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Informationssystem och databasteknik, 2I-1100

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En presentation över ämnet: "Informationssystem och databasteknik, 2I-1100"— Presentationens avskrift:

1 Informationssystem och databasteknik, 2I-1100
Processer System Modeller

2 Definition of Business Process
A set of activities that takes one or more types of inputs and turns them into an output of greater value to the customer. [Hammer] input output input

3 Definition of Business Process
A specific ordering of work activities across time and place, with a beginning, an end, and clearly-defined inputs and outputs; a structure for action. [Davenport] input output input

4 An Informal Workflow Order register * for each order line Credit check
Stop order Check order line not OK i lager OK Add to order Ship Credit manager Order manager

5 An Informal Workflow Task Parallelism Selection Resource
Order register Task Parallelism * for each order line Credit check Stop order Check order line not OK Selection i lager OK Add to order Resource Ship Credit manager Order manager

6 Basic Workflow Concepts
Task - a logical unit of work that is carried out as a single whole Resource - a person or a machine that can perform specific tasks Activity - the performance of a task by a a resource Case - a sequence of activities performed to achieve some goal, an order, an insurance claim, a car assembly Work item - the combination of a case and a task that is just to be carried out Process - describes how a particular category of cases shall be managed Control flow construct - sequence, selection, iteration, parallelisation

7 Basic Workflow Concepts
Activity Case Resource Work Item Task Process Allocation Resource Type

8 Application Process tokens transition place
send accept prepare accept letter tokens transition place accept ready1 ready2 check validity under consideration applications reject send reject prepare reject letter When a transition fires it removes one token from each input place and adds one token to each output place

9 Application Process send accept prepare accept letter accept ready1 ready2 check validity under consideration applications reject send reject prepare reject letter When a transition fires it removes one token from each input place and adds one token to each output place

10 Application Process send accept prepare accept letter accept ready1 ready2 check validity under consideration applications reject send reject prepare reject letter When a transition fires it removes one token from each input place and adds one token to each output place

11 Application Process send accept prepare accept letter accept ready1 ready2 check validity under consideration applications reject send reject prepare reject letter When a transition fires it removes one token from each input place and adds one token to each output place

12 Application Process tokens transition place
send accept prepare accept letter tokens transition place accept ready1 ready2 check validity under consideration applications reject send reject prepare reject letter When a transition fires it removes one token from each input place and adds one token to each output place

13 Application Process send accept prepare accept letter accept ready1 ready2 check validity under consideration applications reject send reject prepare reject letter When a transition fires it removes one token from each input place and adds one token to each output place

14 Application Process send accept prepare accept letter accept ready1 ready2 check validity under consideration applications reject send reject prepare reject letter When a transition fires it removes one token from each input place and adds one token to each output place

15 Application Process send accept prepare accept letter accept ready1 ready2 check validity under consideration applications reject send reject prepare reject letter When a transition fires it removes one token from each input place and adds one token to each output place

16 Enabled Transition A transition is enabled when there is a token
in each of its input places Not enabled Enabled

17 Dutch Traffic Light red yr yellow rg green gy

18 Dutch Traffic Light red yr yellow rg green gy

19 Dutch Traffic Light red yr yellow rg green gy

20 Dutch Traffic Light red yr yellow rg green gy

21 Two Traffic Lights red1 yr1 red2 yr2 yellow1 rg1 rg2 yellow2 green1

22 Two Traffic Lights red1 yr1 red2 yr2 yellow1 rg1 rg2 yellow2 green1

23 Two Traffic Lights red1 yr1 red2 yr2 yellow1 rg1 rg2 yellow2 green1

24 Two Traffic Lights red1 yr1 red2 yr2 yellow1 rg1 rg2 yellow2 green1

25 Two Traffic Lights red1 yr1 red2 yr2 yellow1 rg1 rg2 yellow2 green1

26 Two Traffic Lights red1 yr1 red2 yr2 yellow1 rg1 rg2 yellow2 green1

27 Two Traffic Lights red1 yr1 red2 yr2 yellow1 rg1 rg2 yellow2 green1

28 Exercise - Traffic Light
Construct a Petri net for a traffic light that has four possible states: - red - yellow - green - red + yellow The light moves from red to (red + yellow) and then to green. From green it moves to yellow and then to red.

