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Publicerades avSven Ivarsson
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This is a directional view into Windows investments for businesses not consumers Dates and capabilities are subject to change Disclaimer This presentation contains preliminary information that may be changed substantially prior to final commercial release of the software described herein. The information contained in this presentation represents the current view of Microsoft Corporation on the issues discussed as of the date of the presentation. Because Microsoft must respond to changing market conditions, it should not be interpreted to be a commitment on the part of Microsoft, and Microsoft cannot guarantee the accuracy of any information presented after the date of the presentation. This presentation is for informational purposes only. MICROSOFT MAKES NO WARRANTIES, EXPRESS, IMPLIED OR STATUTORY, AS TO THE INFORMATION IN THIS PRESENTATION. Microsoft may have patents, patent applications, trademarks, copyrights, or other intellectual property rights covering subject matter in this presentation. Except as expressly provided in any written license agreement from Microsoft, the furnishing of this information does not give you any license to these patents, trademarks, copyrights, or other intellectual property. © 2007 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
Hardware OS Data, User settings Applications Microsoft teknologier idag Kommande teknologier Folder Redirection Offline files Hardware- independent WIM Images Image management and deployment across WIM and VHD images Centralized Desktop Calista Technologies Improved Offline/ Online sync IT utmaningar Beroenden mellan PC komponenter hämmar flexibiliteten Vad förändras Beroenden bryts med hjälp av teknologier som virtualisering
Optimized Desktop and Software Assurance Microsoft Desktop Optimization Pack Windows 7 Windows Vista SP1 & Guidance 3
Volymlicens Uppgradering av befintlig OEM licens Volymlicens Uppgradering av befintlig OEM licens Software Assurance Förinstallerad PC med godkänd Windows version (OEM) Windows XP Pro, Windows Vista Business alt. Windows Vista Ultimate Microsoft Optimized Desktop (MDOP) Licens som tecknas utöver Software Assurance och som ingår i Optimized Desktop SKU -Asset Inventory Service, - Desktop Error Monitoring -Application Virtualization -Application Virtualization, - Advanced Group Policy Management Enterprise Desktop Virtualization -Diag & Recovery Toolset,- Enterprise Desktop Virtualization Optimized Desktop Licens som tecknas utöver Software Assurance för virtuella maskiner som använder VDI Vista Enterprice Centralized Desktop (VECD for SA)
Förmåner med Software Assurance och Microsoft Desktop Optimization Pack Planering Utrullning Användning Underhåll Övergång Optimized Desktop
*Announcement of new MDOP product acquisition Centralized Desktop 200620082007 v4.5V3.0V1.5V6.0SP1v4.2v2.5V5.0V1.0V3.0
Optimized Desktop and Software Assurance Microsoft Desktop Optimization Pack Windows 7 Windows Vista SP1 & Guidance 3
Streamline PC Management “ My enterprise is becoming more disperse. How do I keep people connected to what they need?” “How can I reduce costs and take advantage of new technologies like virtualization ?” “How can I enable the software and devices my users require and minimize their risk?” Access Information Anywhere Enhance Security and Control App-V; MED-V Bitlocker; AGPM; DaRT MUI; 4 Virtual OS; Subsystem 4 Unix; AIS; AGPM; App-V; DEM
1 Levereras som en end-to-en lösning 2 3 Snabb ROI Med fokus att sänka Desktop TCO •Regular updates •Faster upgrade cycle, separate from Windows •Minimal deployment effort •Run out of the box •Integrate with existing management solutions •>95% of MDOP customers are (very) satisfied •$70-$80 net cost savings per PC per year using MDOP
Translating software inventory into business intelligence 2.0 CY 2010 Nästa version 1.5 Version idag Inventerar företagets tillgångarInventerar företagets tillgångar Underlättar compliance och disaster recovery Enkel administrerad online serviceEnkel administrerad online service Fullständig inventering av programvara Matchning mot en centralt uppdaterad databas med programvarutitlar Tilldelar riktiga namn och kategorisering av filer Detaljrik rapporteringDetaljrik rapportering
