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Tennis as they see it Research on attitudes to tennis of junior tennis players through gender perspective.

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En presentation över ämnet: "Tennis as they see it Research on attitudes to tennis of junior tennis players through gender perspective."— Presentationens avskrift:

1 Tennis as they see it Research on attitudes to tennis of junior tennis players through gender perspective

2 Hypothesis: Males and females are similar on many, but not all psychological variables as seen in their approach to tennis

3 Questionnaire: Me and my tennis
Who? Tennis players (male) questioned Tennis players (female) questioned Amount of questioned people? 23 males and 23 males Where and when? At junior SM – 2017 (april 2017, Göteborg) Age? 13-16 Conditions of answering? A person can chose one or more answers from 4 alternatives on every of 5 asked questions

4 Q1:Innan matchen det hjälper om jag:
killar tjejer 1. stretcha 4 3 2. hoppa hopprep/jogga 13 18 3. bollar-in med någon 14 4. vila på soffan med i-phone Totalt valda svar 31 36

5 Q2: Roligaste på tävlingar?
killar tjejer 1. Spela singel 20 17 2. Spela dubbel 7 12 3. Titta på matcher 2 8 4. Umgas med kompisar totalt valda svar: 31 39

6 Q3: Vad gillar jag på träningen?
killar tjejer 1. Spela poäng (singel) 18 15 2. Spelar poäng (dubbel) 3 8 3. Öva tekniken 9 4. Umgas med kompisar 1 2 Totalt valda svar 25 34

7 Q4: Vad jag önskar mig? killar tjejer 1. Spela singel 20 17
2. Spelar dubble 7 12 3. Titta på matcher 2 8 4. Heja på kompisar Totalt valda svar 31 39

8 Q5: Vad jag anser tennis att vara?
killar tjejer 1. Kul att spelar 17 22 2. Kul att folja o titta på matcher 6 3. Bästa sätt att umgas med kompisar 3 4. pro-career eller tennis stipendium på college 11 5 Totalt valda svar 28 36

9 Svarets dynamik

10 Vem väljar fler alternativ?
Number of boys asked Amount of given answers (boys) Number of girls asked Amount of given answers (girls) Q1 23 31 36 Q2 39 Q3 25 34 Q4 Q5 28 sum 146 184 Average answers (p/group) 29,2 36,8

11 Vem väljar fler alternativ (cont)?
boy’s answers distan fr 23 % (distan) girl’s answers Q1 31 8 35% 36 13 56% Q2 39 16 69% Q3 25 2 9% 34 11 48% Q4 Q5 28 5 22% sum 146 184 69 average 29 6 26% 37 14 60%

12 Results: 1. There’s not a single question where all boys or all girls unanimously have chosen just one alternative. 2. Girls gave more alternatives than boys in total: 184 to 146. 3. Girls gave more alternatives than boys to every question. On avarage girls gave more than twice sa many answers to every question than boys: 14 to 6 4. Girls as a total gave 69 extra alternatives to boys 26.

13 CONCLUSIONS: There are more things that are important for girls in tennis than just winning a match. Boys are more chanelled into one goal – personal performance. Girls do embrace broader picture of tennis, but boys express more practical view of it, as more than double of boys than girls consider tennis as work or study opportunity.

14 Sources: Banko, L., Leeds, E. M., & Leeds, M. A. (2016). Gender differences in response to setbacks: Evidence from professional tennis. Social Science Quarterly, 97(2), Retrieved from Deaner, R. O., Balish, S. M., & Lombardo, M. P. (2016). Sex differences in sports interest and motivation: An evolutionary perspective. Evolutionary Behavioral Sciences, 10(2), Retrieved from Weinberg, R. S., Richardson, P. A., & Jackson, A. (1981). Effect of situation criticality on tennis performance of males and females. International Journal of Sport Psychology, 12(4), Retrieved from Ortega, C. (2016). Tournament-related anxiety in professional female tennis players: An application of the transactional model of stress and coping (Order No. AAI ). Available from PsycINFO. ( ; ). Retrieved from Berry, D. O. (2014). Differences in emotional intelligence and team cohesiveness in men's and women's community college athletic teams (Order No. AAI ). Available from PsycINFO. ( ; ). Hyde, J. S. (2005). The gender similarities hypothesis. American Psychologist, 60(6), doi:

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