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Composition and processing of Ulva intestinalis from 8 different sites along the Swedish coast Joakim Olsson, 2018-09-19 Industrial.

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En presentation över ämnet: "Composition and processing of Ulva intestinalis from 8 different sites along the Swedish coast Joakim Olsson, 2018-09-19 Industrial."— Presentationens avskrift:

1 Composition and processing of Ulva intestinalis from 8 different sites along the Swedish coast
Joakim Olsson, Industrial Biotechnology Department of Chemical and Biological Engineering Chalmers University of Technology Göteborg, Sweden

2 Conditions in Sweden 3218 km of coastline
Large variation in conditions Salinity Eutrophication Environmental toxins 300 vs 40 species Commercial and research focus on the west coast

3 Ulva intestinalis Grows around the entire Swedish coast
Known as opportunistic Suitable for bulk and high-value applications Fast growth High value compounds (iduronic acid, rhamnose, PUFAs)

4 Where would cultivation be most beneficial
Is the composition different and does it effect processing? What is the potential environmental gain Nutrient removal/Recycling Jag tror det här är viktigt att du poängterar att det vi I vårt arbete med Preemprojektet har identifierat fosforåtervinning som ett nytt spännande forskningsområde och att vi ser stora synergieffekter med Preem-Chalmerssamarbetet för att vi ändå skulle skicka prover till Bath. Cirka 750 ton P/år i alger kan renas bort med en anläggning på100 MW. 400 ton P/år renas bort från Gryyab (Göteborgs vattenreningsverk). Om vi får ersättning för att vi renar vattnet så kan det vara lönsamt att odla alger.

5 Collection sites 8 locations All major constituents to be measured
3 populations, at least 50g each Collected at end of summer, within 2 weeks All major constituents to be measured Processing trial Hydrothermal liquefaction The third process is macroalgae-based Hydrothermal liquefaction and it is evaluated from the same two effeiciencies as the microalgae processes. 10% av En genomsnittlig kärnreaktor, ungefär 1300 hektar 34500 ton dumpas I Östersjön varje år (siffra från 2000) 16

6 Salinity difference at the sites
Salinity o/oo psu Tjärnö (TJÖ) 22.7 Tjörn (GBG) 20.0 Helsingborg (HBG) 11.6 Trelleborg (TBG) 8.2 Åhus (ÅHS) 7.3 Karlskrona (KKR) 7.1 Västervik (VSV) 6.5 Stockholm (STH) 5.5 Based on averages of available environmental data of locations near the collection sites for 0-1m depth and in June, July, August and September

7 Compositional overview
Norway Stockholm

8 Ash Almost exclusively population variance
Follows the trend of the salinity

9 Compositional overview

10 Large increase in rhamnose on the east coast
Iduronic and glucuronic acid also increases on the east coast

11 Compositional overview

12 Fatty acid content Most abundant FAs are: C18:1, C12 and C16

13 Overview of the elemental composition
Sulfur levels higher in Baltic than Atlantic sites Total metal content lowest for HBG and TBG N content highest for Atlantic sites

14 Elements found

15 Processing – Hydrothermal liquefaction
Biomass decomposition Bio-crude Bio-char Residue (Aqueous phase) Gas Ca °C and 4 to 22 MPa

16 Highest aqueous phase residue for samples with high inorganic content
High solid bio-char for Helsingborg and Trelleborg Low metal content in biomass, but high “other” (unidentified) elements contribute to bio-char Bio-crude and gas phase yields comparatively stable

17 Energy content in bio-crude

18 Main conclusions Our results indicate that the ulvan content increases as a response to growth in low salinity waters The difference in composition have little effect on HTL processing HTL probably more suitable for processing residues

19 Outlook Measure amino acids Multivariate analysis
Potentially LCA type analysis to evaluate environmental benefit

20 Acknowledgements Supervisors Collaborators Funding Eva Albers
Göran Nylund Ingrid Undeland Collaborators Sonia Raikova Chris Chuck Joshua Mayers Eric Malmhäll-Bah Viktor Andersson Funding


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