CivilingenjörsexamenTeknologie Masterexamen Ma 4, Fy 2 Ma 3 Datateknik Behörighet: Civilingenjör datateknik Masterprogram i datateknik Teknologie kandidat 3 år 5 år Två vägar till ”Master of Science”
SOME TEACHERS AND RESEARCHERS INVOLVED IN THE PROGRAMS Professors Assistant Professors PhD students & Lecturers Wireless Communication3D Visualization, Scientific method Distributed Systems, Data mining 3D VisualizationInternet-of-Things Wireless Systems Internet-of-ThingsComputer Networks Distributed Systems Project management
SYFTE ”En civilingenjör med inriktning tillämpad datateknik ska ha de teoretiska kunskaper och praktiska färdigheter som krävs för att arbeta med forskning, utveckling, programmering, projektledning, specifikation, standardisering, simulering, driftsättning och utvärdering av nya datorsystem och IT-tjänster.” (Ur utbildningsplanen) En bred utbildning med många yrkesrollsnära projekt och forskningsanknytning.
UTBILDNINGEN ÅTERSPEGLAR AKTUELLA TEKNIKTRENDER CA technologies innovation imperative study 2012
RAMSCHEMA CIVIL DATATEKNIK årnivåkursnamnhpformLP1LP2LP3LP4 4CTCP/IP-nät7,5NML7,5 4AVSimulering av kommunikationssystem9NML4,5 4AVProjektledning6NML33 4AVDistribuerade system I7,5NML 7,5 4AVNätverkssäkerhet och nätverksdrift7,5NML 7,5 4AVDatamining7,5NML 7,5 4AVDistribuerade system II/Molntjänster och webbapplikationer 7,5NML 7,5 4AVTillämpad datateknik/Avancerad applikationsutveckling för Android 7,5NML 7,5 årnivåkursnamnhpformLP1LP2LP3LP4 5AVVetenskaplig metod7,5NML7,5 5AVMultimediekodning och -distribution7,5NML34,5 5AVAgila metoder och avancerad programutveckling (SIMS) 9NML4,5 5Industriell ekonomi, introduktion6NML6 5AVExamensarbete30NML15 Vissa möjligheter finns att byta ut kurser, t.ex. öka SIMS till 15 hp, eller att stoppa in någon kurs från masterprogrammet. Kom gärna överens med varandra.
KURSER DÄR DU FÅR FORSKA Datamining Simulering av kommunikationssystem Nätverkssäkerhet och nätverksdrift Distribuerade system II/Molntjänster och webbapplikationer Tillämpad datateknik/Avancerad applikationsutveckling för Android Multimediekodning och distribution Vetenskaplig metod Examensarbete
NÄRA SAMVERKAN MED BRANSCHEN Företagen vill lära känna er. De har påverat kursplanen, föreslår kursprojekt och exjobb, ger gästföreläsningar och studiebesök, mm. Projektet BIMS (Branchråd IT Mittunveristetet Sundsvall) syftar till att öka detta ändå mer.
YRKESROLLSNÄRA PROJEKTKURSER Nätverkssäkerhet och nätverksdrift Distribuerade system II/Molntjänster och webbapplikationer Tillämpad datateknik/Avancerad applikationsutveckling för Android Agila metoder och avancerad programutveckling Examensarbete
Student-innovation Mittsverige (SIMS) Multi-disciplinära näringslivsiprojekt Utveckla en verklig produkt eller tjänst – enligt IP-avtal med en arbetsgivare AGILA METODER OCH AVANCERAD PROGRAMUTVECKLING
MAIN STRUCTURE Both practical and theoretical courses in computer engineering Very competitive program 120 ECTS (4 semesters) full time study –90 ECTS (3 semesters) coursework –30 ECTS (1 semester) thesis project –Most courses compulsory – coherent curriculum To start 2 nd year requires 45 of 60 ECTS passed
BEHÖRIGHETSKRAV Kandidatexamen eller högskoleingenjörsexamen, omfattande minst 180 hp, varav –30 hp matematiska ämnen, inklusive kurser i sannolikhetsteori och statistik diskret matematik –60 hp datateknik, inkluderande 15 hp inom ett objektorienterat programmeringsspråk, 7,5 hp datornätverk 7,5 hp databaser Examensarbete 15 hp C-nivå, kurser 15 hp minst C-nivå. Kurser som du redan har läst (t.ex. TCP/IP-nät) kan ersättas med annan valbar kurs. Kom överens med programansvarige.
