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Anything else? Yes, a Windows client "To Go", please! Tim Nilimaa
Agenda Konceptet och tankesättet ...på riktigt, med ConfigMgr Service Manager Integrated Tips å trix
Windows To Go - Konceptet Lättviktsdator Backupdator BYOD-alternativ
Licensing Windows To Go allows organization to support the use of privately owned PCs at the home or office with more secure access to their organizational resources. With Windows To Go use rights under Software Assurance, an employee will be able to use Windows To Go on any company PC licensed with Software Assurance as well as from their home PC. Additionally, through a new companion device license for Software Assurance, employees will be able to use Windows To Go on their personal computers at work.
Hardware requirements USB disk USB device must be able to have 2 partitons USB 2.0 port, 3.0 preferred Boot from USB
Software requirements Windows 8 Enterprise Configuration Manager 2012 SP1
Domain join, or not to domain join Unmanaged – do not join Managed – do join Without ConfigMgr; offline domain join works fine With ConfigMgr; during the task sequence
Drivers Network Graphic Corp Devices
BIOS and UEFI devices
BitLocker Does not use TPM – obviously \OSD\Tools\WTG\BitLocker
Manage Windows To Go in ConfigMgr 1.Create WTG Task Sequence 2.Enable BitLocker 3.Create Windows To Go WIM-file 4.Deploy the Package to users
dim osd: set env = CreateObject(“Microsoft.SMS.TSEnvironment”) dim logPath logPath = env(“_SMSTSLogPath”) dim BitLockerPassphrase BitLockerPassphrase = inputbox(“Enter BitLocker Passphrase”,”Enter BitLocker Passphrase:”,””,400,0) env(“OSDBitLockerPIN”) = BitLockerPassphrase
Extend user experiene with Servie Manager Service Offering Request Offering
Connect ConfigMgr with ServiceMgr using Orchestrator Runbook to add Service Request user to ConfigMgr Collection
Tips and trix Run VM direct of the USB device for testing Use MDT to build ref image Use AD 2012 Schema feature ”Primary Device”
UTVÄRDERING Fyll i utvärderingen så att vi kan bli ännu bättre till nästa gång! Antigen via länken du fick med din biljett eller vid någon av datorerna i TrueSec:s monter Tävla samtidigt om en HP Elitepad 900 (Vinnaren presenteras i Utställarfoajén direkt efter sista sessionen). KVÄLLSMINGEL Best of MMS avslutas med ett gigantiskt mingel på närliggande Dubliner direkt efter dagens sista session! Microsoft och LabCenter bjuder på god öl och ett unikt tillfälle för experter, branschkollegor och eventdeltagare att mingla tillsammans. Vi ses väl där?
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