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EES-skolans ledningsgrupp 141021
IMPACT 2.0 EES-skolans ledningsgrupp Johan Blaus Susanna Pehrson
Policy background Horizon 2020
International developments in higher education policy New national system for funding New national system for collaborative role of universities
What we want to achieve From single events (RAE, EAE,AAE) to systematic process Combine forward and backward looking perspectives (intended impact and impact achieved) Include the impact of education Bottom-up process in impact strategies, not top-down
Impact 2.0 Goal The project will develop an integrated strategy for the creation of impact through collaboration at KTH Proactively raise impact as core activity within the framework of KTH’s vision and development plan Create a shared view that exhibits synergies between the creation of impact in research, education and cooperation Proactively collect and share experience from KTH’s ecosystem at central and school level Ensure that KTH’s actions in this field benchmark with international examples and inspire other universities
Creating Academic Excellence and Societal Impacts through External Cooperation Vision for KTH
The evaluators found it positive that KTH are trying to change the system from within rather than waiting for the government They stress the importance of dissemination and sharing the results of this project with other universities It is still not clear how this project will lead to changes in incentive mechanisms (e.g. regarding recruitment and promotion) How do you go from thought leader on approaches to impact creation to being a leader in impact creation? (External expert assessment May 2014)
Fig 1. Relating Impact Evaluation and Metrics to the Vision of KTH
Antal ERC + Summa EU funding MÅL Fig 1. Relating Impact Evaluation and Metrics to the Vision of KTH
Impact Lunches: Spring 2014
Summary KTH is already highly experienced and advanced in impact creation. Routes to impact vary between fields and activities. Necessary to distinguish between impact made by individual efforts vs impact from improved strategies and processes/impact outcome/communication about impact Little knowledge is shared between initiatives or with others at KTH. It is not always clear that the leadership or management practices support impact. Links between research, research impact and education are not as well forged as they could be.
Specific Ambitions at KTH
KTH will include impact as a distinct area within the “Rector’s Dialogue” between the KTH Leadership and the Schools. All Schools will develop a “Strategy for Impact through Collaboration” that will be part of the Rector’s Dialogue process. Initiatives such as the EIT, Strategic Research Areas, Strategic Partnerships and VINN Excellence Centres will also be part of this process. Strategies to strengthen KTH’s social impact will include a closer connection between research and education; the development of creativity and innovation will be included in KTH’s education programmes at a foundation, masters and advanced level. Pilot at the School of Chemistry
Activities in autumn 2014 and beyond
School dialogues in September and October following CHE example using background report from Spring learning lunches One deepening study each on research (selected research applications), education (linkages to research in education programs) and cooperation (external stakeholder appraisal) Bibliometric study of external cooperation patterns in strategic research areas (materials science, biotechnology, energy) Benchmarking The Netherlands’ ERIC and SEP systems (September) Going for Cambridge ”hackathon” on The Future of Impact (February)
Tidplan Impact 2.0 Impact 3C Impactpiloter KLOSS KLOSS AkUt
2014 2015 2016 Okt Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr Maj Jun Jul Aug Sep Impact 2.0 Impact 3C Impactpiloter KLOSS KLOSS AkUt Vinnova Pilot 1 Vinnova Pilot 2 Skolkontrakt Fakultetsråd Utvecklingsplan
Projektupplägg för Impact 3C Leading Impact
Fokus på skolorna Systematisk förberedelse för nytt nationellt system Fortsatt framåtblickande - Create Från strategi till handlingsplan - Capture Systematisk återkoppling - Communicate
Proactive knowledge valorisation
Tankemodell Impact 3C Leading Impact Proactive knowledge valorisation 1. CREATE 2. CAPTURE 3. COMMUNICATE
Analys & rekommendationer
Arbetsprocess Impactpiloter Förberedelse VT2015 Kriterier Arbetsbeskrivning Utbildningspaket Uppstart Genomförande HT2015-VT2016 Utbildningsaktiviteter Handlingsplan skolor Mål och KPI Förberedelse skolkontrakt Metoder för uppföljning Analys & rekommendationer Uppföljning Analys Rekommendationer Underlag för utvecklingsplan
Part 2 - discussion
Strategi för att skapa resultat, inte en beskrivning av hur man samverkar/vilka kontaktytor man har. d.v.s. Strategi för att skapa förändringar på beteenden, attityder, förmågor, processer, produkter, system antingen IN på KTH eller UT på samhället/företag/organisationer
EES-skolan HUR man skapar impact är relativt lätt att besvara. VILKEN TYP av impact som skapas av samarbete är svårare. VILKEN TYP av impact som stakeholder ser som viktigast är oftast ej tänkt kring. ÄNNU EJ SKAPAD IMPACT av pågående projekt - vad kan de vara o hur nyttjas bäst? BEVIS på impact – samlas det på konsekvent sätt? BEVIS på stakeholders intresse och uppskattning? HUR kan detta samlas in? STRATEGI för att ÖKA impact genom samarbete? UTARBETAD I SAMARBETE/av skolledning – med vilken tidshorisont? SYSTEMATISKT UPPDATERAD? IDENTIFIERADE MÅL och kommunikation kring dessa? Etiska aspekter? HINDER? MORÖTTER för att öka forskares/lärares engagemang? STYRKOR i egna organisationen som kan utnyttjas bättre?
Frågor att diskutera Vilka av frågorna i underlaget är mest angeläget att arbeta vidare med? Hur arbetar skolan med sin impact-strategi och hur följs den upp? Vad i skolans utvecklingsplan relaterar huvudsakligen till impact-skapande? Vilka ytterligare initiativ krävs för att stödja skolan? För att få en helhet inom KTH? Hur kan projektet Impact 2.0 vara ett stöd i det fortsatta arbetet? Vill ni se en roll för impact i KTHs interna resursfördelning?
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