Nätverket Hälsofrämjande sjukhus och vårdorganisationer (HFS)


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Nätverket Hälsofrämjande sjukhus och vårdorganisationer (HFS)
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Nätverket Hälsofrämjande sjukhus och vårdorganisationer (HFS)
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Presentationens avskrift:

Nätverket Hälsofrämjande sjukhus och vårdorganisationer (HFS) Margareta Kristenson Nationell Koordinator för det svenska HFS nätverket Nätverket Hälsofrämjande sjukhus och vårdorganisationer (HFS)


The Budapest Declaration on Health Promoting Hospitals A Health Promoting Hospital should: 1. Provide opportunities throughout the hospital to develop health-orientated perspectives, objectives and structures. 2. Develop a common corporate identity within the hospital which embraces the aims of the Health Promoting Hospital. 3. Raise awareness of the impact of the environment of the hospital on the health of patients, staff and community. The physical environment of hospital buildings should support, maintain and improve the healing process. 4. Encourage an active and participatory role for patients according to their specific health potentials. 5. Encourage participatory, health-gain orientated procedures throughout the hospital. 6. Create healthy working conditions for all hospital staff. 7. Strive to make the Health Promoting Hospital a model for healthy services and workplaces. 8. Maintain and promote collaboration between community based health promotion initiatives and local governments. 9. Improve communication and collaboration with existing social and health services in the community. Nätverket Hälsofrämjande sjukhus och vårdorganisationer (HFS)

The Budapest Declaration on Health Promoting Hospitals A Health Promoting Hospital should: 1. Provide opportunities throughout the hospital to develop health-orientated perspectives, objectives and structures. 2. Develop a common corporate identity within the hospital which embraces the aims of the Health Promoting Hospital. 3. Raise awareness of the impact of the environment of the hospital on the health of patients, staff and community. The physical environment of hospital buildings should support, maintain and improve the healing process. 4. Encourage an active and participatory role for patients according to their specific health potentials. 5. Encourage participatory, health-gain orientated procedures throughout the hospital. 6. Create healthy working conditions for all hospital staff. 7. Strive to make the Health Promoting Hospital a model for healthy services and workplaces. 8. Maintain and promote collaboration between community based health promotion initiatives and local governments. 9. Improve communication and collaboration with existing social and health services in the community. Nätverket Hälsofrämjande sjukhus och vårdorganisationer (HFS)

The Budapest Declaration on Health Promoting Hospitals 10. Improve the range of support given to patients and their relatives by the hospital through community based social and health services and/or volunteer-groups and organisations. 11. Identify and acknowledge specific target groups (e.g. age, duration of illness etc.) within the hospital and their specific health needs. 12. Acknowledge differences in value sets, needs and cultural conditions for individuals and different population groups. 13. Create supportive, humane and stimulating living environments within the hospital especially for long-term and chronic patients. 14. Improve the health promoting quality and the variety of food services in hospitals for patients and personnel. 15. Enhance the provision and quality of information, communication and educational programmes and skill training for patients and relatives. 16. Enhance the provision and quality of educational programmes and skill training for staff. 17. Develop an epidemiological data base in the hospital specially related to the prevention of illness and injury and communicate this information to public policymakers and to other institutions in the community. Nätverket Hälsofrämjande sjukhus och vårdorganisationer (HFS)

The Budapest Declaration on Health Promoting Hospitals 10. Improve the range of support given to patients and their relatives by the hospital through community based social and health services and/or volunteer-groups and organisations. 11. Identify and acknowledge specific target groups (e.g. age, duration of illness etc.) within the hospital and their specific health needs. 12. Acknowledge differences in value sets, needs and cultural conditions for individuals and different population groups. 13. Create supportive, humane and stimulating living environments within the hospital especially for long-term and chronic patients. 14. Improve the health promoting quality and the variety of food services in hospitals for patients and personnel. 15. Enhance the provision and quality of information, communication and educational programmes and skill training for patients and relatives. 16. Enhance the provision and quality of educational programmes and skill training for staff. 17. Develop an epidemiological data base in the hospital specially related to the prevention of illness and injury and communicate this information to public policymakers and to other institutions in the community. Nätverket Hälsofrämjande sjukhus och vårdorganisationer (HFS)

The Budapest Declaration on Health Promoting Hospitals a Health Promoting Hospital should: Raise awareness of the impact of the environment of the hospital on the health of patients, staff and community. The physical environment of hospital buildings should support, maintain and improve the healing process. Create supportive, humane and stimulating living environments within the hospital especially for long-term and chronic patients. Nätverket Hälsofrämjande sjukhus och vårdorganisationer (HFS)

The Budapest Declaration on Health Promoting Hospitals ett Hälsofrämjande Sjukhus skall - öka medvetenheten om hur sjuhusets miljö påverkar hälsan hos patienter, medarbetare och I lokalsamhället. Sjukhusbyggnadens fysiska miljö skall stödja, bibehålla och främja läkeprocessen. - skapa stödjande, humana och stimulerande miljöer I sjukhuset, särskilt för patienter med långa vårdtider eller kronisk sjukdom. Nätverket Hälsofrämjande sjukhus och vårdorganisationer (HFS)

Nätverket Hälsofrämjande sjukhus och vårdorganisationer (HFS) Fyra strategiska områden i HFS nätverket Patientperspektivet Hälsofrämjande och sjukdomsförebyggande insatser Medarbetarperspektivet Bli modellbildare för den goda arbetsplatsen Befolkningsperspektivet Bidra till insatser som stärker befolkningens hälsa Styr- & ledningsperspektivet Hälso- och resultatorientering som strategi för en effektivare hälso- och sjukvård – bättre vård och hälsa för pengarna! Patientperspektivet: tex lärandeprocesser kring hälsofrämjande möten och insatser för att stödja patienter i att förändra levnadsvanor och patientundervisning vid långvarig sjukdom. Befolkningsperspektivet: tex skadeförebyggande arbete Nätverket Hälsofrämjande sjukhus och vårdorganisationer (HFS)

