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Hormonförändringar Stress Sömnbrist Sjukdom Bristfällig dental ocklusion (snett bett) Nedsatt rörelseförmåga hos kotor Snabba väderomslag (lufttryck, temperatur, luftfuktighet) Förorenad luft eller luftkonditionering Allergi mot viss mat (intolerans) Alkohol, choklad, ost, natriumglutamat (E621) Migrä
Biofeedback teaches patients to influence physiologic responses and decrease headache severity and duration Biofeedback is an operant learning process that uses monitoring of blood vessels (temporal artery), skin temperature (A), and surface electromyelograms (B) to teach patients to influence physiologic responses and decrease headache severity and duration [ref]. Although there is controversy in the literature supporting biofeedback, it is a benign, safe therapy that can be helpful in treating migraine and tension headache. It can be used in conjunction with other pharmacologic and nonpharmacologic interventions. Taken from: Tauro J. Atlas of Anesthesia: Pain Management. Edited by Ronald Miller (series editor), Stephen E. Abram. ©1998 Current Medicine Group LLC.
Mechanisms of action of preventive therapy in migraine Conceptual model of mechanisms of action of preventive therapy in migraine Taken from: Ramadan N: Migraine Headache Prophylaxis: Current Options and Advances on the Horizon. Current Neurology and Neuroscience Reports. 6(2): Current Medicine Group LLC.
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