SUHF FoI på EU-nivå Dan Andrée (Vinnova/Udep)


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Presentationens avskrift:

SUHF FoI på EU-nivå Dan Andrée (Vinnova/Udep) Anna Tranberg (Vinnova), Ana Beramendi (Vetenskapsrådet)

Sveriges forsknings- och innovationskontor i Bryssel Vinnova och Vetenskapsrådet Stort nätverk i Bryssel Stödjer svenska aktörer för att strategiskt kunna delta i Horisont 2020 och ge råd om hur man gör användbara inspel till Kommissionen Hjälper till med workshops, seminarier etc.

Proaktivt arbete - informationsinhämtning Arbetsgrupp Horisont 2020/FP9 Gemensamt (~50 org.) inspel till halvtidsutvärderingen av Horisont 2020 och FP9 Arbetsgrupper inom innovation, ERC, MCSA, implementering av ramprogrammet, budget etc.

Service verksamhet - exempel Besök av rektorer från 12 svenska lärosäten i Bryssel Bistå vid seminarium/workshops Borås Högskola – ”Research seminar: Social sustainable development – from policy to practice” Möten med enskilda forskare/aktörer Karolinska Institutet, EIT Health, Örebro kommun Umeå Universitet deltog i rektorsresan i juni 2017

Forskning på Europanivå – tillbakablick Europeiska forskningsområdet Horisont 2020 - Gemensamma utmaningar Mot FP9.

The Framework Programme The Changing ERA Landscape 2018-09-13 FP1–FP5 Project based: Transnational projects Mobility Access to infrastructures National/regional programmes EU 1983–2000 I början var det enkelt – ramprogrammet – transnationellt samarbete, nationella programmen

2000 ERA – European Research Area 5th freedom in the internal market (people, capital, goods, services) freedom of knowledge

Why was ERA established? European researchers are increasingly unable to compete with teams from other major countries such as the United States and Japan. Research is also good for the economy, and the products which are the end result of research and innovation bring benefits to everyone. Research funding (both public and private) is lower in Europe than in competing countries, and this gap is widening (3%-goal). European research activities are currently fragmented, with most research being carried out in the framework of national and regional programmes. Because there is no coherent Community research policy, national research policies often overlap, while other areas are not studied anywhere. Many problems (e.g. climate change) are pan-European in nature, and require a co-ordinated approach by all the Member States. Increasing levels of R&D in industry creates jobs and improves competitiveness. Research and technology account for a large proportion of economic growth, and have a positive influence on the quality of life of all Europeans.

EU programmes interact with national/regional programmes 2018-09-13 ERA 2000– FP6-FP7 Better coordination of national programmes: Integrated Projects, Networks of Excellence, ERA-NET, ERA-NET Plus, article 185, Joint Technology Initiatives (art 187) EU National/regional programmes ERA och ambitionen att komma till rätta med fragmentering – skapa samverkan, koordinering av nationella program men ramprogrammet som facilitator

FP3 – Horizon 2020 Budget increases Programme MEUR/year FP3 1425 FP4 3304 FP5 3740 FP6 4375 FP7 7767 (2014:10 000) Horizon 2020 FP9 10 000 ?

LUND Conference – July 2009 Declaration the need to identify and respond to the grand challenges of our time – global warming, energy supply, water and food, ageing society, public health, pandemics and security calls for a new deal among European institutions and Member States involving stakeholders

EU and national programmes get more ‘integrated’ – Joint Programming – societal challenges 2018-09-13 Joint programming Driven by Member States EU National/regional programmes ERA 2009 – Dessutom Joint Programming utan påverkan av ramprogrammet

Horizon 2020 The basics - three priorities Excellent science Industrial leadership Societal challenges

Lund Revisited Next steps in tackling Societal Challenges Lund 2009 changed the Framework Programme Lund 2015 should change national programmes/strategies & importance of Impact

ERA Framework – 20 June 2012 ERA Road-map 29 May 2015 2018-09-13 Increased effectiveness of national systems Increased transnational co-operation and competition (incl. Research Infrastrucures) An open labour market for researchers Gender equality and gender mainstreaming in research Optimal circulation and transfer of scientific knowledge International cooperation (separate Communication) Increased effectiveness of national systems – this includes increasing competition organised within national borders as well as maintaining or increasing when unsustainably low, levels of public and private R&D investment Increased transnational co-operation and competition - to define and implement grand-challenge common research agendas, raising quality through Europe-wide selection, and to establish and effectively operate European research infrastructures An open labour market for researchers - to ensure that researchers across the EU benefit from the removal of barriers to mobility, training and attractive career conditions so that the best researchers work with the best teams Gender equality and gender mainstreaming in research - to reinforce diversity and excellence Optimal circulation and transfer of scientific knowledge - to guarantee access to knowledge by all, fostering excellence and innovation.

2018-09-13 FP9

2014 Juncker’s priorities A new boost for jobs, growth and investment A connected digital single market A resilient Energy Union with a forward-looking climate change policy A deeper and fairer internal market with a strengthened industrial base A deeper and fairer Economic and Monetary Union (EMU) A reasonable and balanced free trade agreement with the United States An area of Justice and Fundamental Rights based on mutual trust Towards a new policy on migration Europe as a stronger global actor A Union of democratic change.

