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2007 Microsoft Office system
Per Hedberg Solution Sales Specialist – Information Worker Microsoft AB © 2002 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. This presentation is for informational purposes only. Microsoft makes no warranties, express or implied, in this summary.
Trender inom arbetslivet
Ha tillgång & vara tillgänglig Globalt näringsliv Enkel & enhetlig åtkomst till information Samarbete över alla gränser Människor Idag ställs det helt nya krav på informaitonsarbetaren – Globalt närinsliv – Idag ser en markands som företagen verkar på helt annourlound ut än för några år sedan. Idag sammarbetar man på ett helt annat sätt. Tittar man intern inom företaget så ser är det allt vanligare med virituella team där man arbetar över avdelningsgräänser eller över mellan kontror. Ser man utför företaget så är det många företag som upplever att de verkar I en globlal marknad där deras kunder, partner och leverantörer kan finnas utspridda på olika delar på jorden. Detta ställer ytteligare krav på att man, på ett enkelt säkert och smidigt sätt kan sammarbeta och över organisationens gränser , över tidszone och över brandväggar. Information overload är idag ett begrepps som är väl nöt. Begreppet syftar till att “ jag får så mycket relevant information att jag inte har möjlighet att ta till mig den” Att det produceras mycket information är bra. Problematitken ligger I att hitta relevant information givet den kontex som man befinner sig i. Undersökningar visar på att många istället lider av information underload, hellt enkelt att de inte hittar den information som de behöver. Det finns undersökningar som visar en vanliga informationsarbetare spenderar ¼ av sin tid på att leta efter information. Tid som försvinner på icke produktiva uppgifter. Detta förutsätter att man snabb kan hitta rätt infromation och snabbt ta till sig den information och börjar agerar. Allt efrersom det produceras allt mer informaiton så ställe det högra krav på att man har full kontroll på sina processer SOX är ett tydligt exemple på detta,där tom VD kan bli bestaffade om inte de kritiska processerna fungerar. Economic transformation: manufacturing-based economy to a services-based economy As cost pressures drain profitability away from activities that can readily be automated, outsourced or offshored, c Competitive advantage will accrue to those who can drive value with ideas: intellectual property, process innovation, strategic insights, and personalization of services. In this environment, winning organizations will find new ways to empower information workers with tools that amplify their human talents, connecting them organically to an information infrastructure that allows them to understand their role in the context of larger strategic objectives, find and collaborate with the right people, and make the best use of available data in their decision-making and work activities. Workers and organizations are already nearing the point of “information overload,” where the sheer volume of data and the complexity of the applications necessary to work with it threaten to overwhelm the powers of human cognition. According to IDC, a typical information worker in North America has seen the daily volume of business-related increase by a factor of ten since The number of business-related electronic communications – , instant messages, meeting requests – is projected to increase five-fold between 2004 and 2008. One World of Business. Political and economic dynamics are forging a single global market, a global workforce, global customers, partners, and suppliers. Collaboration across time-zones, across organizations, across firewalls will be commonplace. Organizations will be challenged to maintain the security and confidentiality of their IP in an environment of increasingly collaborative innovation and a nomadic global workforce of mobile and at-home employees, engaged through a variety of non-traditional employment arrangements. Always On, Always Connected. The challenges of the “always on, always connected” world will be converting information into insights; managing time and staying focused on high priority tasks; finding the right information and connecting with the right people in an organization via the best channel; staying on the same page as colleagues; and managing the balance between work and family life. These kinds of challenges require a new generation of information work tools: ones that simplify rather than complicate, and automate many of the low-level tasks and decisions that currently clutter the lives and waste the time of information workers. Earlier challenges involved in creating, analyzing and manipulating information are being replaced by newer challenges surrounding the use, understanding and management of information. I DC estimated that information workers spend up to 2.5 hours a day, or 30% of their work time, looking for information. Further studies from Ford Motor and AIIM suggest that information workers spend 15-25% of their time on non-productive information-related activities. All this is time not spent doing tasks with specific value to the organization, such as personnel review, sales analysis, budgeting, forecasting, project planning, or interacting with customers. The Transparent Organization. The systems that make organizations more agile also make them more accountable. Balancing compliance responsibilities with confidentiality has