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”Mycket snack och lite verkstad?”
Nya affärsmodeller - Hur förbereder vi oss inför ett annat affärsklimat Sven Mikkelä VP, Strategic Marketing Metso Minerals – Mining Business Line
Metso Minerals - Ekonomisk översikt
Omsättning TEUR Steadily growing business and profitability: First half-year results 2007 results exceed half-year results 2006 by +14% in Net Sales MEUR +19% in Orders Received MEUR +24% in Operating Profit MEUR Performance in the market Steady growth in pace with market growth Metso Minerals is between Number 1 and Number 3 in the selected businesses within construction, mining and recycling Large Capital Equipment orders contribute most of revenue: mills, feeders, crushers 60% of revenue come from North America and EMEA Summary: we have improved a lot in the last few years, our productivity and profitability have improved, and we are able to keep up with the market growth, but we are not performing as well as we could with the high demand. Metso Minerals hade en omsättning på 2,2 miljarder år 2006, vilket är 25 procent mera än 2005.
Nya Metso Minerals Tre kundinriktade affärslinjer
Construction Mining Recycling 4200 anställda 5100 anställda 700 anställda The new customer segment -based business lines have been in operation since January We made the change to be able to serve our customers more efficiently. Now there is only one business line in charge of the customer. The Mining business line provides services to mining and industrial minerals companies extracting, processing and transporting ores and minerals, as well as to mining contractors, and engineering and consulting companies. Ca 5000 employees The Construction business line serves quarries and project-based crushing and screening operations providing services to aggregates and construction industries, contractors processing rock or soil for the construction and civil engineering industries, and engineering and consulting companies. Ca 4000 employees The Recycling business line mainly serves the metal recycling industry including ferrous scrap operations, automotive industry, aluminium industry and foundries. Ca 700 employees Alla affärslinjer är ansvariga för: - Sin egen strategi och sitt resultat - Sina kundrelationer - Sina globala produktlinjer, konstruktion, tillverkning och leverans
Detta är Metso Minerals - Mining
5 100 medarbetare på 143 anläggningar 34 tillverknings-/ teknikenheter Vi skapar framgång för våra kunder genom att tillhandahålla tjänster och utrustning för mineralbearbetning som ger högsta möjliga produktivitet till lägsta möjliga totalkostnad. 4
Bland våra kunder finns…
Bulk materials handling
Mining Value Chain Exploration Drilling Blasting Hauling Smelting and refining Feeding Crushing Screening Grinding Flotation Separation Slurry pumping Concentrate Pyro processing Service Wear and spare parts Preventive maintenance Maintenance and repairs Total maintenance contract Wear protection Conveying Bulk materials handling
Metso Minerals - Mining
”End of supercycle” scenario Wears & Spares Traditional service Sales Mined volume Capital Equipment New business models ”Life-Cycle Services” Time
Customer relationship and business development through Services
Produtos e projetos Serviços especializados Manutenção e serviços operacionais lifecycle service market Products and projects Expert services Maintenance and operating services Traditional market
Market trends and Metso service concept
Process agreement Service Wears & Spares Equipment • Consolidation and globalization • Outsourcing • Rapid growth in: Maintenance Refurbishment Upgrading • Automation and smart machines • Training Performance provider Machine supplier Solution Transformation from equipment supplier to lifecycle service provider
Metso Minerals - Mining
Wears & Spares Traditional service ”End of supercycle” scenario Capital Equipment Mined volume Time Sales ”Life-Cycle Services” Define and develop Implement Follow up
A ”Life-Cycle Perspective”
Define and develop offerings/solutions matching customers’ needs Exploration Mine planning Pre-feasibility Feasibility Financing Process expertise Engineering Product supply Project management Construction Operation Maintenance Process improvements Rebuilds Upgrades Replacements A LIFE-CYCLE PERSPECTIVE Beginning of mine lifecycle
Maximize Customers Operations
PROCESS TECHNOLOGY EX: FROM 5-20% INCREASED PRODUCTION IN EXISTING PLANT What do we offer: EXPERT SERVICE RCM CONCEPT EX: REDUCED SERVICE TIME FROM 36 TO 21 HOUR LINER CHANGE, PRIMARY CRUSHER. Maximize Customers Operations PREDICTIVE MAINTENANCE & CONDITION MONITORING Huoltopalvelut kattavat tuotteen koko elinkaaren - mikä on elinkaari? Alkuperäiset vara- ja kulutusosat kaikkiin laitteisiin - mitä hyötyä? Täysi tekninen tuki korjauksista ja koneuusinnoista kapasiteetinnostoihin Prosessin optimointi ja henkilöstön kouluttaminen Paikalliset huolto- ja myyntiyksiköt Tutkimus- ja testauslaboratoriot KNOW HOW IN SPARES AND WEAR EX: INCRESED CAPACITY FROM 380 T/H UP TO 600 T/H MP1000 PEBBLE CRUSHER
Process Technology Products and Services
Process Integration and Optimization from Mine to Mill: Characterization Simulation Drilling and blasting Crushing Screening Grinding Classification Flotation Definition and Implementation of operational and control strategies to minimize the operational mine and mill costs and maximize the operation as a whole. Support during Commissioning Comminution Circuit Design and Optimization Flotation Circuit Design and Optimization
Service Agreements Codelco, Chile
Codelco Andina’s division process mine - includes plant maintenance services for Metso and third-party equipment, process optimization services, wear parts replacement on crushers and grinding mills, parts supply, service tools, vehicles and labour Over 100 employees of MM are participating in the contract Approximately EUR 13 million over 5 years contract Objective is to increase production by extending wear-life and uptime and improving the overall production process
Metso Minerals – Mining - “Life-Cycle Services” Implementation progress and priorities - July 2007
How to get started? Find the right players and – ”Just kick the ball”
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