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Publicerades avBirgitta Axelsson
2004-10-05Ingegerd Rabow, Biblioteksdirektionen, Lunds universitet ScieCom och DOAJ Nordiskt samrådsmöte Uppsala 2004-10-05
2004-10-05Ingegerd Rabow, Biblioteksdirektionen, Lunds universitet
2004-10-05Ingegerd Rabow, Biblioteksdirektionen, Lunds universitet
2004-10-05Ingegerd Rabow, Biblioteksdirektionen, Lunds universitet
2004-10-05Ingegerd Rabow, Biblioteksdirektionen, Lunds universitet
2004-10-05Ingegerd Rabow, Biblioteksdirektionen, Lunds universitet Handlingsplan hösten 2004 Nära kontakt med ScieCom-nätverket och med det lokala arbete som U/H väntas bedriva enligt rekommendationerna i SUHF- utredningen Vägar för kunskap – behov av en gemensam strategisk nyorientering för högskolorna och deras bibliotek Seminarium för nätverket slutet november Seminarium med SVEP/DELOS ( 14-15 april ) -05
2004-10-05Ingegerd Rabow, Biblioteksdirektionen, Lunds universitet Tre nyckelområden Open Access – finansieringsmodeller, kostnader, utveckling Upphovsrätt – modellavtal på nationell nivå enligt LU:s modell, nationell och internationell lagstiftning, EU-direktiv, innehållskontroll, licenser och kontrakt Kvalitet- och utvärdering – peer review, impact factors, bibliometriska analyser, resultatfinansiering
2004-10-05Ingegerd Rabow, Biblioteksdirektionen, Lunds universitet Dissemination/visibility of Open Access journals DOAJ Directory of Open Access Journals –Phase 1 (completed) Peer reviewed or editorial quality control –- All titles now in ELIN@ All subjects - All languages OpenURL-compliant (April 2004) DOAJ subject terms and LCC codes added as a part of the harvested records. 16 toppnivåer –Phase 2 (introduced May 2004) Search at article level – searchable index of the articles metadata from DOAJ journals Index available for OAI harvesting by service providers, making a wider dissemination possible
2004-10-05Ingegerd Rabow, Biblioteksdirektionen, Lunds universitet A one-stop-shop for OA journals Start May 2004 around 300 journals 7%? July -04 accessed by 40,000 distinct hosts from 140 countries Libraries and information services around the globe harvest metadata and integrate in catalogues DOAJ data licensed out under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License. >200,000 hits on Google, many are links to library catalogues Certificatrion stamp – SPARC Archiving content small OA-journals Directory of Open Archives – selection criteria
2004-10-05Ingegerd Rabow, Biblioteksdirektionen, Lunds universitet Open Access – a BBB definition Budapest Open Access Initiative BOAI: “By 'open access' to this literature, we mean its free availability on the public internet, permitting any users to read, download, copy, distribute, print, search, or link to the full texts of these articles, crawl them for indexing, pass them as data to software, or use them for any other lawful purpose, without financial, legal, or technical barriers other than those inseparable from gaining access to the internet itself. The only constraint on reproduction and distribution, and the only role for copyright in this domain, should be to give authors control over the integrity of their work and the right to be properly acknowledged and cited."
2004-10-05Ingegerd Rabow, Biblioteksdirektionen, Lunds universitet
2004-10-05Ingegerd Rabow, Biblioteksdirektionen, Lunds universitet
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