Maximizing windows 8 performance, Troubleshooting tips Johan Arwidmark
CM01WDS MDT 2012 Update 1 ConfigMgr 2012 SP1 SQL Server 2012 CU3 DC01 DC, DNS and DHCP MDT01WDS MDT 2012 Update 1 PC0002 Windows 8 Hyper-V, 32 GB RAM, 1.2 TB SSD
Objectives And Takeaways Performance is critical Live production system analysis Tools of the trade Inbox tools Sysinternals tools Windows Performance Toolkit Windows Assessment Console
Defining Performance Responsiveness Unresponsive system
Defining Performance, continued Resource utilization CPU, disk, memory, network, battery Resources are limited and shared Good Citizenship It takes one component to impact system performance
Performance Enhancements Started with Windows Vista I/O Models – Caching – Network Protocols Startup / Shutdown / Resume
Performance Enhancements Continued to improve in Windows 7 / 8 Superfetch and Readyboost Device Drivers (Industry / Parallelization) CPU / Memory Management Logon time (Redirected folders etc.) Trigger based Services
Demo Performance and operations enhancements
Slow systems? User will let you know…
Performance Tools Windows Inbox Tools Task Manager Resource Monitor Perfmon Reliability History
Demo Windows Inbox Tools
Performance Tools, continued Sysinternals tools Process Explorer Process Monitor
Demo Sysinternals Tools
Windows Assessment Toolkit Helps you to assess overall experience Provide data for troubleshooting Compare systems
Demo Windows Assessment Toolkit
Windows Performance Toolkit Built and used by the Windows organization Contains Performance Analyzer (WPA) Performance Recorder (WPR)
Command Line Tools xperf Trace capture, processing, and command-line analysis xperfview Visual trace analysis Xbootmgr (and xbootmgrSleep) On/Off transition trace capture
Demo Using the Windows Performance Toolkit
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