on the occurrence patterns around the Baltic Sea. Although data comes from just a tiny corner of the world, the results contain almost all the elements that are evident from studies from other continents or regions. 90 700 21 679 90/700 21/679 Relativ risk: = 4,1
Selektivt bortfall kan äventyra kvaliteten på hela studien Bortfall är därför en etiskt viktig fråga då man planerar studier
Hur ska man genomföra en cancerstudie som den tidigare beskrivna? Får man spara prover? Ska man inhämta samtycke? Presentation, research group TC 10 years. Testicular cancer is, in my opinion, one of the most fascinating enigmas in cancer epidemiology. We have been puzzled for 10 years and I will try during this talk to share with you this fascination. We started our work by performing a descriptive studie on the occurrence patterns around the Baltic Sea. Although data comes from just a tiny corner of the world, the results contain almost all the elements that are evident from studies from other continents or regions.
Ger för tidig födsel en ökad risk för bröstcancer? Information om alla som föddes för tidigt i Stockholm, Uppsala och Sundsvall mellan 1925 och 1950 samlades in. Får man följa upp deras cancersjuklighet utan att informera dem? Presentation, research group TC 10 years. Testicular cancer is, in my opinion, one of the most fascinating enigmas in cancer epidemiology. We have been puzzled for 10 years and I will try during this talk to share with you this fascination. We started our work by performing a descriptive studie on the occurrence patterns around the Baltic Sea. Although data comes from just a tiny corner of the world, the results contain almost all the elements that are evident from studies from other continents or regions.
Vilka faktorer påverkar hur människor ”klarar sig”? 15 000 personer födda i stockholm följdes med intervjuer av anhöriga, skolsköterskor samt samkörning av registeruppgifter. (Metropolitprojektet) Presentation, research group TC 10 years. Testicular cancer is, in my opinion, one of the most fascinating enigmas in cancer epidemiology. We have been puzzled for 10 years and I will try during this talk to share with you this fascination. We started our work by performing a descriptive studie on the occurrence patterns around the Baltic Sea. Although data comes from just a tiny corner of the world, the results contain almost all the elements that are evident from studies from other continents or regions.
Fungerar utvecklingssamtal? Sex stycken utvecklingssamtal videofilmades. Slutsatsen var att de endast användes för att föra fram arbetsgivarens åsikt. Är sådan forskning etisk? Presentation, research group TC 10 years. Testicular cancer is, in my opinion, one of the most fascinating enigmas in cancer epidemiology. We have been puzzled for 10 years and I will try during this talk to share with you this fascination. We started our work by performing a descriptive studie on the occurrence patterns around the Baltic Sea. Although data comes from just a tiny corner of the world, the results contain almost all the elements that are evident from studies from other continents or regions.
Presentation, research group TC 10 years Presentation, research group TC 10 years. Testicular cancer is, in my opinion, one of the most fascinating enigmas in cancer epidemiology. We have been puzzled for 10 years and I will try during this talk to share with you this fascination. We started our work by performing a descriptive studie on the occurrence patterns around the Baltic Sea. Although data comes from just a tiny corner of the world, the results contain almost all the elements that are evident from studies from other continents or regions.
Presentation, research group TC 10 years Presentation, research group TC 10 years. Testicular cancer is, in my opinion, one of the most fascinating enigmas in cancer epidemiology. We have been puzzled for 10 years and I will try during this talk to share with you this fascination. We started our work by performing a descriptive studie on the occurrence patterns around the Baltic Sea. Although data comes from just a tiny corner of the world, the results contain almost all the elements that are evident from studies from other continents or regions.
Presentation, research group TC 10 years Presentation, research group TC 10 years. Testicular cancer is, in my opinion, one of the most fascinating enigmas in cancer epidemiology. We have been puzzled for 10 years and I will try during this talk to share with you this fascination. We started our work by performing a descriptive studie on the occurrence patterns around the Baltic Sea. Although data comes from just a tiny corner of the world, the results contain almost all the elements that are evident from studies from other continents or regions.
Det finns ingen etisk ”kokbok” Usel forskning är alltid oetisk Presentation, research group TC 10 years. Testicular cancer is, in my opinion, one of the most fascinating enigmas in cancer epidemiology. We have been puzzled for 10 years and I will try during this talk to share with you this fascination. We started our work by performing a descriptive studie on the occurrence patterns around the Baltic Sea. Although data comes from just a tiny corner of the world, the results contain almost all the elements that are evident from studies from other continents or regions.