Pompeii my aims: Inform about the catastrophe that happened the year 79 AD in the city of PompeiiInform about the catastrophe that happened the year 79 AD in the city of Pompeii Inform about some of the findings of the remnants in the cityInform about some of the findings of the remnants in the city Researchers’ explanations to the deaths.Researchers’ explanations to the deaths.
In this presentation you have learned about the eruption of Mount Vesuvius that occurred the 24 August year 79 A.D. that buried the City of Pompeii.In this presentation you have learned about the eruption of Mount Vesuvius that occurred the 24 August year 79 A.D. that buried the City of Pompeii. You have learned about what happened with the people that stayed in the city and what the researchers have came up with to explain how the people died.You have learned about what happened with the people that stayed in the city and what the researchers have came up with to explain how the people died.
Resources Furhagen, H.,1979. Pompeji livet och döden i en romersk stad. Stockholm: Sveriges Radios förlagFurhagen, H.,1979. Pompeji livet och döden i en romersk stad. Stockholm: Sveriges Radios förlag Furhagen, H., Pompeji bakom ruinerna. Stockholm: Bokförlaget Natur och kulturFurhagen, H., Pompeji bakom ruinerna. Stockholm: Bokförlaget Natur och kultur Bahn, P G. ed.,1997. Försvunna städer. Lund: Historiska MediaBahn, P G. ed.,1997. Försvunna städer. Lund: Historiska Media portents 01.shtml Accessed the 26 April 2012http://bbc.co.uk/history/ancient/roman/pompeii portents 01.shtml Accessed the 26 April 2012http://bbc.co.uk/history/ancient/roman/pompeii portents 01.shtmlhttp://bbc.co.uk/history/ancient/roman/pompeii portents 01.shtml offer-dog-plotsligt Accesed the 26 April 2012http://natgeo.se/ur-och-forntid/forntida-mysterier/pompejis- offer-dog-plotsligt Accesed the 26 April 2012http://natgeo.se/ur-och-forntid/forntida-mysterier/pompejis- offer-dog-plotsligthttp://natgeo.se/ur-och-forntid/forntida-mysterier/pompejis- offer-dog-plotsligt