Proaktivt hantera applikation och operativsystemsfel 3.0 SP2 ETA CY 2010+ Nästa version 3.0 SP1 Version idag Förbättra din IT tillgänglighetFörbättra din IT tillgänglighet Reducera Windows desktop TCO Förbättra stabiliteten på klienten & öka användarens produktivitet Klientfri krash monitoreringKlientfri krash monitorering Data från en krash eller hängning fångas upp och skickas till central server Direkt tillgång till felsökning och lösningsdatabas Exempel Rapport
Applications Operating System Hardware What it does Creates a package of an application Eliminates software install Isolates each application What it is good for Resolve conflicts between applications Simplify application delivery and testing What it does Creates a package with a full OS What it is good for Resolve incompatibility between applications and a new OS Run two environments on a single PC ®
Dynamisk tillgång till programvara som en centralt hanterad tjänst 5.0 H1 FY2010 Nästa version 4.5 Version idag • Minskade utrullningstiden av applikationer från 3 månader till 3 dagar • Sparade $1M i utrullning och support relaterade aktiviteter • Reducerade antalet PC images från 20 till 3 • Minskade utrullningstiden av applikationer från 3 månader till 3 dagar • Sparade $1M i utrullning och support relaterade aktiviteter • Reducerade antalet PC images från 20 till 3 Användaren är inte bunden till specifik dator Accelererar utrullning av operativsystem då inga applikationer måste installeras på klienten Minskar appl-till-appl kompatibilitetstestning Tillhandahåller rätt applikationer till användaren vid inloggning Tillhandahåller centrala regler för styrning av applikationer Virtualiserar applikationer för att undvika konflikter mellan applikationer Ger rapporter som visar på användning av applikationer
Förenklar utrullning och hantering av Virtuella PC H1 CY2009 Första Release March 2008 Uppköp Annonserat Accelererar OS migreringar Eliminerar Applikation till OS kompatibilitetsproblem Stödjer affärsutveckling och kontinuitet Transparant användarupplevelse Central hantering av Virtuella PCCentral hantering av Virtuella PC Förenklar utrullning och underhåll av Virtuella PC Identisk presentation av windows i en Virtuell PC “Desktop virtualisering är en snabbt växande teknologi. Utifrån erfarenhet och forskning har, EMA prognostiserat en 25% tillväxt inom desktop virtualisering – vilken är mer än för server virtualisering.” Enterprise Management Associates, Inc Microsoft Announces Intention to Acquire Kidaro
Utöka hanteringen av group policy med change management 4.0 CY2009 Nästa version 3.0 Version idag Möjliggör group policy change management Tillhandahåller en granulär administrativ kontroll Reducerar riskerna med Group Policy Versionshantering, history & rollback av group policy ändringar Roll-baserad administration & mallar Flexibel delegeringsmodellFlexibel delegeringsmodell “ Advanced Group Policy Management har varit som en magisk kula för oss. Dess automatiska change management och workflow-baserade delegeringsmöjligheter är imponerande. Jag skulle inte klara av hanteringen av GPOs utan AGMP. ” Michael Wilcox MIS Client Services Supervisor Forsyth County Forsyth County
Kraftfulla verktyg för att underlätta reparation av desktop 7.0 ETA CY 2010 Nästa version 6.0 Version idag “Det här verktyget gör det möjligt att reparera datorer utan att behöva ominstallera – sparar upp till 6 timmar per tillfälle.” Minimerar tiden det tar att återhämta / återskapa ej fungerande PC Återhämtar ej fungerande PC som ett effektivare alternativ till ominstallation Gör PC säkrare att användaGör PC säkrare att använda Reparerar icke bootbara PCReparerar icke bootbara PC Åtkomst till raderade filer, manipulerar tjänster, nollställer lösenord m.m. Detekterar och tar på ett säkert sätt bort malware på datorer som är offline David Smith Technical Support Center UMC Health System
Build Business Continuity for Applications Proactive insight into desktop crashes and hangs Reduce Application Management Costs Reduce Application Management Costs Enable Roaming and Free Seating Enable governance and change control Reduce Help Desk Calls Accelerate OS Migrations Manage software assets across the Enterprise
App Virtualization 4.5 Dynamic Suite Scalability Lightweight server Localization App Virtualization v.Next 64-bit support Win7/ Win2008R2 Globalization Feature enhancements AGPM 3.0 Flexible security WS08 support Localization Enhanced UI AGPM 4.0 Scalability (cross-forest mgmt) (cross-forest mgmt)Automation Win7 support DaRT 7.0 Network service USB boot AIS 1.5 License reconciliation UI enhancements SCCM Integration AIS 2.0 Virtual App Inventory HW Inventory Console Localization Scalability (100k) Enhanced data export DEM 3.0 SP2 Enhanced reporting MED-V 1.0 VM on client provisioning Usage Policy VM Management MED-V 2.0 Vista in guest LocalizationScalability H2 CY08CY 09CY 10+
