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Softgridpastor & SCG SBC
Vem är jag då ? Nicklas Pettersson Softgridpastor & SCG SBC
Uppköpet av Softricity
Microsoft Completes Acquisition of Softricity Application virtualization and streaming functionality added to Microsoft’s virtualization and management offerings. Ännu en rik – over there….
Något att fundera på… Vad kostar det att underhålla min
applikationsplattform? Varför installera per PC när man borde tilldela per användare oavsett lokation ? Varför fokusera på klienthantering - när problemet är applikationstilldelning ? Hur gör jag idag ? Installera eller exekvera ?
En PC eller TS / Citrixserver är ingen papperskorg för applikationer…
Applikationer och OS… En PC eller TS / Citrixserver är ingen papperskorg för applikationer… Häll i…. Häll i….och mer…. Tjosan va bra det blir… Eller…???
Virtualisering – är det nåt nytt ? Eller är det bara VMWare ???
Nej – vi har gjort det förut !
Virtual Applications Softricity Any application on any computer on-demand via network Virtual Operating Systems VMware/Microsoft Can be assigned to any hardware Virtual Hardware (Grid Computing) IBM/HP Can change its computing tasks in real-time Virtual Storage IBM/HP Storage and backup over the network Virtual Network VPNs Localizing dispersed resources
Softricity’s Mission:
”Att göra det möjligt att omedelbart få mjukvara tillgängligt och lika enkelt att nyttja som elektricitet”
Var Ni än är….
Softricity Desktop - dröm eller verklighet?
Instantly On Available Anywhere Intelligently Managed Secure Cost Reducing Accelerate the time to market and reduce the costs of getting applications to users the moment they need them
Utmaningar applikationshantering
Allt fler verksamhetssystem/applikationer skall implementeras och driftsättas Migreringar av miljöer Implementation av uppgraderingar NU !!! Minimera beroendet av hårdvara Minimera beroendet av mjukvara Behov av kortare leveranstider efter beställning av ny funktion från användare Kompetensbehov hos IT-personalen (paketering etc..) Krav på sänkt budget Tiden räcker inte till....
Applikationshantering i Softgrid – Magic 8
The SoftGrid® Platform
Beståndsdel 1: The SoftGrid® Platform The Engine Application virtualization On-demand delivery Centralized, policy-based application management Software asset tracking
Softgrid – The Engine Minskar dramatiskt kostnaden att hantera applikationer genom hela livscykeln ! Leverera: Paketera applikationen en gång för alla Win32 OS. Leverera applikationen On-demand En funktion = ETT PAKET Uppdatera: Snabbt från ett och samma ställe för alla Win32 OS Supportera: Support på applikationsnivå – utan konflikter Terminera: Ta bort rättigheterna, avinstallation behövs ej
Hur förbereder man en leverans ?
Studera Er dokumentation Ta fram media Ta reda på hur applikationen förväntas att den skall fungera Installera - Sequensern fungerar som en ”recorder” som spelar in hela installationsförfarandet Virtualisera – Sequensern packar om applikationens filer och konfiguration till ett virtuellt datapaket som sedan läggs på en server Uppdatera dokumentationen Eller ? FAST PRIS FRÅN ATEA
ESD VS Softgrid
Tid och pengar att spara
Deploying & Updating 10 Applications to 100 Computers Without Softricity With Softricity Savings come from: Eliminating regression testing Compressing each step of the deployment and update process. Real-time license compliance and usage information Total: 360 Hours Test installation on each production computer: 85 hours Install each application on each production computer: 250 hours App-focused support Support is per app, not per system One-click termination Turning off rights terminates access Total: 40 hours 10 mins. Assign application rights: 5 mins. Regression test: 40 hours Place apps on SoftGrid Server: 5 mins Track application changes: 2 hours Sequence each application: 40 hours Install apps on test comp.: 2.5 hours
Hur funkar det ? Autentitiering Central leverans Körs lokalt
Användaren autentitieras via AD, licenser och eventuella förändringar kontrolleras. Autentitiering Central leverans Servern distribuerar applikationen Applikationens körs på PCn/Terminal Servern. Körs lokalt Cachas för prestanda Applikationens kod cachas lokalt för nästa exekvering – även offline.
Virtualisering: SystemGuard™
Applikationen får en virtuell OS miljö: Filer (även System Filer) Register Fonter .ini COM objekt Applikationen installeras ej och förändrar inget på det lokala operativ systemet. Allt fastnar i SystemGuard. Ändå så körs applikationen på den lokala datorn. …och kommunikation mellan applikationer sköts av det lokala operativsystemet.
Problem med applikationer ?
