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Affiliate Meny – Business Partner
Menyn Affiliate Business Partner förklarade. Vänligen se de skärmar som följer.
1. Gå till http://www. auvesta-portal. com/default
1. Gå till och välj Affiliate.
2. Ange Affiliate nummer och lösenord för att logga in.
3. Välj – Business Partner - Sök
3. Välj – Business Partner - Sök. Kan du söka efter någon i din downline. Sök på Namn / Business Partner nummer. Personal details Contracts shows all those that have been successfully validated. Välj en Status som ett filter. Gör det enklare att hantera ett stort nätverk. Applications shows the number of people who are in process. Account balance shows your accrued running total until you draw out cash or buy gold
4. Logga in historia – Låter dig övervaka inloggning frekvensen av alla i din downline-organisation. Ange en period för att söka inom. Personal details Sökresultat. Contracts shows all those that have been successfully validated. Applications shows the number of people who are in process. Account balance shows your accrued running total until you draw out cash or buy gold
5. Hierachy – Kan du Visa din downline släktforskning.
Personal details Systemet visar Släktforskning för det datum som valts, så du kan gå tillbaka i tiden för att visa. Contracts shows all those that have been successfully validated. Applications shows the number of people who are in process. Klicka på 'Display' för att se resultat. Account balance shows your accrued running total until you draw out cash or buy gold Klicka på 'Expandera alla' för att visa trädet.
6. Hierachy – Att välja ditt namn här, avslöjar dina affärsdata partner.
Personal details The system displays the genealogy for the date selected, so you can go back in time to view. Contracts shows all those that have been successfully validated. Applications shows the number of people who are in process. Click ‘Display’ to view results. ID, Last name, First name
7. Business partner Data standardvyn.
Personal details Detaljer visas här. The system displays the genealogy for the date selected, so you can go back in time to view. Contracts shows all those that have been successfully validated. Applications shows the number of people who are in process. Click ‘Display’ to view results.
8. Business partner Data - Modify menyn.
Personal details Välj Modify visa listan. The system displays the genealogy for the date selected, so you can go back in time to view. Contracts shows all those that have been successfully validated. Applications shows the number of people who are in process. Click ‘Display’ to view results.
Details displayed here.
9. Business partner Data - Commission Menyn. Personal details Details displayed here. Välj Commission visa listan. The system displays the genealogy for the date selected, so you can go back in time to view. Contracts shows all those that have been successfully validated. Applications shows the number of people who are in process. Click ‘Display’ to view results.
Details displayed here.
10. Business partner Data - Info Menyn. Personal details Details displayed here. Välj Info visa listan. The system displays the genealogy for the date selected, so you can go back in time to view. Contracts shows all those that have been successfully validated. Applications shows the number of people who are in process. Click ‘Display’ to view results.
11. Downline – Ger en illustrerad bild av din downline-organisation.
Personal details Systemet visar Släktforskning för det valda datumet. Klicka på 'Display' för att se resultat. Contracts shows all those that have been successfully validated. Applications shows the number of people who are in process. Detta är du. Dina direktförmedlare – 1st nivå. YOU Account balance shows your accrued running total until you draw out cash or buy gold nivå 2.
12. Målsida – Genererar en länk som du kan skicka till någon att registrera sig hos
Auvesta. Personal details Välja Visa öppnas målsidan på din webbläsare. Contracts shows all those that have been successfully validated. Applications shows the number of people who are in process. Account balance shows your accrued running total until you draw out cash or buy gold
13. Validation – Ger möjlighet att granska validering.
Personal details Contracts shows all those that have been successfully validated. Applications shows the number of people who are in process. Account balance shows your accrued running total until you draw out cash or buy gold
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