already proven to be a tricky and costly proposition. New technologies can help by giving organizations finer-grained control over the collection, management and security of their internal data in ways that are less burdensome on the business. The result will not only be enhanced ability to manage in a regulatory climate, but also better insights into organizational processes: insights that can be used as feedback for continuous process improvement and optimization. Software is a central tool in this process. It can help doctors treat patients more effectively at lower cost; it can help retailers optimize and personalize the shopping experience while achieving fine-grained management control for maximum efficiency; it can help information workers in any role reduce the stresses of “information overload” and leverage unprecedented visibility into the vast storehouses of information into insight and action. Microsoft is committed to helping organizations realize these benefits. Current and upcoming versions of Microsoft Office extend the traditional personal productivity suite of authoring and analysis tools to enable greater organizational productivity. The Challenges of a More Connected World These distractions have a demonstrable effect on the productivity and health of workers. According to a recent study by the Families and Work Institute, 56 percent of workers said they typically have to work on too many tasks simultaneously or are so interrupted that they find it difficult to get work done. The lesson here is that information workers’ tools need to evolve to meet the emerging challenges of information overload. A robust vision of information worker productivity can’t simply keep adding an prioritization, context, attention management, and better, smarter ways to visualize and control volumes of complex data. In a nutshell – simplification and insight. Organizations will benefit substantially when their skilled, experienced workers can devote more time to high value tasks, and less time and energy tracking down the right version of a document, doing rework to integrate feedback from team members who were not well-connected to the collaborative process, traveling or managing logistics to convene group meetings. Microsoft believes that the ability of organizations to embrace change, uncertainty and opportunities in the global economy are directly related to the empowerment of information workers at all levels of the organization. Empowering information workers means more than just giving them more software and more training. It means making it easier for them to bring their unique talents, experience and judgment to bear in situations where they can make an impact. It means making collaboration with colleagues down the corridor or around the world as natural as working alone. It means making access to information secure, ubiquitous and unobtrusive. It means simplifying the process of turning mountains of raw data into actionable intelligence, and closing the gap between simple information and productive action. As we move farther into the future, we are looking closely at the social, economic and demographic trends that our customers will face eight to 10 years out, along with promising developments in research and technology. While some of this thinking is not yet part of any formal product strategy, it is already informing the way we intend to approach information worker empowerment in the second decade of the 21st century. Kontroll över information & processer Transparanta organisationer
Office System Genombrottet
Programs Servers Jag är ju här för att prata office system Tittar man på hur utvecklingen av office har Services © 2002 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. This presentation is for informational purposes only. Microsoft makes no warranties, express or implied, in this summary.
Dokumenthantering (ECM)
2007 Office system - Fokusområden Möta behoven i det moderna arbetslivet Dokumenthantering (ECM) Förenkla dokumenthantering och processer runt Kommunikation & Samarbete Kollegor, partners & kunder Beslutsstöd (BI) Rätt information tillgänglig för fler personer Personlig produktivitet Öka den personliga produktiviteten och effektiviteten As the ground shifts under organizations in the new world of work, it only makes sense that the tools information workers use in their jobs should evolve to meet new needs and provide new capabilities. The traditional authoring, analysis and communications tools remain relevant, but are no longer “good enough” on their own to enable information workers to maximize their contributions or adapt to the onslaught of new data. Already, information work solutions are becoming more deeply integrated with network infrastructure, better able to support critical capabilities like information rights management, and expanding to provide richer communication and collaboration channels for teams and organizations. Key points: Three big organization-wide areas of investment: Enterprise Content Management, Communication and Collaboration and Business Intelligence We see benefits of the integration of capabilities of these markets and the market convergence happening around these One of the keys to get full value of these capabilities is the individual – where customers have failed to get full benefits from these types of systems is tied to getting users to adopt the usage and business process changes. Underlying this is the ability to build and