Hållbara Konsumtions- och Produktionsmönster Varför Jordbruk - Vatten?? 70% av uttaget av vatten från sjöar/vattendrag/grundvatten för jordbruksbevattning-


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Vatten och Företagsansvar

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Presentationens avskrift:

Hållbara Konsumtions- och Produktionsmönster Varför Jordbruk - Vatten?? 70% av uttaget av vatten från sjöar/vattendrag/grundvatten för jordbruksbevattning- “Blue Water” Men: Dubbelt så mycket vatten går åt inom regnbevattnat jordbruk - “Green Water” Fler floder kommer att vara tomma 2025 om en växande befolkning skall få mat!

Closing the Productivity Gap In rainfed agriculture and irrigated agriculture. Will require combination of agronomic, plant breeding, economic, social and institutional measures. Will involve better land and water management, better irrigation management, establishing water rights and institutional frameworks.

Facilitate the diffusion and use of new technologies Requires attention to water flow patterns: achieve “real” water savings, reduce unproductive evaporation, eliminate flows that cause salinization and high water tables. Includes both high-tech and low tech, with social marketing and micro-credit as important as technology. Scrutinize the potential of biotechnology.

Identify and influence unsustainable consumption patterns Food basket needs to achieve food and nutritional security – calories alone is not enough – micro-nutrient deficiencies are crucial in developing countries, and increasingly obesity too. What policy tools are available?

Identify minimum ecological service criteria Understand environmental goods and services produced by ecosystems. Assess water requirements to sustain these. Co-manage water for agriculture and ecosystems. As IUCN says: environmental flows – a negotiated approach.

Identify unsustainable agricultural subsidies and trade barriers Importance of virtual water will grow. WTO negotiations should take into account impact on trade in virtual water. Agricultural subsidies and trade barriers are affecting trade – reducing them will have far reaching impacts on where food is produced and water is used.