Målområden i det nationella folkhälsomålet 1: Delaktighet och inflytande i samhället 2: Ekonomisk och social trygghet 3: Trygga och goda uppväxtvillkor 4: Ökad hälsa i arbetslivet 5: Sunda och säkra miljöer och produkter 6: En mer hälsofrämjande hälso- och sjukvård 7: Gott skydd mot smittspridning 8: Trygg och säker sexualitet och en god reproduktiv hälsa 9: Ökad fysisk aktivitet 10: Goda matvanor och säkra livsmedel 11: Minskat bruk av tobak och alkohol, ett samhälle fritt från narkotika och dopning samt minskade skadeverkningar av överdrivet spelande

Nätverket Hälsofrämjande sjukhus och vårdorganisationer (HFS) Nätverket växer Sekretariatet håller precis på med en översyn av vad de som är landstingsmedlemmar egentligen inkluderar i sitt medlemskap. Nätverket har september 2011 30 medlemsorganisationer med sammanlagt 75 sjukhus/PV-organisationer mm (varav ca 60 är sjukhus) Nätverket Hälsofrämjande sjukhus och vårdorganisationer (HFS) 11

Nätverkets utbredning 2011 Kvadrat = landsting, privata vårdorg Cirkel = sjukhus, primärvårdsorg Nätverket Hälsofrämjande sjukhus och vårdorganisationer (HFS) 12

Internationella nätverkets utbredning Årliga internationella konferenser 2009 Hersonissos, Kreta 2010 Manchester, England 2011 Finland 2012 Taiwan 2013 Sverige, Göteborg Totalt 845 medlemmar (April 2011) Nätverket Hälsofrämjande sjukhus och vårdorganisationer (HFS)

Nätverket Hälsofrämjande sjukhus och vårdorganisationer (HFS) Temagrupper 2011 Tobaksprevention – tobaksfrihet i samband med operation Alkoholprevention – riskbruk hos sjukhuspatienter Matvanor – undernäring på sjukhus Fysisk aktivitet - FaR Hälsofrämjande förhållningssätt - webbaserat läromaterial Hälsofrämjande arbetsplats - modellutveckling, checklista Psykisk hälsa – suicidprevention, sorg – nya broschyrer Skadeprevention - skaderegistrering FaR = fysisk aktivitet på recept Implementering av Socialstyrelsens nya riktlinjer avs levnadsvanor Workshops & rapporter för att sprida kunskap i nätverket Nätverket Hälsofrämjande sjukhus och vårdorganisationer (HFS) 14

Nätverket Hälsofrämjande sjukhus och vårdorganisationer (HFS) Temagrupper 2011 forts PROM – resultatmätning avseende hälsorelaterad livskvalitet (hälsovinst) i rutinsjukvården Avtal/ersättningssystem - för att stödja en hälsoinriktad hälso- och sjukvård; Hälsofrämjande primärvård - bevaka hälsofrämjande-perspektivet i Vårdval Indikatorer - för en hälsofrämjade hälso- och sjukvård Nätverket Hälsofrämjande sjukhus och vårdorganisationer (HFS) 15

Hälsofrämjande vårdmiljö - Konferens 16-17 november 2011 - Ny temagrupp?! - Kravspecifikation vid upphandling! Manual har utarbetats för pilotprojektet Fyra sjukhus och två landsting har genomfört granskningar 2009-10 Fyra sjukhus/primärvårdsorganisationer genomför granskningar 2011 Erfarenheter; Värd varje insatt krona! Nätverket Hälsofrämjande sjukhus och vårdorganisationer (HFS) 16

22-24 May, 2013, Gothenburg, Region Västra Götaland, Sweden 21st International Conference on Health Promoting Hospitals & Health Services - 20th anniversary of the HPH Network 22-24 May, 2013, Gothenburg, Region Västra Götaland, Sweden Önska alla välkomna. + I will be happy to answer any questions after the presentation. Margareta Kristenson National Coordinator of the Swedish HPH network

Towards a more health oriented health service - an issue of body and mind Aim: illuminating the potential of developing a more health oriented health service, based on modern evidence on the mind-body connection Encouraging encounters; empowerment in practice Health promoting environment for patients Culture and health, nature and health Using PROMs as means of gearing towards health gain Gothenburg Bearing in mind its northern location, it would be easy to think of Sweden as a country with a harsh climate. However, the heat from the Gulf Stream makes the climate much milder than you would expect at this latitude. Sweden’s changing seasons affect nature, daylight, temperature and even to some extent the Swedes themselves. Every season has its perks, but spring and summer in Sweden are a must! From late February/early March the days become longer and brighter.

Towards a more health oriented health service - an issue of body and mind Aim: illuminating the potential of developing a more health oriented health service, based on modern evidence on the mind-body connection Encouraging encounters; empowerment in practice Health promoting environment for patients Culture and health, nature and health Using PROMs as means of gearing towards health gain Gothenburg Bearing in mind its northern location, it would be easy to think of Sweden as a country with a harsh climate. However, the heat from the Gulf Stream makes the climate much milder than you would expect at this latitude. Sweden’s changing seasons affect nature, daylight, temperature and even to some extent the Swedes themselves. Every season has its perks, but spring and summer in Sweden are a must! From late February/early March the days become longer and brighter.