Operativsystemet då…? Hanteras med Ert standardverktyg som t.ex Microsoft SMS eller motsvarande
Softricity ZeroTouch™
Användarvänligt… Softricity ZeroTouch™ The Front End Availability to applications from anywhere via browser and/or desktop Self-service IT: End-user self-service application provisioning with automated workflow Business-unit software usage reporting Real-time, intelligent application deployment
Softricity ZeroTouch - The Front End
Consolidated view of all available applications and desktop from anywhere: End user access to any application (desktop, terminal services and web) from anywhere and can connect users to their XP Professional desktops via Remote Desktop mapping. Intelligent Application Deployment Intelligently determines best computing platform based on policies without need to pre- determine access methodology. “Safe” user self-service application provisioning: Allows for safe self-service end-user application provisioning without fear that the application will install, alter and break the end-user’s computer. Automated Work-flow: Allows IT to safely offload the task of requesting new applications to business units and end-users via automated hierarchical workflow. Business Unit self-service reporting : Allows for business units to generate real-time reports on application usage without having to request it from IT
Consolidated Application View
Access to all available applications (desktop, terminal server/Citrix & web). Enables Terminal Server published applications Enables access to remote desktop Anywhere access (i.e. home, remote office, hoteling, etc.). Available via web page and/or desktop icons
Intelligent Application Deployment
Policies determine in real-time based on current situation if applications are delivered to desktop or run on a terminal server. Policies include: Client available bandwidth Application Launch Size IP Addresses and Ranges Date/Time Access Installed clients Client Host Names Time zone adjustments Run on Desktop Run on Terminal Server Run on Desktop
Safe Self-Service Application Provisioning
Options include user self-provisioning or permission based work flow. Application provisioning types may be mixed (some apps self provisioned, others requested via work flow) Instantly available Message and Audit trail for provisioning To add an application, end users click on “Manage My Applications” button
ZeroTouch: Self-Service Provisioning
Ability for end user to instantly provision themselves with a new application by clicking on the “Activate” button
ZeroTouch: Self-Service Provisioning
Activated applications immediately appear and are instantly available without any installation.
ZeroTouch Features: Safe Self-Service Application Provisioning
Applications on the user’s desktop are synchronized on next refresh
Automated Workflow: New Application Requests
Because the Workgroup Administrator wants to approve access to this application, end user clicks on “Request” button Workflow example: End user needs access to an application. They click on “Manage My Applications” Which leads to immediate access for the end users This automatically sends a request to the Workgroup Administrator. When the Workgroup Administrator approves request, end user gets an notice...
ZeroTouch: Business Unit Self-Service Reporting
IT and Business Units can view reports on application usage without asking IT. Reports include: • User/workgroup utilization • Application utilization • Software audit Allows IT and business units to meet compliance requirements around licensing. Allows for business units to know how much they are spending and how much adding new applications will cost. Business units can also access reports on application usage without having to make any requests through IT.
SoftGrid for Microsoft Systems Management Server (SMS)
Virtually Anything is Possible™
Produkten SMS 2003 Säkerhet Hantering av upp-dateringar
Hantering av tillgångar Driftsättning av applikationer Stöd för mobila medarbetare Utnyttja hanterbarhets-tjänster i Windows
SoftGrid for SMS: Overview
Integrerarar Applikations Virtualisering och ON-Demand distribution in i SMS Managera and distribuera virtualiserade applikationer från SMS management console Omedelbar uppgradering “reparering” av applikationer Leverera on-demand access till applikationer oavsett desktop Ett verktyg för hela desktopmiljön POWER`d by Virtulization
SoftGrid for SMS: How It Works
Kompletterande och integrerade verktyg
Capability Microsoft SMS SoftGrid Bare Metal OS Deployment X OS Updates/Service Packs OS Security Patches/Hotfixes Deployment of Core (locally installed) applications Patching/Upgrading Core (locally installed) apps Admin Provisioning of applications Remote Control of Clients Distributed Branch Architecture Intelligent Application Packaging (Sequencing) SystemGuard™ Application Virtualization On-Demand Application Streaming Package/Active Upgrade Roaming/Hotelling & Disaster Recovery Business Unit/ Self-Provisioning (requires ZeroTouch) Asset Management of locally installed and virtual apps
Standardisering på SMS
SMS och EFFECT-Direct Power BY Softgrid = Optimal lösning för Er applikation och klientplattform
Ateas erbjudande ? Licenser och mjukvara Hög kompetens Proof of Concept: FAST PRIS :- Projektgenomförande Paketering och förvaltning av applikationer Utbildning och support
Tack för visat intresse!
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