APPLICATION DEADLINE Deadline for application is 15th of April (Hard Deadline) Follow this link for more information: masterprogram-i-datateknik/om-programmet masterprogram-i-datateknik/om-programmet You find the application form and the curruculum from there.
ORGANIZATION OF TEACHING Voluntary (but strongly recommended): lectures, tutorials, help sessions Mandatory: Exams, labs, projects and homework Exams: –Usually written. ECTS grades: A, B, C, D, E, F (fail) –Students who fail must retake the exam –Typically exams 3 times per year in each course. Master thesis (1 semester)
CURRICULUM LP 1 Autumn, Year 1 LP 2LP 3LP 4 Spring, Year 1 Methodology of Science Advanced programming Distributed Systems I Data Mining Network Security and Management Elective Course Autumn, Year 2 LP 1LP 2 Distributed AlgorithmsM2M Communication Elective Course Spring, Year 2 LP 3LP 4 Graduation Project 30 hp Internetworking (TCP/IP)Elective Course Networked Embedded Systems
COURSE LIST AND CREDITS Autumn Year 1: Methodology of Science 7.5 hp Distributed Systems I, 7.5 hp Advanced Programming, 7.5 hp Internetworking (TCP/IP), 7.5 hp Spring Year 1: Data Mining, 7.5 hp Network Security and Management, 7.5 hp Elective Course, 7.5 hp Autumn Year 2: M2M Communication, 7.5 hp Networked Embedded Systems, 7.5 hp Distributed Algorithms, 7.5 hp Elective Course, 7.5 hp Spring Year 2: Graduation Project, 30 hp
ELECTIVE COURSES Spring 2015 Wireless Access Protocols and Queuing Theory, 7.5 hp Distributed Systems II, 7.5 hp 3D Visualization Course, 7.5 hp Applied Computer Science, 15 hp Autumn 2016 Simulation of Communication Systems, 7.5 hp Multimedia Coding- and Distribution, 7.5 hp Applied Computer Science, 7.5 hp
NETWORKED EMBEDDED SYSTEMS Aim –This course aim to give an introduction to the design, analysis and implementation of networked embedded systems and wireless communication from a computer engineering perspective. Embedded systems are hardware/software systems built into devices that are not necessarily “recognized” as computerized devices, but these systems do control the functionality and perceived quality of these devices. Prerequisites –Mathematics GR (A), 30 hp, including probability and statistics, 7,5 hp. –Computer Engineering GR (A-C), 60 hp, including data structures and algorithms, and courses in programming, 15 hp Content –Real-time scheduling theory, task model and scheduling, hard, soft, and firm systems. –Networked embedded system programming for low-power and resource constrained devices, real-time operating systems (RTOS). –Sensor fusion, localization, etc –Project
PROJECT EXAMPLES Smartphone-based Energy-efficient Collaborative Indoor Localization System Design and Development of Low-power Real-time Networks Wireless Video Streaming through Raspberry Pi Communications ….or other cool and funny stuff that includes networked embedded systems and real-time systems!
