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Presentation laddar. Vänta. Språk och litteraturer, 15 mars, 2012 EU-finansierad forskning för humanister Petra Andersson Forsknings- och Innovationsservice.

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En presentation över ämnet: " Språk och litteraturer, 15 mars, 2012 EU-finansierad forskning för humanister Petra Andersson Forsknings- och Innovationsservice."— Presentationens avskrift:

1 Språk och litteraturer, 15 mars, 2012 EU-finansierad forskning för humanister Petra Andersson Forsknings- och Innovationsservice Göteborgs Universitet

2 EU-finansierad forskning för humanister HERA 7:e Ramprogrammet Stöd i ansökningsarbetet – praktiskt och ekonomiskt Efter 7:e Ramprogrammet – Horizon 2020

3 Forsknings- och innovationsservice erbjuder bland annat Information och rådgivning Stöd i att planera en ansökan Budgetarbetet vid EU-projekt Kontraktsförhandlingar och signering (vi har auktoriserade representanter som signerar kontrakt med Kommissionen och NIH) Stöd för ekonomisk rapportering och revisioner

4 APPLICATION Application Templates Budget Prefektintyg NEGOTIATION Negotiations Budget Work program Legal aspects (Consortium Agreement) AGREEMENT Signatures Review of the agreement PROJECT Help with everything Startmeeting Daily support Interpretation of contracts Financial issues Reporting Contacts to EU Contacts to coordinators Contact point to partners ”Prefektintyg” Planning grant ”Prefektintyg” Planning grant Signatures Co-financing Handläggningsordning

5 Aktuell utlysning 2012: HERA Humanities in the European Research Area

6 2:a HERA Joint Research Programme Temat "Cultural Encounters" Joint Research Program, JRP (VR) Total finansiering: € 18,5 M (max € 1 M/projekt – 36 månader, juni 2013-juni 2016 Minst tre forskare från tre olika länder: Österrike, Belgien, Kroatien, Danmark, Estland, Finland, Tyskland, Island, Irland, Litauen, Luxemburg, Holland, Norge, Polen, Portugal, Slovenien, Sverige och Storbritannien Deadline steg 1: 4 Maj (kortare ansökan) Besked i juli Deadline steg 2: oktober Beslut i februari Information: http://heranet.info Workshop 14/3 kl 10-12, Erik Dahlbergsgatan 11B

7 Outline proposals Evaluation criteria: Research excellence; Novelty and originality; Qualification of the applicants; European added value of collaboration; Relevance to the theme 234 submitted Outline Proposals (2009) 55 submitted Full Proposals (2009) 19 granted projects (success rate ≈ 8%, 2009) Most projects run for three years (2013-2015), 1 M € maximum Average 850,000 €/ project (2009)

8 Theme ”Cultural Encounters” History shows that interactions between individuals and groups of people are among the most formative dimensions of human endeavour and social change. Involving dynamics of both synergy and friction, cultural encounters can be accompanied by profound displacements and reconfigurations at social and political levels, resulting in conflict, segregation, and the formation of Diasporas. Yet cultural encounters also enable new forms of community and collective identity, and have stimulated large-scale innovation and renovation across European and other societies. They have resulted in new forms of knowledge and profound transformations in cultural practices, as well as new forms of communication and creativity. …//… This new HERA JRP Cultural Encounters invites project proposals that address the general historical and theoretical issues mentioned above, as well as those that investigate more specific and exemplary aspects of cultural encounters. The programme will seek to investigate the phenomenon of cultural encounters in spatial terms (i.e., cultural encounters within geographical frames) as well as temporal terms (i.e., in contemporary time, as well as in long-term historical perspectives).

9 Suggested research directions Proposed research may draw upon combined insights from a wide range of subjects: history, literature, cultural studies, art history and practice, languages, linguistics, anthropology, philosophy and psychology, among others. A variety of theoretical and empirical approaches are needed, and these should inform and stimulate each other. Although humanities-driven, proposals may involve disciplines from other research domains where necessary. A grasp of the complex causes and consequences of cultural encounters requires multi- and interdisciplinary research. … Projects should demonstrate how the multi-and interdisciplinary nature of their programme will ensure that … ‘the whole will be more than the sum of its parts.’ In order to stimulate knowledge exchange and/or transfer between researchers and society, projects may include engagement with practitioners in the creative and performing arts (museums, theatres, etc), policy makers and the wider public.