Optimized Desktop and Software Assurance Microsoft Desktop Optimization Pack Windows 7 Windows Vista SP1 & Guidance 3
Vision Development & Test Pre-Beta Beta ReleaseVision Development & Test Pre-Beta Beta Release Spend more time on planning & vision phase analyzing trends and needs before building features. Focus on end-to-end business scenarios – not just new features and technologies. Give our customer and partners a timeframe for the release and stick to our plan – 3 years for Windows 7. Disclose with higher degree of certainty and minimize changesDisclose with higher degree of certainty and minimize changes Engaging with partners earlier and more closely to enable seamless experiences and compatibility across hardware, software and services We are hereWe are here
Similar Compatibility: Most software that runs on Windows Vista will run on Windows 7. Exceptions will be low level code (AV, Firewall, Imaging, etc). Hardware that runs Windows Vista well will run Windows 7 well.Hardware that runs Windows Vista well will run Windows 7 well. Few Changes: Focus on quality and reliability improvements Deep Changes: New models for security, drivers, deployment, and networking
“How can I reduce costs and take advantage of new technologies like virtualization?” “My users are becoming more savvy and have more diverse needs. How do I keep people connected to what they need?” “How can I enable the software and devices my users require and minimize their risk?”
At their deskAt their desk In a branchIn a branch On the roadOn the road Protect data & PCsProtect data & PCs Built on Windows Vista foundation Easy migrationEasy migration Keep PCs running Virtualization
Responsive, reliable performance Intuitive UI and navigation Search your PC and intranetSearch your PC and intranet Internet Explorer 8 retrieves data beyond the page DirectAccess ™ mobile connectivityDirectAccess ™ mobile connectivity BranchCache ™ network boostBranchCache ™ network boost
Consistent user experience for finding data from multiple locations, including SharePoint IT can pre-populate links on Start menu and Explorer to preferred sites with “Enterprise Search Scopes” Current desktop and Enterprise search solutions are good, but not integrated Users need to take different steps to find data on PC and data on servers Data sources are hard to discoverData sources are hard to discover
New network paradigm enables same experience inside & outside the office Seamless access to network resources increases productivity of mobile users Infrastructure investments also make it easy to service mobile PCs and distribute updates and polices Difficult for users to access corporate resources from outside the office Challenging for IT to manage, update, patch mobile PCs while disconnected from company network HomeOfficeHomeOffice
Caches content downloaded from file and Web servers Users in the branch can quickly open files stored in the cache Frees up network bandwidth for other uses Application and data access over WAN is slow in branch offices Slow connections hurt user productivity Improving network performance is expensive and difficult to implement
AppLocker ™ controls what applications run Internet Explorer 8 helps keep users safe online BitLocker To Go ™ protects data on removable drives BitLocker ™ simplifies encryptions and key management for all drives User Account Control prompts lessUser Account Control prompts less Security Development Lifecycle for defense in depth
Protect data on internal and removable drives Mandate the use of encryption with Group Policies Store recovery information in Active Directory for manageability Simplify BitLocker setup and configuration of primary hard drive + Worldwide Shipments (000s) •Gartner “Forecast: USB Flash Drives, Worldwide, 2001-2011” 24 September 2007, Joseph Unsworth •Gartner “Dataquest Insight: PC Forecast Analysis, Worldwide, 1H08” 18 April 2008, Mikako Kitagawa, George Shiffler III
Eliminate unwanted/unknown applications in your network Enforce application standardization within your organization Easily create and manage flexible rules using Group Policy Users can install and run unapproved applications Even standard users can install some types of software Unauthorized applications may:Unauthorized applications may: Introduce malwareIntroduce malware Increase helpdesk callsIncrease helpdesk calls Reduce user productivityReduce user productivity Undermine compliance effortsUndermine compliance efforts
