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Publicerades avViktoria Eliasson
Samordning inom EU Statusrapport från arbetet inom EUs Expert Grupp för elektroniska fakturor Leif Karlsson Chef Betalningar
European Associations of Corporate Treasurers (EACT) har uppskattat att ett införande av e-faktura i Europa skulle kunna minska kostnaderna i Supply Chain med 243 Mdr EUR Europamarknaden
European Electronic Invoicing (EEI) Obstacles identified by EU Commission’s informal Task Force –Legal –Confidence and operational issues –Standardisation A group consisting of 30 experts to submit proposals on how these can be avoided
Vårt uppdrag “Its tasks should be to identify business requirements and responsibilities for the execution of specific work, as well as to steer the creation - by the end of 2009 - of a European e-Invoicing Framework to establish a common conceptual structure to support the provision of e-Invoicing services in an open and interoperable manner across Europe
Formal TOR tasks (to be further defined) 1. Identify shortcomings in the regulatory framework for e-Invoicing 2. Identify and validate e-Invoicing business requirements 3. Identify and validate relevant e-Invoicing data elements and linkages (procurement, payments, value-added tax, authentication, integrity, archiving) 4. Propose responsibilities to be assigned to standardisation bodies and a time schedule for the development of common standard(s) 5. Propose the European e-Invoicing Framework to establish a common conceptual structure, including business requirements, standards and solutions E-invoicing Expert Group
Other requirements of the TOR 1.Completion by 31.12.2009 (if not before!) 2.Take account of existing work and solutions 3.Group can use subgroups and external bodies for execution of specific work 4.Mid-term report requirement 5.Mid-term and final reports will be made available to the public E-invoicing Expert Group
Interna processer Företag 1Företag 2 Order Levarans Faktura Betalning Exchange Integration Processperspektiv Interna processer
Exchange Model Bilateral model 3-party model 4-party model Roaming 1 2 SB SBBB HUB 12 12 12 1 2
Regulators Users Service providers Intressenter för EEI framework
EEI Framework EEI Network Model EEI Standards EEI Regulatory Environment Layer 1 Layer 2 Layer 3 Layer 4 European e-Invoicing Layered Model
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