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Publicerades avLinnéa Hermansson
KI - 1 Introductory computer programming, 5p (7.5 ECTS credits) VT-03 Teacher and assistents Responsible for the course: Per Lindström (,rum E454 i MIT-huset. Per Lindströmperl@cs.umu.seE454 Assistents: Daniel Fahlgren (, room D420 in MIT- building. Anna Öhlund (, room D420 in MIT- building. Fredrik Dahlin (, room NAdv103 in NV- building (Naturvetarhuset). Daniel Fahlgrenfahlgren@cs.umu.seD420 Anna Öhlundloreli@cs.umu.seD420 Fredrik Dahlindahlin@cs.umu.seNAdv103
KI - 2 Offices and PC-labs in MIT-building Per MA316, MA326 Fredrik Dahlin in NV-building Anna, Daniel
KI - 3 See (if you know Swedish ) Under länkarna Datorsystem/Mjukvara/Användning Beskrivs hur du mha Putty loggar in under unix med den användare du fått vid DV-inst (T.ex. tfy02xxx) När du loggat in ska du se till att filen ”.forward” innehåller den E-mail adress dit du vill skicka mail som adresseras till Du kan t.ex. göra kommandot Echo ”” > ~/ Redirect CS-mail to another e-mail address
KI - 4 The focus of the course includes the acquisition of: ·knowledge of and skills in the planning and programming of solution of problems in science and technology; ·basic knowledge of concepts, methods, and tools for programming-in-the-small; and ·knowledge of and skills in programming in the language C. basic knowledge of algorithm construction, and methods for solving ordinary differential equations using Matlab; Goal of course TDBA66, 5 credits Organization of course C-programming week 4 – week 11MATLAB-programming, week 12 (3 mandatory assignments) 2 mandatory assignments (solve in teams) 2 assignments (solve individual)(you can skip this part. If so you should enroll 1 assignment (solve in pairs)in course TDBA38, 4 credits (6 ECTS credits) written exam Wed. 11/3, 9-15
KI - 5 Hanly and Koffman: Cprogram Design for Engineers, 2 nd edtition, Addison&Wesley Buy via stud-exp at Computing Science, MIT-building 4-th floor Pärt-Enander m.fl.: Användarhandledning för Matlab 6 200:- (the English version is published by PearsonEd) Text books for TDBA66 (Introductory C-programming, 5 credits) Buy via some bookstore (i.e. Akademibokhandeln)
KI - 6 Information on the web Course description Timetable and readings (schema, läsanvisningar) Assignments Assistence time (Handledningstider) Exercises (in PC-labs) Code from text book Rules to obey Old exams (in due time) News
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