29 Coloured Petri Nets In a classical Petri net, tokens have
send accept In a classical Petri net, tokens have no structure. In a coloured Petri net, each token is associated with a data structure. prepare accept letter accept claims ready1 amount < 1000 amount > 1000 ready2 check validity under consideration reject send reject prepare reject letter [name: John Doe, amount: 5000] [name: Mary Doe, amount: 400]

30 Coloured Petri Nets send accept prepare accept letter accept claims
ready1 amount < 1000 amount > 1000 ready2 check validity under consideration reject send reject prepare reject letter [name: John Doe, amount: 5000] [name: Mary Doe, amount: 400]

31 Coloured Petri Nets In a coloured Petri net, the values
send accept In a coloured Petri net, the values of a token’s data structure can be used in preconditions that determine which transition that will fire. prepare accept letter accept claims ready1 amount < 1000 amount > 1000 ready2 check validity under consideration reject send reject prepare reject letter [name: John Doe, amount: 5000] [name: Mary Doe, amount: 400]

32 Coloured Petri Nets send accept prepare accept letter accept claims
ready1 amount < 1000 amount > 1000 ready2 check validity under consideration reject send reject prepare reject letter [name: John Doe, amount: 5000] [name: Mary Doe, amount: 400]

33 Coloured Petri Nets send accept prepare accept letter accept claims
ready1 amount < 1000 amount > 1000 ready2 check validity under consideration reject send reject prepare reject letter [name: John Doe, amount: 5000] [name: Mary Doe, amount: 400]

34 Coloured Petri Nets send accept prepare accept letter accept claims
ready1 amount < 1000 amount > 1000 ready2 check validity under consideration reject send reject prepare reject letter [name: John Doe, amount: 5000] [name: Mary Doe, amount: 400]

35 Coloured Petri Nets send accept prepare accept letter accept claims
ready1 amount < 1000 amount > 1000 ready2 check validity under consideration reject send reject prepare reject letter [name: John Doe, amount: 5000] [name: Mary Doe, amount: 400]

36 Petri Net with Time Every token gets a timestamp,
15 20 Every token gets a timestamp, indicating the time from which the token is available. A transition is enabled when each token to be consumed has a timestamp equal or prior to the current time. Each transition gives a delay to a token produced by the transition. 10

37 Petri Net with Time 15 20 10 10 30 Before current time = 20, the transition is not enabled and cannot fire. At current time = 20, it will fire. The timestamp of the produced token equals the current time + the transition delay.

38 Two Traffic Lights with Time
30 30 red1 yr1 red2 yr2 yellow1 rg1 rg2 yellow2 25 25 5 5 green1 green2 gy1 gy2 Current time = 0

39 Two Traffic Lights with Time
30 30 red1 yr1 red2 yr2 yellow1 rg1 rg2 yellow2 25 25 5 5 green1 green2 gy1 gy2 25 Current time = 1

40 Two Traffic Lights with Time
30 30 red1 yr1 red2 yr2 yellow1 rg1 rg2 yellow2 25 25 30 5 5 green1 green2 gy1 gy2 Current time = 26

41 Two Traffic Lights with Time
30 30 red1 yr1 red2 yr2 60 yellow1 rg1 rg2 yellow2 25 25 30 5 5 green1 green2 gy1 gy2 Current time = 31

42 Two Traffic Lights with Time
30 30 red1 yr1 red2 yr2 60 yellow1 rg1 rg2 yellow2 25 25 5 5 green1 green2 gy1 gy2 56 Current time = 32

43 Swimming School Exercise
A student registers at the swimming school. The student will take one or more swimming lessons followed by an examination. Every lesson has a beginning and an end. A student must have his or her individual teacher during a lesson. There are five teachers. Each swimming lesson is followed by another swimming lesson or an individual examination. An examiner is present at the examination, from beginning to end. There are two examiners. When a student has completed an examination, three things might happen: 1. The student passes and leaves the school 2. The student fails, takes additional lessons, and tries again 3. The student fails and gives up a) Model this using a classical Petri net b) Use a coloured Petri net to express that it is required to take 10 lessons before taking the exam and that students drop out after three failed exams c) Add time to model that a lesson takes one hour and an exam 30 min.

44 Basic Workflow Concepts
Task - a logical unit of work that is carried out as a single whole Resource - a person or a machine that can perform specific tasks Activity - the performance of a task by a a resource Case - a sequence of activities performed to achieve some goal, an order, an insurance claim, a car assembly Work item - the combination of a case and a task that is just to be carried out Process - describes how a particular category of cases shall be managed Control flow construct - sequence, selection, iteration, parallelisation

45 Workflow Concepts in Petri Nets
Task - transition Resource - token Activity - transition that fires Case - token Work item - enabled transition Process - Petri net Control flow construct - modelled by places and transitions

46 Triggers When do transitions fire? Sometimes, someone or something has
to fire them. A work item can only be transformed into an activity once it has been triggered. Kinds of triggers A resource initiative An external event A time signal

