Hållbart Nyföretagande/ CSR som värdegrund 14:15-16:50
Kort intro till CSR/NyföretagarCentrum Marianne Bogle, CSR Sweden Hållbart företagande Emma Ihre, Finansdepartementet KORT RAST/KAFFE CSR – risker/utmaningar för nya företag CSR i rådgivarrollen Parul Sharma, the Academy for Human Rights in Business, CSR Sweden Dagens CSR program
CSR Sweden
CSR Europe
National Partner Network Outreaching 5000 companies in Europe
Finns det en begreppsförvirring? JA
EU New definition: “CSR - The responsibility of enterprises for their impacts on society” A process to integrate social, environmental, ethical and human rights concerns into their operations and core strategy, in close collaboration with their stakeholders, with the aim of: 1. Maximising the creation of shared value for their owners/shareholders and for their other stakeholders and society at large (...) through a long-term strategic approach to CSR,... and the development of innovative products, services and business models Identifying, preventing and mitigating their possible adverse impacts (...) through risk-based due diligence, including through their supply chains. Respect for applicable legislation, and for collective agreements between social partners, is a prerequisite
CSR och NyföretagarCentrum
1. 1. NyföretagarCentrum
2. Varumärket NyföretagarCentrum Rådgivaren
3. Produkten/tjänsten RÅDGIVNINGEN Ett nytt företagsklimat där CSR frågor numer ska integreras i företaget. Lagstiftning, upphandling etc
Golvet är ditt Emma!