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Publicerades avCharlotta Isaksson
kunskapens omorganisation kunskaper/information/färdigheter omfördelas som en följd av ny informationsteknik under inverkan av den befintliga samhälleliga och kulturella kontexten resten av livet, samhället och konsten förändras också
information/kunskaper/färdigheter omorganiseras vertikalt horisontalt modalt
TANKESAMHÄLLET uppmärksamheten förskjuts från maskiner och materiell produktion till information, kunskap och idéproduktion påverkar både arbetsformer och arbetsinnehåll påverkar också livet utanför arbetet
tankesamhället ställer förändrade kunskapskrav ständigt tänkande (i stället för regelföljande, rutinbeteende), förväntningar på informationens makt snabbhet informationshorisontens utsträckande i rum och tid informationens/kunskapens växande obeständighet ögonblicklig kunskapstillämpning parallellitet
några tänkbara konsekvenser förståelse blir ännu viktigare när tempot och tillgängligheten ökar vi behöver en mental infrastruktur som kan bära oss igenom de ständiga förändringarna — men hur i all världen ser den ut?? den kritiska förmågan viktigare än någonsin kreativitet blir intressantare när produktionskostnaden är noll …
Cyberspace Cyberspace is a globally networked, computer-sustained, computer-accessed, and computer-generated, multidimensional, artificial, or ”virtual” reality. In this reality, to which every computer is a window, seen or heard objects are neither physical nor, necessarily, representations of physical objects but are, rather, in form, character and action, made up of data, of pure information. This information derives in part from the operations of the natural, physical world, but for the most part it derives from the immense traffic of information that constitute human enterprise in science, art, business, and culture....In cyberspace, information-intensive institutions and businesses have a form, identity, and working reality... that is counterpart and different to the form, identity, and working reality they have in the physical world. So too with individuals. Egos and multiple egos, roles and functions, have a new existence in cyberspace. Here no individual is appreciated by virtue only, if at all, of their physical appearance, location, or circumstances.....Cyberspace has a geography, a physics, a nature, and a rule of human law. Cyberspace is a globally networked, computer-sustained, computer-accessed, and computer-generated, multidimensional, artificial, or ”virtual” reality. In this reality, to which every computer is a window, seen or heard objects are neither physical nor, necessarily, representations of physical objects but are, rather, in form, character and action, made up of data, of pure information. This information derives in part from the operations of the natural, physical world, but for the most part it derives from the immense traffic of information that constitute human enterprise in science, art, business, and culture....In cyberspace, information-intensive institutions and businesses have a form, identity, and working reality... that is counterpart and different to the form, identity, and working reality they have in the physical world. So too with individuals. Egos and multiple egos, roles and functions, have a new existence in cyberspace. Here no individual is appreciated by virtue only, if at all, of their physical appearance, location, or circumstances.....Cyberspace has a geography, a physics, a nature, and a rule of human law. (Michael Benedikt, 1991) (Michael Benedikt, 1991)
Poppers världar Värld 1: den fysiska världen Värld 2: våra medvetna, subjektiva upplevelser, vårt inre liv Värld 3: objektiv kunskap, innehållet i böcker, bibliotek, datorminnen, etc
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