New monitoring techniques to assess composition of alveolar gases Emilie Krite Svanberg MD, PhD Anesthesiology and Intensive Care Medicine Skåne University Hospital Lund/Malmö No conflict of interest
Respiratory Distress Syndrome 50-90 % av preterm infants (v 22-31) Lack of surfactant Immature lungs Inhomogenous air distribution Permanent lung and brain damage X-ray… Can the use be reduced?
Overall purpose To develop a new non-invasive surveillance technique for monitoring of lung function in newborn/preterm infants O2 har extremt svaga absorptionslinjer jmfr med H20.
Discussion Strong and clear oxygen signals over the lungs! Measurements possible up to 4 kg Potential for an ”optical stetoscope” Possibly minimizing the need of potentially harmful investigations Probes too large for measurements on preterm infants
Guide respirator settings for infants Follow in real-time result of intervention Optical stetoscope – lung borders Lung measurements on adults Possibly minimizing the need of potentially harmful investigations GASMAS could be a valuable complement for surveillance and treatment evaluation of preterm infants Hur kan vi då säga något om vad som finns i vävnaden och hur stor koncentrationen av detta något är? Jo olika ämnen absorberar ljus våglängdsspecifikt, så genom att använda oss av olika våglängder på ljuset kan vi pektroskopiska fingeravtryck av de olika ämnena.