M2M COMMUNICATION Aim –The course intends to teach the students the fundamental requirements and challenges of this novel, upcoming area while also highlighting current research results in various fields. Prerequisites –Probability and Random Processes (or similar), TCP/IP and distributed systems I. Content –Cyber Physical Systems Wired and wireless networks for embedded systems Basics control theory –M2M and Capillary Networking Power and traffic requirements of M2M applications Wireless systems for M2M capillary networking: , LP-Bluetooth, ah, etc. –M2M and Cellular Networks (GSM, 3G/4G/5G) –Internet of Things (IoT)
HONOR CODE Academic dishonestly taken very seriously at MIUN Exams at MIUN are individual efforts –Any form of cheating results in a failing grade and disciplinary actions Homework –Are individual efforts unless otherwise stated explicitly –Non-permitted collaboration or copying from other students results in a failing grade and disciplinary actions. Master thesis –Must consist of original text authored by the student (unless it is a quotation) –Plagiarism in any form, for example copy-and-paste from other documents or from the Internet is not permitted and generally results in a failing grade for the thesis and disciplinary actions.
THESIS PROJECT - REQUIREMENTS Same requirements as for Swedish engineering degree program (”civilingenjör”) Must have passed >60 ECTS or relevant courses to start Generally, during last (4 th ) semester of program Thesis work requires: –Written report, approved by MIUN examiner –Oral presentation at MIUN, approved by examiner –Act as opponent on another student’s presentation Internal (at MIUN) or External (abroad or in industry) –Same requirements (report+presentation, opposition at MIUN)
WHOM TO CONTACT ABOUT WHAT? Course information, change in studies, MSc thesis work… –Prof. Mikael Gidlund All formal decisions such as study break, exceptions, exchange.. –Director of studies – Karl Pettersson Daily questions such as when is the exam. Hand in all your written papers about changes in study plans etc. –Studentexpeditionen IKS (Lena Höijer and Lotta Frisk)
CONTACT Coordinator: Professor Mikael Gidlund Dept. of Information and Communication Systems (IKS) Mid Sweden University
EXTERNAL AND INTERNAL THESIS PROJECTS External project –Apply directly at a company, in competition –Contact coordinator at MIUN to find examiner –Meeting with industry supervisor + MIUN examiner –Students reports both to company and MIUN examiner –MIUN examiner must approve before project starts –Project must have a clearly defined goal –Many companies offer financial support Internal project –Most departments host several student projects every year –Apply to the contact person for respectively project
METHODOLOGY OF SCIENCE Aim –After completing the course, the student will be able to: –Describe how to conduct research from beginning to the end. –Explain similarities and differences between qualitative research study and quantitative experiment. –Be able to explain method and practice of science and relate it to their work. Prerequisites –A bachelor degree in Computer Science, Computer Engineering, Electrical Engineering or similar. Content –The course covers how to evaluate literature, –How to formulate goals for research projects –Look at qualitative and quantitative research methods –Research ethics –Presentation of research results
DISTRIBUTED ALGORITHMS Aim –The provide students with basic knowledge to understand, analyze and design distributed algorithms. Parallel and distributed algorithms are fundamental to many aspects of modern computing and communications technology, including processor architectures (multicore), programming languages and operating systems, databases, and networks. Prerequisites –Data structures and algorithms, Distributed Systems I, Probability Theory. Content –Models of distributed algorithms –Fault tolerance abstractions and failure detectors –Shared memory –Synchronization –Security and performance –Self-organization –Complexity of algorithms
WIRELESS ACCESS PROTOCOLS AND QUEUING THEORY Aim –After completed course the student will be familiar with different wireless access protocols and queuing models that are commonly used in practice today. Prerequisites –Distributed systems I, TCP/IP, probability and statistics. Content –Queuing systems M/M/1, M/M/1/K, M/G/M, etc Laboratory work –Wireless access protocols TDMA, FDMA, CSMA/CA, etc Stability
SIMULATION OF COMMUNICATION SYSTEMS Aim –After completion of this course you will know how to set up and run large scale simulations of communication systems. Prerequisites –TCP/IP, probability and statistics. Content –Mobile standards GSM, 3G/4G/5G –WSN standards IEEE , ZigBee, Industrial WSNs –Wireless LAN –Simulation tools Matlab, OPNET,….