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Publicerades avKristin Lindberg
SAVE uppstartsmöte 23/9 ’02 Linköping
Agenda 1.Målsättningen med mötet : a.Planera planeringen (dvs projektstarten under hösten) b.Samarbets/samverkansformer? c.Industrimedverkan d.Mål 1/1-03: Tydlig beskrivning av projektprocessen och uppdelning på delprojekt, samt relation mellan dessa. 2.Snabb genomgång av projektet (Hans) 3.Förväntningar och aktiviteter (Alla grupper) 4.Genomgång av arbetspaketen (status - har något förändrats?) 5.Rekryterings/bemanningsläget
6.Infrastruktur och gemensamma aktiviteter a."web-portal” b.Artikeldatabas c.studiecirkel (inläsning och aktivering av doktoranderna) (studiecirkelledare?) d.Industriseminarier 1.Volvo PV+TU 25/10 7.Tids och aktivitetsplan ht-02 a.Studiecirkelstart? b.Industrisem@Volvo 25/10 c.Industrisem 2 ? d.SAVE WS 18-19/11 e.Ytterligare möten och aktiviteter i hela eller delar av gruppen? f.WP1 under hösten? g.Fördjupad projektplan - Deadline 1/1'03 (=23/12'02) h.SAVE Kick-off januari 2003? Agenda
SAVE – Program overview The title says it all: Component Based Design of Safety- Critical Vehicular Systems Final application submitted Dec. 2001 (decision in June) 5 partners from 4 universities (17 MSEK/3yrs): CSL/MdH DAMEK/KTH RTSLAB/LiTH SDL/MdH UppAal/UU Expected industrial participation from ABB, Bombardier, CRT, Mecel, Saab, Scania and Volvo (and a few others are interested as well)
SAVE – The groups involved RTSLAB Linköping –Simin Nadjm-Tehrani, Jörgen Hansson, Aleksandra Tesanovic + nn DAMEK, KTH –Martin Törngren, Jad El-Khoury, Jonas Norberg UppAal, Uppsala –Wang Yi, Paul Pettersson, nn + nn CSL, MdH –Ivica Crnkovic + nn SDL, MdH –Hans Hansson, Christer Norström, Henrik Thane, Thomas Nolte, Dag Nyström + nn
Integrator (Car company) Suppliers Sub-suppliers Requirements Now: Integration of physical components (ECUs) - Soon hundreds of ECUs Future: Software from several suppliers integrated into a single ECU Reuse of architecture and components to reduce time to market and reduce costs
”The goal of SAVE is to establish an engineering discipline for systematic development of component- based software for safety- critical embedded systems” contribute towards
Framework Component Repository Composition environment Run-time environment SAVE has a focus on model-based design
SAVE application characteristics Hard real-time static configuration Additional, less critical, less static tasks –But SAVE focus is not on these Resource constrained (per unit cost-critical) Reuse of architectures and ”components” Integrator – supplier relation
Portability, Platform independence Binary independence Source level portability suffices, –Design-time composition, –Run-time environment restrictions Source level portability requires: –Agreement on implementation language, –Agreement on available libraries, –Providing proper abstractions (i.e. RTOS API) More feasible for embedded systems Component technology
Research question? ? ”Criticality” ”Cost of development And integration”
SAVE – The Challenge Conflicting requirements E.g. Safety vs. Cost and time-to-market Combination of architectural and component-based design with analysis and verification ”Model-based design” Safety and Real-Time
SAVEComp Component Technology Component Development System Configuration Run-time Environment Comp. Specification SAVEComp Operational Interface Analytical Interface System Architecture Verification Technology Verification Technology Development Process Configuration Interface 3yrs is not sufficient (but a good start)
SAVE Workpackages WP1: Methodology and process WP2: Component specification and composition WP3: Analysis and verification WP4: Run-time and configuration support WP5: Case-studies (with industrial partners)
Design process System Requirements Architecture Deploy/Compose Replace/Add Component Requirements Find ComponentSelect ComponentAdapt Component Component verification System verification Players and their roles: Integrators Suppliers Component providers Certifiers and verifiers... Activities and their relations: Requirements Architecture design Modeling and implementation Composition and configuration Verification and validation...
Composition Method for component selection –Matching reqs with props Component specification and composition Identify relevant reqs/aspects –Including timing and safety Component Repository Composition environment Evaluation/selection Select/define appropriate notation for reqs and properties of components and systems Abstract models of concrete components
Techniques for analysis and verification 1.Integration of reliability and functional analyses (FTA, FMEA) (Analysis of compondents in presence of failures) 2.Automatic testing for checking safety and real-time (generation of test cases with high coverage) 3.Timing/reliability trade-off analysis (schedulability, reliability and sensitivity analyses) 4.Model based systems analysis (complete system simulation to analyze robustness and failures)
Run-time and configuration support Extracting parameters/props from comp. –Those needed by our analysis Monitoring and policing –Safety kernels and Monitors Model Implementation Platform OS etc. Middleware Application Comp. Composition Weaving Param/prop A method for weaving (Aleksandra will explain) Safety kernel
Demonstrator(s) In co-operation with our industrial partners Reuse from previous projects and presentations;-)
More on SAVE... See
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