Teknik som skapar mervärde Ola Dahl
Teknik som skapar mervärde Schema/kalenderintegration Single Sign-On (SAML) Applikationer, plugins och moduler …och LTI (Learning Tools Interoperability) General content slide Use this slide for bullet point lists. You can also remove the bullets and add a (short) block of text underneath the headline.
Administrativt system Schemaintegration Administrativt system Kursinformation Itslearning Kalender/planerare IMS E/IMS ES Kursinformation KalenderAPI Schemasystem Lektion/undervisningstillfälle
Single Sign-On (SAML) IDP Itslearning Learnify Unikum Skola24 Dexter Identity Provider (ADFS, MobilityGuard...) Itslearning Learnify Unikum Skola24 Dexter ...
skolfed.nexussafe.com skolfederation.itslearning.com
Applikationer, plugins och moduler Kurs Applikation Texteditor Plugin Min webbapplikation Innehållsblock/innehållsram Modul
...och LTI
www.eduappcenter.com www.imsglobal.org/ toolsinteroperability2.cfm
Ola Dahl www.itslearning.eu ola.dahl@itslearning.com This is a closing slide that gives the company address and contact details. Be sure to include the relevant web address. www.itslearning.eu