A Lean House –way of describing a Lean system


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Presentationens avskrift:

A Lean House –way of describing a Lean system Our Vision Making the most meaningful difference to patient health through great medicines Customer Focused Respect People Eliminate waste Priorities: SHE, Quality, Delivery, Cost Visual control Branestam & Partner AB +4673 40 63 633 mika.branestam@telia.com Principles A quick reminder of the house and point out the foundations of Standard Ways of Working and Leadership/Teamwork. All these principles of the house apply to leadership tasks and responsibilities- remind the group about leader standard work for example and how the leader can be the root cause of waste! Right First time/Jidoka Just in Time Standardised Ways of Working Process Centric Leadership and Teamwork

Prioritet i ett lean System 1: SHE/People: Förvänta dig inga fantastiska resultat om dina anställda inte är motiverade, Friska och arbetar på ett säkert sätt 2: Kvalitet: Ta reda på kundernas alla krav och uppfyll dem/gör dem förtjusta 3:Ledtider och leveransprecision: Har du 1 + 2 kan du börja öka farten 4 :Ekonomi och kostnader: Det ekonomiska resultatet är till stor del ett resultat av hur bra du är på 1-3 !! Branestam & Partner AB +4673 40 63 633 mika.branestam@telia.com

Management by Principles - Definitions Lean philosophies are similar to Company Core Values (“framework”) Philosophies Principles Guidance on how to think (to find solutions within the framework) Branestam & Partner AB +4673 40 63 633 mika.branestam@telia.com The way to do things (practical ways to apply the thinking) Methods/Tools The outcome of how well we follow the principles and use the chosen methods and tools Results

Ganska normala resultat av uthållighet KPI Level 2002 Level 2007 Sick absence (% of normal time) 12 % 4 % CI Continous improvement Improvements/FTE,Y 4 /236 FTE 2800 improvement suggestions/Y (2005, 2006, and 2007) Quality: Manual errors on the lines About 30 errors/line, W <5 errors/line,W Delivery OTIF < 90 % >98 % Lead time Turnover/(inventory+WIP) < 2 >10 Efficiency: OEE (Over all Equipment Efficiency) Productivity (TBH/work h) What’s this ? 80 TBH/h About 60 %! 180 TBH/h (Productivity +31 % 2007) Branestam & Partner AB +4673 40 63 633 mika.branestam@telia.com

Lean Ledarskap Ledarskap enligt Taylor (Diktatorn): ”Gör som jag säger ” Ledarskap på 70-80-talet (socialarbetaren) : ”Gör som ni vill” Lean Ledarskap (Coachen): ”Vi har problem -Hur gör vi ?” Branestam & Partner AB +4673 40 63 633 mika.branestam@telia.com