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E-lärande och högre utbildning Utveckling och pedagogiska utmaningar.

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En presentation över ämnet: "E-lärande och högre utbildning Utveckling och pedagogiska utmaningar."— Presentationens avskrift:

1 E-lärande och högre utbildning Utveckling och pedagogiska utmaningar

2 LARS-ERIK JONSSON FD, Universitetslektor/ PhD Senior lecturer GÖTEBORGS UNIVERSITET/ Institutionen för pedagogik och didaktik +46 (0)31 786 2393 +46 (0)70 529 23 87


4 Översikt E-learning i praktiken (”nutid”) Pedagogisk utveckling och statliga insatser (”dåtid”) Kvalitet i e-learning (”framtid”)

5 The Online Seminar as Enacted Practice Institutional Transformation through Best Practices in Virtual Campus Development: Advancing E-Learning Policies Edited By: Mark Stansfield, University of the West of Scotland, UK; Thomas Connolly, University of the West of Scotland, UKMark StansfieldThomas Connolly ks?id=lmWdLAGnttcC&prints ec=frontcover&hl=en&source =gbs_ViewAPI ks?id=lmWdLAGnttcC&prints ec=frontcover&hl=en&source =gbs_ViewAPI

6 Contributing and Participating in Academic Seminar Discourse

7 Initial Confusion ─Am I in the right course? It’s the same every time I start a new course! (Aug 30) ─Where and how can I upload what I want to write in its proper place? It takes all my time to worry about this? (Sep 14) ─I think you should stop worrying. We will solve this together. To the left you have the folder [for the particular theme] in it you will find the group folders. (Sep 14)

8 Appropriating an academic discourse? ─Perhaps the most distinguishing feature of constructivism … is its emphasis on argument, discussion and debate. Comparing Petraglia’s ideas with the lively exchange of opinions in our group I think we can say that we have been working in a constructivist mode. (Oct 26)

9 Benefits of the online seminar Participants must be prepared and ready to contribute Writing is a powerful tool for the development of thinking Discussing asynchronously gives each participant time to reflect Gradual elimination of communication barriers Decreasing risk of plagiarism

10 Anderson, Terry. (Ed.). (2008). The Theory and Practice of Online Learning. AU Press: Athabasca University.

11 Staten och den pedagogiska utvecklingen

12 Problemet undervisning vs. forskning

13 Rådet för högre utbildning (1990-2005) ”Rådet”




17 ”Widening participation”

18 NSHU Breddad rekrytering Pedagogisk utveckling IT-stödd distansutbildning Internationella kontakter


20 Statliga åtgärder – ökad kvalitet?

21 KAM

22 Base-line? What constitutes quality in e-learning ? ( E-learning quality, 2008: 11R )

23 Policy för kvalitet i e-learning integrering av kvalitetskriterier för e-learning i nationella kvalitetssäkringssystem kompetens inom organisationen internationellt nätverkande metodologisk utveckling

24 Högskolepedagogik på nätet pedagogisk utveckling + elearning

25 Tack för ert intresse!

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