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Publicerades avKlara Gunnarsson
IEEE Computer Society SOFTWARE ENGINEERING CODE OF ETHICS AND PROFESSIONAL PRACTICE, short version 1 PUBLIC - Software engineers shall act consistently with the public interest. 2 CLIENT AND EMPLOYER - Software engineers shall act in a manner that is in the best interests of their client and employer, consistent with the public interest. 3 PRODUCT - Software engineers shall ensure that their products and related modifications meet the highest professional standards possible. 4 JUDGMENT - Software engineers shall maintain integrity and independence in their professional judgment.
IEEE Computer Society SOFTWARE ENGINEERING CODE OF ETHICS AND PROFESSIONAL PRACTICE, short version 5 MANAGEMENT - Software engineering managers and leaders shall subscribe to and promote an ethical approach to the management of software development and maintenance. 6 PROFESSION - Software engineers shall advance the integrity and reputation of the profession consistent with the public interest. 7 COLLEAGUES - Software engineers shall be fair to and supportive of their colleagues. 8 SELF - Software engineers shall participate in lifelong learning regarding the practice of their profession and shall promote an ethical approach to the practice of the profession.
IEEE Computer Society SOFTWARE ENGINEERING CODE OF ETHICS AND PROFESSIONAL PRACTICE, examples from full version Identify, document, collect evidence and report to the client or the employer promptly if, in their opinion, a project is likely to fail, to prove too expensive, to violate intellectual property law, or otherwise to be problematic. Ensure realistic quantitative estimates of cost, scheduling, personnel, quality and outcomes on any project on which they work or propose to work and provide an uncertainty assessment of these estimates.
Etisk vägledning för ingenjörer (CF)
1. Ingenjören bör i sin yrkesutövning känna ett personligt ansvar för att tekniken används på ett sätt som gagnar människa, miljö och samhälle. 2. Ingenjören bör sträva efter att förbättra tekniken och det tekniska kunnandet i riktning mot ett effektivare resursutnyttjande utan skadeverkningar.
Etisk vägledning för ingenjörer (CF)
3. Ingenjören bör ställa sitt kunnande till förfogande i offentliga och enskilda sammanhang för att uppnå bästa beslutsunderlag och belysa teknikens möjligheter och risker. 4. Ingenjören bör inte arbeta inom eller samverka med företag och organisationer av tvivelaktig karaktär eller med mål som strider mot personlig övertygelse.
Etisk vägledning för ingenjörer (CF)
5. Ingenjören bör visa full lojalitet mot arbetsgivare och arbetskamrater. Svårigheter härvidlag bör tas upp till öppen diskussion, i första hand på arbetsplatsen. 6. Ingenjören får inte använda otillbörliga metoder i tävlan om anställning, uppdrag eller beställning, ej heller försöka skada kollegors anseende genom obefogade beskyllningar.
Etisk vägledning för ingenjörer (CF)
7. Ingenjören bör respektera anförtrodda upplysningars konfidentiella natur samt andras rätt till uppslag, uppfinningar, utredningar, planer och ritningar. 8. Ingenjören får inte gynna obehöriga intressen och bör öppet redovisa ekonomiska och andra intressen som kan påverka tilltron till hans eller hennes opartiskhet och omdöme.
Etisk vägledning för ingenjörer (CF)
9. Ingenjören bör enskilt och offentligt, i tal och skrift, sträva efter ett sakligt framställningssätt och undvika felaktiga, missvisande eller överdrivna påståenden. 10. Ingenjören bör aktivt stödja kollegor, som råkar i svårigheter på grund av ett handlande i enlighet med dessa regler, samt enligt bästa övertygelse avstyra brott mot dem.
Case 1, Loyalty to the company
A rather succesful senior manager is constantly bashing people at meetings, sometimes appologizing some time after the occasion. Many employees are afraid of the manager and would consider leaving the company if they had the opportunity. What is the obligation of other managers knowing this fact to raise this as a concern for higher management? Are there other ways to treat the situation?
Case 1, Loyalty to the company
What to do as a fellow manager? Conscience, virtue: Can a clear conscience avoid trying to change the situation? Egoism: What will benefit me most? Duty: Is it the duty to discuss this with senior management? Utilitarianism: What action will benefit the largest number of people? Rights: What are the rights for the employees? (ACM) Justice: Which is more just, silence or taking action ?
Case 2, Loyalty to colleagues
In engineering, deliveries between persons with different roles is common. One example is developers delivering functions for integration to products. What obligation towards the receiver has the person delivering the function to ensure that what is delivered is of high quality even if this will delay the delivery?
Case 2, Loyalty to colleagues
What to do as an engineer? Conscience, virtue: Can you do anything but deliver good quality? Egoism: What will benefit me most. i.e. reduce my workload? Duty: Is it the duty to deliver highest possible quality or to be in time? Utilitarianism: What actions will benefit the largest number of people? Rights: What are the rights for the engineer? Justice: Which is more just, delivering as planned ?
Case 3, Conscientious refusal
Software releases are often governed by a release date, with the plans to have finnished tests and error corrections at that time. However, senior management may order the release even if the tests have not been performed as planned. Does the people responsible for the release have the right to refuse the release?
Case 3, Conscientious refusal
What to do as an engineer? Conscience, virtue: Can you do anything but deliver good quality? Egoism: What will benefit me most. i.e. reduce my workload, career move if I follow the senior manager? Duty: Is it the duty to deliver highest possible quality or to be in time? Utilitarianism: What actions will benefit the largest number of people? Rights: What are the rights for the engineer? Justice: Which is more just, delivering as planned ?
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