10 ”Added value” While existing research in the area of cultural encounters at individual, national and regional levels continues to provide significant knowledge, there is also a need for comparative and synthesizing research as enabled by transnational research programmes such as the HERA programme. Such large-scale investigations allow researchers to pool information, compare findings, share methodologies, and transfer knowledge and expertise across national boundaries. They can also stimulate the development of new theoretical approaches that may re-frame our understanding of cultural and societal processes on a global scale. …//… Projects should also demonstrate how their transnational and (if applicable) their multi-disciplinary/interdisciplinary aspects will add value to the projected research in fundamental ways; in other words, they should demonstrate how ‘the whole will be greater than the sum of its parts.’

11 7 Work Programme 2013, Cooperation, Theme 8, Socio-Economic Sciences and Humanities (SSH) Finns som ”konfidentiellt icke-papper, tillsänt mig från icke-person” – ni kan få det av mig service/EU-finansiering/FP7/ service/EU-finansiering/FP7/ 21 th July 2013 Call due to be published Deadline probably 31 January 2013 Top down!

12 Tendenser som man kan notera Mer S än H Sociala innovationer återkommande Exempel på teman: Changing role of knowledge throughout the economy Demographic changes (aging and immigration) Societal trends an lifestyles Participation and citizenship in Europe The requested EU contribution shall not exceed 1000 000 / 2 500 000 / 6 000 000 €

13 EU-terminologins diskreta charm Collaborative project: forskning –ofta 3 år, ”small or medium” or ”large” Small or medium scale focused project minst tre partners från tre olika länder (eligible countries), i praktiken 5-12 Large project – inte aktuellt i årets SSH-utlysning Collaborative project for specific cooperation action dedicated to international cooperation –minst fyra partners från EU-länder –krav på ytterligare någon partner utanför EU Coordination and support action (coordinating action) –nätverkande, konferenser… –minst tre partners från EU-länder Coordination and support action (supporting action) –bygga upp något någon annanstans –minst en deltagare

14 Work Programme 2013, Cooperation Themes Food, agriculture and fisheries, and biotechnology Transport Health Nanosciences, Nanotechnologies, Materials and New Production Technologies – NMP Security Environment (including climate change) Socio-Economic Sciences and Humanities ICT Space

15 Praktisk och ekonomisk hjälp vid ansökningsarbetet Forskningsrådgivare, humaniora och samhällsvetenskap Emilia Rung – vet allt om EU-finansierad forskning! Ekonomerna Kristina Orbán Meunier och Pirjo Gustafsson – vet allt om budgetar och revision! Formalia Planeringsbidrag för att utforma ansökningar (50 000 kr): service/EU-finansiering/Ansokan/ service/EU-finansiering/Ansokan/ –gäller när GU koordinerar och sänder in ansökan, söks efteråt FAS – Forskningsrådet för arbetsliv och socialvetenskap ringsbidrag.pdf Planeringsbidrag (150 000 kr) –mindre belopp för ERC, Marie Curie –när GU koordinerar och sänder in ansökan –gäller forskning inom FAS ansvarsområden –arbetsmarknad, arbetsorganisation, arbete och hälsa, folkhälsa, välfärd och socialförsäkring, omsorg och sociala relationer

16 Liknande bidrag finns att söka hos Vinnova – för små och medelstora företag Formas – de areella näringarna Naturvårdsverket Energimyndigheten

17 Tillfällen att lära sig mer How to succeed in landing the big Euros Tid: 2012-03-22 kl 12:00, Plats: Academicum - Birgit Thilander (Medicinaregatan 1) EU funding 2012 Tid: 2012-04-17 kl 09:00, Plats: Hörsalen - Lokal: Hörsalen, Guldhedsgatan 5A How to Write a Competitive Proposal for Framework 7 Tid: 2012-04-26 kl 09:00, 15/5, Vinnovas turné – mer information kommer Vårt kalendarium: gsservice/aktuellt/kalendarium/

18 Forskarinitierad/forskardriven forskning (bottom-up) ERC – European Research Council ERC Starting Grant ERC Advanced Grant Marie Curie ….

19 Horizon 2020 – the Framework Programme for Research and Innovation (2014-2020)

20 Horizon 2020 – Three priorities: 1.Excellent Science 2.Industrial leadership 3.Societal Challenges

21 Priority 3Societal challenges Why: EU policy objectives (climate, environment, energy, transport etc) cannot be achieved without innovation Breakthrough solutions come from multi-disciplinary collaborations, including social sciences & humanities Promising solutions need to be tested, demonstrated and scaled up

22 Societal Challenges Health, demography and well-being Food security, sustainable agriculture and bio- economy Secure, clean and efficient energy Smart, green and integrated transport Climate action, resource efficiency and raw materials Inclusive, innovative and secure societies

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