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12 500 studenter 575 medarbetare Högskolan Väst 2
Staten ska som huvudman anordna högskolor för: 1.utbildning som vilar på vetenskaplig eller konstnärlig grund samt på beprövad erfarenhet, och 2. forskning och konstnärlig forskning samt utvecklingsarbete. I högskolornas uppgift ska det ingå att samverka med det omgivande samhället …. Högskolelagen2 § 3
In keeping with the values of democratic and equitable societies, public authorities should ensure that higher education institutions, while exercising their autonomy, can meet society´s expectations and fulfil their various and equally important objectives, which include: Preparation for sustainable employment Preparation for life as active citizens in democratic societies Personal development The development and maintenance, through teaching, learning and research, of a broad, advanced knowledge base. Bolognaprocessens mål 4
“Today, the EHEA faces serious challenges. It is confronted with a continuing economic and social crisis, dramatic levels of unemployment, increasing marginalization of young people, demographic changes, new migration patterns, and conflicts within and between countries, as well as extremism and radicalization.” EHEA, ministerial conference communique, Yerevan 2015 5
“We will support higher education institutions in enhancing their efforts to promote intercultural understanding, critical thinking, political and religious tolerance, gender equality, and democratic and civic values, in order to strengthen European and global citizenship and lay the foundations for inclusive societies” EHEA, ministerial conference communique, Yerevan 2015 6
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