NGOer i dagens Ryssland och Östersjäsamarbetet CIVIL SAMHÄLLET OCH ÖSTERSJÄSAMARBETET Daria Akhutina, NORDEN Association Russia Stockholm, 24 Maj 2011.


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Presentationens avskrift:

NGOer i dagens Ryssland och Östersjäsamarbetet CIVIL SAMHÄLLET OCH ÖSTERSJÄSAMARBETET Daria Akhutina, NORDEN Association Russia Stockholm, 24 Maj 2011

NORD VÄSTRA RYSSLAND 9,5 % av landets befolkning 9,8% av landets territorium

HUVUD STÄDER och regioner St. Petersburg Leningrad oblastj (Vyborg) Pskov Novgorod Kaliningrad Karelia (Petrozavodsk) Archangelsk Murmansk

ANTAL NGOer mars 2011 St. Petersburg (4% av hela Rysslands NGOer) Leningrad oblastj (Vyborg) 2773 Pskov1029 Novgorod982 Kaliningrad2227 Karelia (Petrozavodsk) 1302 Archangelsk 1980 Murmansk 1156 Cirka 20% - 10% riktigt aktiva, Fackföreningar 24%, Businness föreningar 1%

TYP NGOer enligt verksamhets område Social vård (31%) Kultur och utbildning (24%) Idrott (11%) Ungdoms organizationer (10%) Miljövård (7%) Religiosa (6%) Politiska (3%) Mänskliga rättigheter ”Think-tanks”, research and studies

TYPISKA PROBLEM och trender Finansresurser: Ökning av komunalkostnader, hyran och månadslåner Mänskliga resurser: inte stabila, risk av utflödet till andra sektorer Samverkan och stöd fördelas från Myndigheter enligt princip av relationen mot makten I framtiden: antal NGOer med statlig stöd ökar, inte alla nuexisterade NGO klara sig, inte alla NGOer typ ”watch dogs” ska fortsätta verksamheten

NGOer och internationella Östersjösamarbetet OMRÅDEN Environment Social Care and Health Culture and Education Human Rights Research and Political studies Youth cooperation

Forms of cooperation Networking Common Projects Exchanges Events: conferences, seminars, exhibitions, festivals, camps Research & studies

PRINCIPLES MUTUAL BENEFIT – solve problem, make smth better, improve situation, conditions, etc. COMMON INTEREST – do smth together, combine efforts, share knowledge TRANSPERENCY FINANCIALLY are most project-based, also by donations and charity; less by own financing

Funding available for NGOs in BSR EU ENPI CROSS BORDER CO-OPERATION UNDER THE EUROPEAN NEIGHBORHOOD AND PARTNERSHIP INSTRUMENT Nordic Council of Ministers NGO PROGRAM National foundations and structures in the BS countries

Why do we need people-people level of International Cooperation? Added VALUE for NGOs Through international cooperation NGOs become stronger, their activity and results more visible Experience exchange – NGOs develop their knowledge Through international projects – improve capacity and institutional building International cooperation allows to solve common problems and meet challenges with common efforts

Added VALUE for Society Positively influences official external policy makers showing the will to cooperate and result of such cooperation Take part in decision making process, lobbying interests of civil society Public diplomacy – always diminishing risk of conflicts and tension, promoting tolerance Contributes to the regional development International cooperation allows to solve common problems and meet challenges on common efforts Unites efforts of different sectors - NGOs, small business, municipalities

Why do we need people-people level of International Cooperation? Added VALUE for NGOs Through international cooperation NGOs become stronger, their activity and results more visible Experience exchange – NGOs develop their knowledge Through international projects – improve capacity and institutional building International cooperation allows to solve common problems and meet challenges with common efforts

MAIN VALUE of Public Diplomacy International cooperation with neighboring countries “on people to people level” – lead to stronger CIVIL SOCIETY in the region as a whole

OBSTACKLES Limited access to financial recourses and support Complicated fundraising and procedure of applying for funds, bureaucracy Lack of human resources, knowledge and competence Lack of informational exchange Lack of interaction inside the sector Lack of cooperation with other sectors Weak support from governmental side Limited access to information

EXAMPLE: Baltic Sea NGO Network – Baltic Sea NGO Forum Serves not only as a meeting point for NGOs but also offers an opportunity for a wide dialogue between NGOs and Governmental structures on vital important issues ESTABLISHED IN 2001 IN FRAMEWORK OF COUNCIL OF BALTIC SEA STATES

General Structure BS NGO Network The Baltic Sea NGO Forum Hosted by NGOs in the country of CBSS Presidency Annually The Baltic Sea NGO Coordinating Committee One representative per country (National Focal Point) Chaired by host country Meets twice a year National Focal Points in each of 11 countries National Platforms Stated in document “Guidelines for BS NGO Network & Forum”

Organigram for Baltic Sea NGO Network The Baltic Sea NGO Forum Hosted by the country holding the CBSS Presidency  Organised by NGOs in the host country in collaboration with NGOs active in the Baltic Sea NGO Network  Held annually The Baltic Sea NGO Coordinating Committee  One representative from each country (11 Focal Points)  Act as a steering group  Chaired by representative from the country holding the CBSS Presidency  Regular contacts via and aim to meet twice a year Thematic Working Groups Thematic Working Group

VI BS NGO Forum STOCKHOLM, 2006 Human Rights and Democratic Participation workshops: Civil Security - Trafficking, violence against women/children, criminality and drugs as a development obstacle. Social inclusion and discrimination Environment and sustainability NGO-legislation. Legal Security and Civil Society

Under consideration X BSNGO Forum in Germany, 2011 XI BSNGO Forum in Russia, 2012

Why do we need the Forum? Meeting platform for NGOs and Networks from the region from different spheres: possibility to discuss “cross cutting themes” of common importance like legislation, NGO/GO cooperation, access to information, etc Possibility to share views, experience Access to governmental bodies of 11 countries – as Forum is held in the framework of intergovernmental structure CBSS

Why do we need the NETWORK? Improve and strengthen cooperation between NGOs Wider opportunities in partner search for the common activities, projects, etc. Easier consolidation of NGO recourses in case it needed (for example lobby, advocacy) Huge information source: passive – receiving information/newsletters: active – requesting necessary info and spreading info

NORDIC – RUSSIAN NGO FORUM In the framework of Finnish chairmanship in the Nordic Council of Ministers 19 – 21 November 2011, St. Petersburg, Russia

Föreningen för samarbete med Nordiska länderna NORDEN

Om Föreningen Från 1996 Rysk NGO med status av ”Interregional” organisation som omfattar NWR Huvud målsättning av verksamhet: Utveckling och stöd för internationella samarbetet mellan NGOer i Östersjöregionen