Hur har du haft nytta av de språk du kan? Vad säger du för att motivera dina elever? Vad funkar? Vad funkar inte? Har alla nytta av att lära sig flera språk? 3 minutes
Multilingual = improved brain Cognitive function Memory Executive function Concentration Creativity Problem solving Social flexibility Computer gaming speed Entrepreneurmanship Protection for Dementia Use it or lose it!
”Borde vi inte fokusera på svenskan?” v=BHruimvv4b8
English - Lingua Franca Asia Europe Future?
PISA 2012 och flerspråkigheten ChinaFinland SingaporeLiechtenstein KoreaSwitzerland JapanCanada FinlandEstonia LiechtensteinPoland SwitzerlandNetherlands CanadaBelgium EstoniaGermany PolandAustria ChinaFinland SingaporeLiechtenstein KoreaSwitzerland JapanCanada FinlandEstonia LiechtensteinPoland SwitzerlandNetherlands CanadaBelgium EstoniaGermany PolandAustria
10 Superb Psychological Advantages of Learning Another Language
“language success is not as much attributable to an `innate gift', as to a conscious effort and constant involvment” Joan Rubin
‘The ability to communicate in several languages is a great benefit for individuals, organisations and companies alike. It enhances creativity, breaks cultural stereotypes, encourages thinking “outside the box”, and can help develop innovative products and services.’ Leonard Orban, Member of the European Commission