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Rotary behöver en stark image Christina Bredin
Västerås-Rudbeckius RK, D 2340 Rotary Public Image Coordinator zone 15 Vårda vårt varumärke och skapa förtroende på kort och lång sikt One of the key priorities of Rotary’ strategic plan is to enhance public image and awareness. We all know very well that the general lack of understanding of Rotary’s good work impedes membership growth and hampers The Rotary Foundation’s efforts to partner with corporate and individual donors to generate support for key humanitarian initiatives, such as the PolioPlus program. Improving Rotary’s public image is critical to making sure our organization remains a vibrant community force for good. Encourage club and district efforts to tell their story Develop materials for clubs to help them do that Recognize that Rotary’s public image is the responsibility of every Rotarian
Vad är image? Rotary Public Image 2
Vad är PR? What is PR PR - the practice of managing communication between an organization and its publics Distinguish between PR and advertizing. PR is unpaid, advertizing is paid for. Therefore PR is often more trustworthy. It's this third-party endorsement that gives PR its power and credibility. PR is used to gain trust and understanding between an organisation and its various publics - whether that's employees, customers, investors, the local community - or members. What you do, what you say, and what others say about you. PR is what can be read in the newspapers, said on TV, everything Rotarians say about Rotary, how Rotarians act, wearing your pin, shirt, cap, etc. It is also very much about who is saying. So the higher position a rotarian has, the more he/she has to think about what he says and how she acts. What people say becomes the truth, what they believe is true, whether you like it or not So let’s make sure Rotarians say the right thing.
This Rotary ”monument” stands when you entert the town of America in Argentina.
2010 Rotary Coordinator | 4
2010 Rotary Coordinator | 5
Rotary Public Image 6
Branding of your own car
Effektivt PR-arbete startar alltid hemma
To be effective PR has to start internally, inside the organization. Educate the members about Rotary. The more you know about an organization the better you like it. In Rotary you get very impressed by all the good Rotary has done in the world. We talk too little Rotary at the Rotary meetings because it is boring!! Membership committée should find the non-boring way.
Hissbudskapet Vad är Rotary Vad gör Rotary som tillför värde
Varför är Rotary bättre eller annorlunda än andra organisationer You need to communicate your main message quickly, clearly and distinctly to someone who does not know you. What would you most want the listener to remember about Rotary Will help the listener to understand How Rotary adds value to the listener What are the unique benefits of Rotary. What does Rotary do better or different than others Easy to understand Create a number of phrases that answers the above questions Keep it short, max 30 seconds to deliver
Vilken PR är bäst för Rotary?
What is the best PR for Rotary The best PR for Rotary is all the good projects clubs do, in particular the local ones.
| 11
Datum att uppmärksamma
Oktober 24 Februari 23 The annual Rotary-UN Day will be held on Saturday, 3 November, at United Nations headquarters in New York City. Organized by the RI representatives to the UN, this year’s event will feature presentations from senior UN staff and Rotary leaders as well as panel discussions on the two organization's mutal goal of achieving peace. Honored guests will include Rotary Peace Fellows. High school-age students, including Interactors and Rotary Youth Exchange participants, can attend a special youth program in the morning and join the adult program in the afternoon. 12
Sociala Medier En webbsida som attraherar allmänheten
Ta med rotaryuppdrag i din profil på LinkedIn Dela nyheter på Facebook, Twitter, etc. In Rotary we have to follow the trends among younger people and use modern ways of communication.
Rotary Public Image 14
En bra början Gör en PR-plan för klubben och samverka med andra klubbar Berätta för arbetskamrater, vänner, släkt, grannar En rotarynyhet – hitta den, skriv ner den, publicera den Utse en webbredaktör Number one is to appoint a PR chair and then create a PR-committee (three people is enough). Then you have to develop a strategy and a plan for PR in your district/club. If you don’t, nothing will happen. | 15
PI bidrag För extern marknadsföring Distriktet måste bidra med 1/3
Mer information på Public relations grants help districts promote Rotary to the general public and enhance Rotary’s public image. Over the last three years, Rotary International has awarded US$6 million in PR grants worldwide and received more than $31 million in complementary in-kind public relations and advertising space, indicating a strong return on Rotary’s investment. Grants of up to US$15,000 per district. Districts must contribute at least one-third of the total grant amount requested. 15, ,000 =20,000. Important dates and deadlines 4 March All grant applications must be submitted by this date. 1 July PR grant approval or denial will be ed to the district governor. 1 June PR grant projects must be implemented and all reimbursement requests submitted. Creative materials Preference will be given to districts that use Humanity in Motion and This Close materials and to customize them for their communities. Materials can be found at . Watch a short video on different ways districts have placed Rotary creative materials. Reimbursement information The Public Relations Grants program is a reimbursement program . When a grant application is approved, the district is responsible for implementing the PR project and paying the vendors. Districts can then submit a reimbursement form. Download the forms. Preference will be given to districts that use Humanity in Motion and This Close materials and to customize them for their communities. Materials can be found at . The Public Relations Grants program is a reimbursement program . When a grant application is approved, the district is responsible for implementing the PR project and paying the vendors. Districts can then submit a reimbursement form. So you have to put money in your budget för PR.
Bra projekt Bra PR Bra medlemmar The magic circle
Good projects makes it possible to make Good PR which will attract Good members, who can do more good projects…. Bra medlemmar
Det är först när människor får klart för sig vad Rotary gör
som de väljer att bli medlemmar. PR efforts help recruitment and retention each Rotarian MUST rememeber that he/she is a walking PR component of Rotary. Our language, our behavious, our courtesy or lack thereof -- all portray to the public is a visible proof of the character of Rotary itself. Let us never forget that. And so wearing the Rotary Pin with pride becomes a valuable plus-point. For, if you do not take pride in Rotary, how can you boost its image ? Without good PR the Rotary club doesn't grow or get it's message out to the communities it serves. media is hungry for "good news." They may not use everything, but keep sending it and usually it will be used when one least expects it coverage. People cannot join us if they do not know who we are. Make a plan когда люди понимают, что РОТАРИ делает, то они могут выбрать, чтобы присоединиться к нам
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