47 Triggers customer answer manage receive order ask for customer info
cancel no answer

48 A Historical Perspective
Operating System Application Application Operating System DBMS Application Operating System DBMS UIMS Application Operating System UIMS DBMS WFMS

49 Klassifikation av informationssystem
Beslutstyp Vilka typer av beslut som systemet stödjer Strategiska Taktiska Operationella Funktioner Vilken funktion i organisationen som systemet stöder Marknadsföring Tillverkning och tjänster Ekonomi Personal Structured decisions. Routine, require minimal judgment, focus on day-to-day operations. Semistructured decisions that support tactical goals. Often made by middle managers. Unstructured. Rely heavily on intuition, judgment, and experience. Usually made by top-level managers and executives.

50 Typer av beslutsstödssystem
Transaction Processing Systems (TPS) Alla dessa system stödjer besluts- fattande INFORMATIONS- BEHOV Management Information Systems (MIS) Intelligent Support Systems (ISS)

51 TPS - system som hanterar och lagrar transaktioner
Transaktion: ett utbyte mellan två parter Uttag från bankkonto Förfrågan om pris på en produkt Beställning av en vara Hur ett TPS hanterar en transaktion Step 1 Step 2 Step 3 Step 2 Mata in data Validera data Bearbeta data Lagra data

52 MIS - system som bevakar den interna verksamheten
Sammanfattningsrapport - aggregerar data från många transaktioner och presenterar dem i ett koncist format Månatlig försäljning Årlig personalomsättning Avvikelserapport - beskriver avvikelser mellan prognos och faktiskt utfall Budgetöverskridande Försäljningsminskning

53 ISS - Intelligenta StödSystem
ISS - system som stödjer ledningen på högre nivåer att fatta beslut om ostrukturerade problem Decision Support Systems (DSS) Executive Information Systems (EIS) Beslut på en högre nivå - både strukturerade och ostrukturerade aspekter Offert Strukturerat: självkostnad, produktionsbeläggning Ostrukturerar: Konkurrenternas priser, PR-värde att få en kund TPS och MIS

54 DSS - modell för beslutsstöd
Intern data “What-if” analys Måluppfyllelse Riskbedömning Beslutsmodeller What-if Vad händer om råvarupriset ökar 5%? Vad händer med marknadsandelen om priset höjs 10%? Vad händer med vinsten om vi tar bort de 10 mest olönsamma produkterna? Hur kan vi nå 10% ökad omsättning genom att - öka marknadsandelen - öppna nya marknader Extern data

55 EIS - Executive Information Systems
EIS - system som kan användas för att interaktivt analysera och presentera stora mängder information Drill-down Grafisk presentation Visa omsättning per region under året Visa omsättning per produkt för viss region Visa omsättning per månad för viss produkt och region

56 Samband mellan TPS, MIS och ISS
Omvärlds- bevakning ISS: ger stöd för komplexa beslut Strategisk MIS: genererar rap- porter om företaget Taktisk TPS: hanterar transaktioner Operationell

57 Organisatoriska funktioner
En funktion är en enhet inom en organisation som utför ett antal relaterade aktiviteter. Vanligen kräver dessa aktiviteter en viss kompetens eller specifik utrustning. Funktioner på ett universitet System administration Vakt- mästeri Kurs registrering Undervisning

58 IS för marknadsföring System som stödjer försäljning, marknadsföringskampanjer, marknadsanalys, m.m. CRM (Customer Relationship Management) System för försäljningsanalys

59 IS för tillverkning och tjänster
System som stöder inköp, kvalitetskontroll, lagerhantering, produktionsplanering, m.m. Logistiksystem Materialförsörjningssystem

60 IS för ekonomi System som tillhandahåller finansiell information som underlag för beslut Intern och extern redovisning Ordermottagning Fakturering

61 IS för personaladministration
System som stöder planering, samordning, administration och ledning av personal Lönesystem Kompetensdatabas

62 Processer En process är en sekvens av aktiviteter som resulterar i ett värde för en kund. Ofta behöver resurser från olika funktioner användas för att genomföra en process.

63 Processer korsar funktioner
Kurs System administration Vakt- mästeri Kurs registrering Undervisning

64 Funktioner och IS Varje informationssystem stöder sin egen funktion
Personal FoU Marknad Produktion Tjänster Ekonomi Varje informationssystem stöder sin egen funktion

65 Integrerade informationssystem
Order- hantering Kund- tjänster Ekonomi- rapportering FoU Marknad Produktion Tjänster Personal Produkt- utveckling Ekonomi

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