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Baltic Sea - Chesapeake Bay - Bohai Sea- Bay of Bengal

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En presentation över ämnet: "Baltic Sea - Chesapeake Bay - Bohai Sea- Bay of Bengal"— Presentationens avskrift:

1 Baltic Sea - Chesapeake Bay - Bohai Sea- Bay of Bengal
GLOBAL BAYS PROJECT A Platform Connecting Research and Innovation with Action – working across governments, researchers, authorities, civil society and business. Baltic Sea - Chesapeake Bay - Bohai Sea- Bay of Bengal

2 14.Hav och marina resurser
14.1 Till 2025 förebygga och avsevärt minska all slags föroreningar i havet, i synnerhet från landbaserad verksamhet, inklusive marint skräp och tillförsel av näringsämnen 14.2 Senast 2020 förvalta och skydda marina och kustnära ekosystem Minimera och åtgärda havsförsurningens konsekvenser bl.a genom vetenskapligt samarbete

3 14.Hav och marina resurser
14.4 Senast 2020 införa effektiv fångstreglering och stoppa överfiske, olagligt fiske samt ta fram förvaltningsplaner för maximalt uttag 14.5 Senat 2020 skydda minst 10% av kust och havsområdena 14.6 Senast 2020 förbjuda fiskesubventioner som bidrager till överfiske 14.7 Till 2030 öka den ekonomiska nyttan för små önationer

4 14. Hav och marina resurser
14.8 Öka den vetenskapliga kunskapen, utveckla FoU kapacitet och överföra havsteknik 14.9 Säkerställa tillträde för småskaliga icke-industriella fiskare till marina resurser och marknader Genomföra internationell rätt-havsrättskonventionen

5 Baltic Bohai Chesapeake Bengal Catchment Collaborative Project Overview
Project objective is Establish a communications network for the sharing of current and future policy and implementation approaches, scientific data, metrics and innovative technology to mutually accelerate achievement of water quality goals in each of the catchments. Although these water bodies lie in different regions of the world, they all face similar challenges from eutrophication; much can be gained by mutual sharing of information on research, policies, and implementation successes. The initial phase of the project is to connect pertinent representatives (NGOs, Research Institutes, Policy/Government) to investigate parallels between water quality improvement efforts in the Baltic Sea, Bohai Sea, Bay of Bengal and Chesapeake Bay. It is proposed that we convene a seminar once a year in each of the catchments, beginning with the Baltic Sea in the spring of The outcomes for these seminars sharing of research data an increased understanding of policy that have worked in other catchments technological advancements for more effective implementation A network and web-based portal between the catchments will be developed to continue the sharing of information and collaboration on research, policy and technology development efforts to promote water quality

6 Framework and Concept Our SDG framework
UN Sustainable Development Goals will serve as a strategic policy framework for the project - Goal 6 Clean Water and sanitation, Goal 14 Life below water. Our sustainability concept: Blue Economy: Growth and Innovation Potential The concept of a "blue economy" from the Rio+20 Conference emphasizes conservation and sustainable management, based on the premise that healthy ocean ecosystems are more productive and a must for sustainable ocean-based economies.

7 Working Method Three year incubator
During the next three years the BBC CC- project will function as an “incubator” with an annual  event in each region: Starting in Sweden 2018 and followed up in China, US and India the following years.

8 Suggested Targets A 2020-2030 agenda
The aim of the incubator phase, is to (1) identify common areas and projects within the areas of research, innovation, finance and technology solutions (2) develop a joint action agenda for the period which will identify concrete actions to take place in this new global knowledge platform. This will build on already existing programs, such as the FAO Blue Growth Initiative, the overarching US goal of management, conservation and restoration of stocks of living marine resources the EU Blue Growth strategy; the China-US cooperation on oceans

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