Horizon 2020 Lärosäten den största utföraren The Framework Programme is not a research programme it is a political instrument where R&I and their impact are very important Lärosäten den största utföraren Horizon 2020

You need a strategy for participation and to give input! 2018-09-13

Strategy for increased participation and input to the European Commission (EC) 2018-09-13 Articulate what you would like to achieve in relation to e.g. national programmes/activities – EU policy National Networks – Public Sector European Networks – platforms, associations etcetera Strategy for participation – e.g. follow, lead, new areas, standarisation etcetera Give ‘useful input’ to the Commission at the right time

Starka och svaga områden Andra områden där det går bra är Tanken med den delen som heter Framtida och ny teknik ( FET ) ät att gå utöver det som är känt! Projektförslagen ska vara visionära och öppna upp lovande vägar mot nya lovande teknik . ambitiösa vetenskapliga och tekniska genombrott mål , • grundläggande karaktär , • hög grad av nyhet , •hög risk, • långsiktig vision , samverkansforskning Här är det inte bara Flaggskeppet Grafen som Chalmers koordinerar som bidrar till det svenska utfallet utan även tex insatser som handlar om höghastighetsdatorer, där både KTH och Chalmers har flera projekt och även Astra har ett projekt. Vad det gäller infrastruktur som har vi ESS mycket att tacka för men även EISCAT P Här har det gått bra i den första utlysning, runt 5% av beviljade medel gått till Sverigea . Ett annat underområde där Sverige sticker ut är insatserna för processindustrin, dvs SPIRE där SE har i första utlysning har tagit hem 10% av beviljade medel. eCorda 1 juni 2016

Utvecklingen av svenska UoHs deltagande 2008-2015 Tittar man på det svenska akademiska deltagandet så har det successivt går ner i förhållande till alla akademiska parter under i princip hela FP7 men även H2020s första period. Det vi inte har visar är att det svenska akademiska deltagandet står för 50% av alla beviljade medel till sverige i programmet. :::::::::::::::::::: För H2020 första år så minskar även Offentliga aktörers del, men där ska man komma ihåg att det är en mycket mindre del av budgeten som står för den här minskningen. Men en anledning till minskningen kan mycket väl vara avsaknad av deltagande i COFUND projekt. Mot slutet av FP7 så ökar andelen offentliga aktörer i Sverige mot alla offentliga aktörer För offentliga aktörer så är inte budgetdelen så stor eCORDA: FP7 2014-11, H2020 2015-10-30

Fördelning svenska UoH

Source:, signed projects, eCORDA H2020 database, May 31 2017

Umeå universitet deltar i 23 projekt, men ni har 317 partners i era projekt. Kontakter. Era 23 projekt – budget 173 miljoner euro Source:, signed projects, eCORDA H2020 database, May 31 2017

Lobby Give useful input Give useful input to the EC to the EC The ‘three phases’ in EU-policy 3. Implementation Biennial Work Programmes (WP) 1. Preparation Framework 2. Decision 2018-09-13 Framework Give useful input to the EC Give useful input to the EC Lobby Commission Proposal Right of initiative + Consultation (Council, EP etc.) Council European Parliament Commission Lobbying Commission Programme Committees, Advisory Groups H2020 2009-2011 2012 – 2013 2014 – 2020 – (2024) FP7 2003-2004 2005 – 2006 2007 – 2013 – (2017) FP9 2016-2018 2019 - 2020 2021 – 2027 (2031)

Time table – EU -level BREXIT ??? Open consultation on the H2020 interim evaluation (ended 15 Jan 2017) h2020evaluation lg 3 July- High Level Group (Lamy) 1881_en.htm October/December – COM’s response to interim evaluation – start of consultation FP9 until beginning of 2018? Middle of 2018 – proposal for FP9 -light BREXIT ???

Lamy - report Prioritise research and innovation in EU and national budgets Build a true EU innovation policy that creates future markets. Educate for the future and invest in people who will make the change Design the EU R&I programme for greater impact Adopt a mission-oriented, impact-focused approach to address global challenges

Lamy - report 6. Rationalise the EU funding landscape and achieve synergy with structural funds each other and make synergy with other programmes work. 7. Simplify further 8. Mobilise and involve citizens 9. Better align EU and national R&I investment. 10. Make international R&I cooperation a trademark of EU research and innovation 11. Capture and better communicate impact

Sweden and FP9 (1) The FP9 the budget as a proportion of the total EU budget should increase, even if the next multiannual financial framework is reduced Evolution rather than revolution Transnational collaboration Excellence, impact and openness. Ranking list We would like to take the next step in tackling challenges We have to take a major step as regards international cooperation and openness.

Sweden and FP9 (2) There is a need to streamline instruments used for P2Ps including a more strategic approach (including missions) when to use different instruments. Synergies with structural funds Simplifications should continue Grants rather than loans Research and innovation integrated EIC- complement – radical innovation/scale-up Testing & demonstration Gender

(focus on EU-policy with impact + UN Sustainable Development) Open Open to the world Open Forecast FP9 Dan Andrée European Innovation Council Excellence Science Challenges/missions (focus on EU-policy with impact + UN Sustainable Development) Research and Innovation part of the Competitive Programme Juncker priorities indicates – public sector/end users involvement very important to deliver impact