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TUG Konferens Djurönäset 12:e April Patrik Zander, Sr Sales Engineer
Agenda Om RES Software Desktopens Utveckling Utmaningar vid implementering av VDI DEMO
RES Software Fokus på EMEA och US 1,200,000+ sålda licenser 3000+ kunder 18 distributörer i världen 120+ certifierade återförsäljare Privatägt och lönsamt Inte endast en ‘quick fix’ utan ett framtidssäkert koncept
80-talet: Personal Computer
90-talet: Datorn blev personlig
Nu: Desktopvirtualisering
Nästa: Konsumering av IT
8 Dynamic Desktops 4 Service Centric Rationalized Desktops 3 Context Centric Standardized Desktops 2 User Centric 1 Device Centric Desktop Transformation Basic Desktops
Hur hanteras desktopen idag? 9 Desktop User Session (Logon) Scripts User Profiles Group Policies User Session (Logon) Scripts User Profiles Group Policies Operating System Applications App Config App Data Print Config User Settings Security User Data Köpenhamn New York Stockholm Amsterdam Berlin Chicago Oslo
10 Pusselbiten som saknas
Göra Desktopen Dynamisk 11 RES Workspace Manager VDI / Client-Side Hypervisor / Terminal Services Application Virtualization (Remote / Virtual) Desktop User Workspace Operating System Applications
DesktopDesktop Workspace Manager Datastore Composer Console Filter Drivers Agent Local Cache Workspacearkitektur
Utmaningar vid implementering av VDI Profilproblem Säkerhetsproblem Resurs/virtualiseringsproblem Felsökning Hantera en hybrid miljö
Zero Profile-Teknologi XP W7 *****
RES Gör Det Möjligt För Företag Att… Ta små steg mot ett stort mål Skapa framtidssäkra situationskänsliga hybriddesktops Leverera IT som en tjänst genom dynamiska desktops
“The vendor's progressive approach to full management of VDI, as opposed to… a 'Big Bang' approach, could appeal to IT shops that will undertake that massive task.” Rachel Chalmers The 451 Group, 2009 “The vendor's progressive approach to full management of VDI, as opposed to… a 'Big Bang' approach, could appeal to IT shops that will undertake that massive task.” Rachel Chalmers The 451 Group, 2009 16 “[RES Workspace Manager] is currently the most complete user-profile-based product (but also does much more than personalization), and supports user-installed applications (with user access rights).” Brian Gammage, Analyst Gartner, 2009 “[RES Workspace Manager] is currently the most complete user-profile-based product (but also does much more than personalization), and supports user-installed applications (with user access rights).” Brian Gammage, Analyst Gartner, 2009 “40 Percent of Global 2000 Enterprises will Have Context-Aware Computing Projects Focused on the User Experience by 2013.” William Clark, Analyst Gartner “40 Percent of Global 2000 Enterprises will Have Context-Aware Computing Projects Focused on the User Experience by 2013.” William Clark, Analyst Gartner “Any company that is embarking on a new desktop delivery project or desktop migration initiative would do well to take a considered look at the RES (Workspace Manager) product.” Somak Roy, Karthik Balakrishnan, and Andy Kellett Analysts Butler Group, 2009 “Any company that is embarking on a new desktop delivery project or desktop migration initiative would do well to take a considered look at the RES (Workspace Manager) product.” Somak Roy, Karthik Balakrishnan, and Andy Kellett Analysts Butler Group, 2009 Third–Party Validation
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