“Teknik- och naturvetenskapsprogrammen för industrins kompetensförsörjning” Right Livelihood-priset, Fyrisskolan och Landskrona Teknikcollege jubileumskonferens i Örebro, 16/11 2016
Right Livelihood-priset Grundades 1980 för att hedra och uppmärksamma praktiska lösningar “Det alternativa Nobelpriset” 166 pristagare från 67 länder Jacob von Uexküll, frimärken och nobelstiftelsen. Årlig prisutdelning. Förändringsaktörer. Exempel på pristagare. Prispengar, uppmärksamhet och skydd www.rightlivelihoodaward.org
Right Livelihood-stiftelsen Hedra, Stötta, Utbilda & Sprida www.rightlivelihoodaward.org
Right Livelihood-stiftelsen: Utbilda: “främja vetenskaplig forskning, undervisning, folklig kunskap och praktisk verksamhet som: bidrar till en ekologisk balans i världen, syftar till att undanröja materiell och andlig fattigdom som bidrar till en varaktig fred och rättvisa i världen samt även fortlöpande stödja och rapportera om de projekt som erhållit sådant pris”. Inspirera: Stiftelsen arbetar för att ge unga människor tillgång till våra pristagares kunskap, och att genom pristagarna som förebilder inspirera unga i deras karriärsval. www.rightlivelihoodaward.org
Utbildningsinitiativ – En överblick Right Livelihood EDUCATION Right Livelihood College Skolnätverk Utställningar Utbildningsmaterial www.rightlivelihoodaward.org
Right Livelihood College EDUCATION Right Livelihood College Skolnätverk Utställningar Utbildningsmaterial Founded in 2009, the RLC aims to make the knowledge of the Laureates accessible to all and, by linking young scholars, academics and civil society organisations with the Laureates, works to make their “winning ideas” succeed and multiply. The RLC has four main goals: Making the knowledge of Laureates accessible to all, the general public as well as individuals and academics with the potential to make the ‘winning ideas’ of Laureates succeed and multiply. Actively linking the most excellent educational institutions with the Laureates, thus providing researchers and students unparalleled access to primary data and case studies of eminent civil society activists and movements. Connecting the global community of Laureates to help release synergies, scale tested know-how and create the critical mass to help bring their common goals forward. Providing a hub and an incubator for promoting and multiplying the most successful solutions to urgent global problems through the development of information and education activities including web-based learning materials, meetings, networking and internship and research scholarship programmes. Laureates lecture regularly at these universities, and the universities provide scholarships to Masters and doctoral students for research on the Laureates’ work. The College has a Steering Council, chaired by Prof. Dzulkifli Abdul Razak from Malaysia, who also serves as the President of the International Association of Universities (IAU). www.rightlivelihoodaward.org
Right Livelihood – Utställningar EDUCATION Right Livelihood College Skolnätverk Utställningar Utbildningsmaterial Through the exhibition “who cares!” visitors get to know the names and faces of the Laureates, explore their personal commitments and achievements and, hopefully, feel encouraged and inspired to change the world for the better. Supported by Church of Sweden, “who cares!” has been showcased at different venues around Sweden since 2014 and continues to travel around the country. The workshop can be delivered with or without the exhibition as a starting point. During the summer of 2016, at 3 sites the exhibition was experienced by roughly 16 000 people, and it has been a highly appreciated part of a SIDA sponsored workshop together with FUF (Swedish Development Forum) in Sweden. We have developed a workshop focusing on our Laureates and their work in relation to the SDGs to accompany the exhibition, a workshop that we discovered can also be used on a stand-alone basis. The plans for the exhibition for 2016/2017 are currently being determined and will soon be available on the new website. Backstage Heroes In 2010, at the Right Livelihood Award’s 30th Anniversary meeting, German photographer Katharina Mouratidi portrayed 30 Laureates of the Right Livelihood Award. The project resulted in an inspiring book and exhibition. since its launch in 2012, the Backstage Heroes exhibition has been shown in Germany, Austria and even in Aleppo, Syria, amidst ongoing fighting. The photo series is called Backstage Heroes and was published in 2012. The book texts are bilingual (English and German). “who cares!” Backstage Heroes www.rightlivelihoodaward.org
Right Livelihood – Utbildningsmaterial Publikationer Workshopmaterial (ToT’s) Seminar papers Kurser (Santa Cruz USA, Teknikcollege Sverige) Right Livelihood EDUCATION Right Livelihood College Skolnätverk Utställningar Utbildningsmaterial www.rightlivelihoodaward.org
Right Livelihood – Skolnätverk Teknikcollege, Fyrisskolan (Sverige) Schule im Aufbruch”, Evangelische Schule Berlin Zentrum (Tyskland) Andra nätverksplaner som inletts men ännu inte påbörjats Right Livelihood EDUCATION Right Livelihood College Skolnätverk Utställningar Utbildningsmaterial Two concrete pilot partnerships have developed in concrete plans of cooperation: One with the Swedish network of Teknikcolleges (facilitated through Amelie’s contacts), where we plan to have students will be writing their “gymnasiearbeten” (mandatory oneyear research projects) on our laureates’ work and conduct a trainer of trainer event with teachers in the network, among other things. The pilotschool Fyrisksskolan will this year test a course entirely dedicated to our Laureate’s work. The second partnership, with the German network “Schule im Aufbruch” in close collaboration with the Evangelische Schule Berlin Zentrum, will result in a seminar/workshop with one or more of our laureates later in the year or early next year. www.rightlivelihoodaward.org
Right Livelihood Stiftelsen & Fyrisskolan Pilotskola inom Teknikcollege Engagerade lärare och ledning Nobeldagen 2016 ToT Temadagen 2017 Elever skriver gymnasiearbeten om pristagare 2017 Projektarbeten i årskurs 1 www.rightlivelihoodaward.org
Tack för er uppmärksamhet! Vi svarar gärna på era frågor. Kontakta oss: Ulrika Thunström ulrika@rightlivelihood.org Emil Planting Mollaoglu emil@rightllivelihood.org www.rightlivelihoodaward.org www.rightlivelihoodaward.org