MALMÖ HÖGSKOLA / MALMÖ UNIVERSITY Established 1998 21 000 students 1 300 staff members 6 multi-disciplinary faculties for education and research Turnover:


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Presentationens avskrift:

MALMÖ HÖGSKOLA / MALMÖ UNIVERSITY Established students staff members 6 multi-disciplinary faculties for education and research Turnover: 110 M€ 200 research students and more than 50 professors 10 biggest Swedish universities 1. Lund university (1666) 2. Göteborg university 3. Stockholm university 4. Uppsala university (1477) 5. Linköpings university 6. Umeå university 7. KTH Stockholm 8. Malmö university 9. Örebro university 10. Mid Sweden universitety (based of number of students)

Recognition of MALMÖ university Member of the virtual Øresund university, made up by 13 universities in Swe-Dane Close collaboration with the society region – city - industry Entrepreneurial training Greenhouse MINC Incubator MEDEON Science Park


Schools/Faculties : 86 programmes, 466 courses Faculty of Health and Society Faculty of Odontology School of International Migration and Ethnic Relations, (IMER) School of Arts and Communication (K3) School of Teacher Education School of Technology and Society

Faculty of Health and Society Programmes and courses Biomedical Laboratory Science Handicap and Rehabilitation Science Nursing Public Health Social Pedagogy with the Elderly Social Work Students 2005: 2988

School of International Migration and Ethnic Relations, (IMER) Programmes and courses Peace and Conflict – International relations International Programme for European Studies Languages – Migration – Globalization Students 2005: 2140

School of Arts and Communication, (K3) Programmes and courses Interaction design, advanced Caos pilot Media and communication Communication for development Students 2005: 1171

School of Teacher Education Programmes and courses Children Youth Society Sports Sciencies Rectors school Education for the Compulsory School Education for the Upper Secondary School Natural Science Preparatory Course Special Needs Education Pedagogy/Science of Education and The Theory and Practice of Teaching and Learning Students 2005: 8799

Faculty of Odontology Centre for Oral Health Sciences, since 1949 Education: Dentists Dental technology Dental hygiene Students 2005: 378

School of Technology and Society Project management and Organization Entrepreneurship Real estate Agency / Science Graphic design Image analysis Intellectual Property Rights Machine technology Environmental science Product development and design Urban development and planning Students 2005: 5658

RESEARCH Multi-disciplinary research of social relevance Close links with the education programmes Professional training and careers Migration and ethnicity Culture, media and design Learning for tomorrow’s society Technology and human welfare Health and welfare

FORSKNINGSMILJÖER Humaniora och samhällsvetenskap Historiska studier Idrottsvetenskap IMER Interaktionsdesign Kultur, språk och medier Naturvetenskapernas, matematikens och teknikens didaktik Pedagogik Socialt arbete Urbana studier

FORSKNINGSMILJÖER Medicin Biomaterial och rekonstruktiv tandvård Biomedicinsk laboratorievetenskap och teknologi Diagnostik och prediktion Oral folkhälsa, profession och förhållningssätt Orala ekosystemet med inriktning mot gränsytor Orofaciala funktionsstörningar och smärta Omvårdnad/Vårdvetenskap

FORSKNINGSMILJÖER Teknik och naturvetenskap Materialvetenskap Tillämpad matematik Prioriterade forskningsmiljöer; potentiellt hållbara forskningsmiljöer

FORSKNINGSPROGRAM Forskningsprogram: –Professionsforskning –Biofilmer

STUDENTS personer studerar vid Malmö högskola Snittålder 24,7 år 60% kommer från Malmö, 20% från Skåne och 20% från övriga landet 33% har utländsk bakgrund Ett aktivt arbete bedrivs för att rekrytera studenter från studieovana miljöer 76% av Malmö högskolas studenter som examinerades 2002/2003 hade etablerat sig på arbetsmarknaden 2004.

COOPERATION Exempels on collaboration Mentor project Nightingale - has become international Education for industry, cities and regional bodies Biofilms - research center for bio-interfaces Teaching in a mixed society NM2 - New Media, New Millennium - research on new forms of storytelling – Interaction design Think tank education – research Entrepreneurship

MALMÖ HÖGSKOLAS BIBLIOTEK Fyra bibliotek på högskolan Orkanenbiblioteket i prisbelönt hus Öppet för allmänheten Stöder utbildning och vetenskapligt arbete med elektroniska resurser Studieverkstad hjälper studenter med allt från språk till matematik

External Relations In-service training for people in employment Research collaboration with industry and public bodies Participation in community projects Ongoing contacts with important external agencies and their various bodies and organizations Research information to schools and the general public

Internationalisation in Research and Education Agreement with more than 100 universities in 28 countries Internationalisation at Home All students will get an international perspective in her/his education. Malmö university initiated an European network with today 120 partners. Linneaus-Palme Teacher and staff exchange in universities all around the globe. EU FP7 for research and technological development Marie Curie activities (part of FP7) Stimulate researchers mobility in the whole world.

MALMÖ university campus in MALMÖ Universitetsholmen: 1: Teachers education 1: The main library 3: Rector and Administration 4, 5: Students org. 6, 7: IMER 8: K3 9 & 10: Technology and Society

MALMÖ university campus in MALMÖ University hospital UMAS: 11: Odontology 12: Health and society