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Publicerades avNiklas Sandberg
DIS 9001:2008 Vilka förändringar kommer i nya standarden Gabriel Bosaeus
3 Bureau Veritas Presentation 2008-08-15 Agenda ► Ändringar i standarden generellt och de större förändringarna i kommande ISO9001:2008 ► Uppdateringar av den kommande ersättaren till ISO9004 som kommer att fokusera på förbättring och ett effektivt ledningssystem snarare än konkret lösa problematiken I ISO9001.
4 Bureau Veritas Presentation 2008-08-15 Vad gäller för införandet DIS ISO9001:2008 ► Vad är aktuellt? ISO9001:2000 kommer att uppdateras under 2008. Den är för tillfället en Draft International Standard (DIS) och publicering hösten 2008. Det blir ingen eller möjligen någon förändring, ändringar i standarden är mycke få med liten betydlese. ► Vad innebär det för ett redan certifierat företag? Standarden ISO9001:2008 kommer att helt ersätta den befintliga. Uppdateringar orsakade av den nya standarden skall göras inom 1 år efter publiceringen. Det förväntas inte orsaka några större problem för företagen.
5 Bureau Veritas Presentation 2008-08-15 Uppdateringar i DIS ISO9001:2008
6 Bureau Veritas Presentation 2008-08-15 Uppdateringar i DIS ISO9001:2008 ► Större väsentliga uppdateringar § 4.1 en not tillagd för utlagda processer § 6.2 en ny tolkning om hur man har tillgodogjort sig kompetens och en not om arbetsbetingelser och arbetsförhållanden Ett klokt förtydligande! § 8.2.3 fokusering på processen inte produkten då processens mätetal inte är ok
7 Bureau Veritas Presentation 2008-08-15 Uppdateringar i DIS ISO9001:2008
8 Bureau Veritas Presentation 2008-08-15 Uppdateringar i DIS ISO9001:2008
9 Bureau Veritas Presentation 2008-08-15 Uppdateringar i DIS ISO9001:2008
10 Bureau Veritas Presentation 2008-08-15 Uppdateringar i DIS ISO9001:2008
11 Bureau Veritas Presentation 2008-08-15 Uppdateringar i DIS ISO9001:2008 ► §6.2.4 Work environment The organisation shall determine and manage the work environment needed to achieve conformity to product requirements. Note: The term “work environment” relates to conditions under which work is performed included physical, environmental, and other factors (such as noise, temperature, humidity, lightning or weather).
12 Bureau Veritas Presentation 2008-08-15 Uppdateringar i DIS ISO9001:2008 ► §8.2.1 Customer satisfaction As one of the measurements of the performance of the quality management system, the organization shall monitor information relating to customer perception as to whether the organization has met customer requirements. The methods for obtaining and using this information shall be determined Note Monitoring customer perception many include obtaining input from sources such as customer satisfaction surveys, customer data on delivered product quality, user option surveys, most business analysis, compliments, warranty claims, dealer reports.
13 Bureau Veritas Presentation 2008-08-15 Uppdateringar i DIS ISO9001:2008
ISO/CD 9004 Vilka förändringar kommer i nya standarden ISO/TC 176/SC 2 ISO/CD 9004 Gabriel Bosaeus
15 Bureau Veritas Presentation 2008-08-15 Vad säger ISO/TC 176/SC 2 ISO/CD 9004 ► §4 Managing for the success of an organization §4.1 General To achieve and maintain the success of an organization, its management should: b) Recognize that An organisation depends on its customers; therefore an organization should understand its current an future customer needs, meet its customer requirements and strive to understand, meet or exceed the forecasted future expectations of its customers and potential customers. … c) Addressing the following … managing its processes to satisfy ite interested parties (clause 8) …
16 Bureau Veritas Presentation 2008-08-15 Vad säger ISO/TC 176/SC 2 ISO/CD 9004 ► 8 Process management 8.1 General Processes are specific to an organization, and vary … The processes should be managed as a system, by creating and understanding a network of the processes an their interactions. … 8.4 Process responsibility an authority The organization´s management should appoint, for each process, a person with defined responsibilities an authorities to implement, maintain, control and improve the processes and its interaction with other processes; this individual I s often refereed to as the process owner. The management should ensure that the responsibilities, authorities and roles of process owners are recognized throughout the organization, …
17 Bureau Veritas Presentation 2008-08-15 Vad säger ISO/TC 176/SC 2 ISO/CD 9004 ► 8 Process management 8.2 Process mapping Processes planning should be used to identify the activities necessary for providing products that will continue to meet the needs and expectations of customer´s and other interested parties on an ongoing basis. Processes should be planned to be in accordance with the organization´s strategy. Processes interrelationships should include coordination among the processes for planning, implementation, monitoring, evaluation improvement and innovation.
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