Compatibility with Windows Vista hardware, software, tools New tools speed image creation, migration, and deployment PowerShell & Group Policy management ease configuration Troubleshooting platform reduces help desk issues Improve VDI experience with multi-monitor and mic supportImprove VDI experience with multi-monitor and mic support Same tools to manage and service VHD & WIM imagesSame tools to manage and service VHD & WIM images
Deploying desktops in virtual machines on server hardware Centralized management & securityCentralized management & security Users can access their desktop and applications wherever they are Richer graphics with improved multi-monitor support Use voice for telephony & applications with microphone support Improved printingImproved printing Using Windows for VDI scenarios requires additional VECD licenseUsing Windows for VDI scenarios requires additional VECD license * What is Virtual Desktop Infrastructure? Maintain VHD: Offline servicing of VHD images with same tools used for WIM Boot from VHD: Reuse VHD files for deployment to managed desktop PCs
Use the same powerful tools for automation of servers and PCs New graphical editor makes it easy for IT pros to learn and use scripting Run automated tasks remotely across your entire organization IT Pros rely on scripting to automate repetitive tasks Previous Windows scripting languages were limited in scope and difficult to use PowerShell helps IT professionals achieve greater control and productivity in managing servers
User Account ControlUser Account Control Security HardeningSecurity Hardening Image FormatImage Format Display driver modelDisplay driver model Less malware on PCLess malware on PC Fewer vulnerabilitiesFewer vulnerabilities Componentization & servicingComponentization & servicing Less execution in kernel-modeLess execution in kernel-mode Architectural changes in Windows Vista are paying offArchitectural changes in Windows Vista are paying off Windows 7 will build on these changes, not redo themWindows 7 will build on these changes, not redo them Windows Vista deployment today will ease future migration to Windows 7 – compatibility is our goal
Optimized Desktop and Software Assurance Microsoft Desktop Optimization Pack Windows 7 Windows Vista SP1 & Guidance 3
Microsoft Confidential: NDA Only Utnyttja fördelarna med MDOP produkterna för att optimera din existerande PC infrastruktur och underlätta för framtida uppgraderingar. Projekten att installera MDOP komponenter är små med snabb ROI. Service Pack 1 tillgänglig nu. Upplev de senaste inom säkerhet, sök, mobilitet och TCO idag. Gör de förberedelser som behövs för att kunna använda de senaste teknologierna i de nyinvesterade PC som görs i år. Investeringar i Windows Vista kommer att underlätta migrering till Windows 7. Planerad till 3 år efter Windows Vista.Planerad till 3 år efter Windows Vista. När Windows 7 Enterprise blir tillgänglig får aktiva Software Assurance kunder automatiskt rätten till att använda den. Använd Windows Vista idag i förberedelserna för Windows 7.Använd Windows Vista idag i förberedelserna för Windows 7. Företag har nedgraderingsrätt till Windows XP efter end of sale (July 30, 2008). Per standard Microsoft lifecycle policy, är support och kritiska uppdateringar tillgängliga fram till April, 2014. Service Pack 3 tillgänglig sedan April 2008Service Pack 3 tillgänglig sedan April 2008 Migrera Windows 2000 PC till Windows Vista nu.Migrera Windows 2000 PC till Windows Vista nu. Utökad support till Q2 2010.Utökad support till Q2 2010. Microsoft guide till en optimal desktop infrastruktur
© 2008 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. Microsoft, Windows, Windows Vista and other product names are or may be registered trademarks and/or trademarks in the U.S. and/or other countries. The information herein is for informational purposes only and represents the current view of Microsoft Corporation as of the date of this presentation. Because Microsoft must respond to changing market conditions, it should not be interpreted to be a commitment on the part of Microsoft, and Microsoft cannot guarantee the accuracy of any information provided after the date of this presentation. MICROSOFT MAKES NO WARRANTIES, EXPRESS, IMPLIED OR STATUTORY, AS TO THE INFORMATION IN THIS PRESENTATION.
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