extend solutions and fundamental elements of manageability, reliability and security Key take-aways Enterprise focus with emphasis on empowering the individual Taking an end-to-end solution view from individuals working in familiar Office programs to enterprise servers providing capabilities to address organizational needs to “cloud services” providing capabilities or assistance to users. Long-term commitment – not a one release focus Increase Individual Impact Objective: Increase employee self-sufficiency and effectiveness Emphasize: We will continue to invest in providing tools for individuals to be productive and effective. We will be working to make individuals more self-sufficient by enabling them to perform more sophisticated tasks themselves and providing more self and community-based help options. Communication & Collaboration Simplify Working Together We will continue to invest in team effectiveness and will be expanding this to include integrated communications and the ability to work easily with partners and customers. Enterprise Content Management Objective 1: Streamline Content Management We will expand what we provided in Wave 2003 of the Office System for document management to allow better policy management of content across the organization. We will be making sure we keep the overhead of document management to a minimum and that we make it simple for end users to participate in document management processes. Objective 2: Streamline processes For corporate developers, we will be delivering a platform on which they can easily build and deliver rich solutions that incorporate workflow, business system integration and Office client familiarity. Business Intelligence Improve business insight We will make it easy to find, analyze and use the expertise and data hidden within an organization and its business systems to make better informed decisions personally and within a team. Fundamentals Make it secure, reliable and easier to deploy Emphasize We have made great strides in the last few years on the security, reliability, and deployment of Office, and we will continue to invest in these fundamentals. We are making investments in establishing a digital connection with customers, making deployment and patching simpler and providing software that is secure by design and by default. 2007 Microsoft Office suites will support Windows XP SP1+ for clients and Windows Server 2003 & SQL 2000 and later for servers. Fundamenta Säkrare, pålitligare och enkelt att hantera/administrera 4 © 2002 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. This presentation is for informational purposes only. Microsoft makes no warranties, express or implied, in this summary.
Personlig produktivitet Gör de anställda effektivare – ge dem bättre verktyg
Gör arbetet lättare Resultatorienterat/kontextberoende gränssnitt Utnyttja mer av den inbyggda funktionaliteten – lär av andra via Office Online Skapa professionella dokument – snabbt Fördefinierade mallar/layouter Professionella grafer och diagram Valfrihet I filformat– PDF och XPS Bygg avancerade och professionella förslag/offerter Arbeta mobilt SharePoint tillgängligt i Outlook Enklare extranet access till team-siter There is still a lot of headroom to make individuals more effective outside of the team and organization-level processes that we’ll get into in the other themes. 2007 Office system includes advances in usability, document production, mobility and personal information management, including task management. We will first take a look at what we are doing to improve usability with the new results-oriented users interface. NOTE: The ability to access SharePoint sites offline with Outlook requires Windows SharePoint Services 3.0 – this will be available as a free download to all Windows Server 2003 users at Office 12 GA Feedback and trends Office applications are too hard to master Requests for features already in the applications More commands (10X over last 17 years) Menus-based interface no longer optimalFeedback and trends Increasing pace of business Greater demands on individuals Information fatigue Untapped employee potential Åtkomst till kund och produktinformation på kundbesöket Hantera information, tid och samarbete Uppgifter integrerade I kalendern Sök I mail och dokument Dela kalendrar – ännu enklare Arbeta effektivare med bättre kontroll över tid och uppgifter © 2002 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. This presentation is for informational purposes only. Microsoft makes no warranties, express or implied, in this summary.
Personlig Produktivitet
4/4/ :15 AM Personlig Produktivitet © 2006 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. This presentation is for informational purposes only. Microsoft makes no warranties, express or implied, in this summary.
Results-oriented User Interface Aids to user transition – managing change
Understanding impact early and optimizing design Customer Experience Improvement program data analysis Usability Labs Beta and Technology Adoption Program Feedback Providing education and training Contextual help – Enhanced Tool Tips Office Online – Interactive training E-learning for enterprise customers Specialized IT training materials Supporting customer and partner solutions Existing add-ins supported New model has more options to extend the UI © 2002 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. This presentation is for informational purposes only. Microsoft makes no warranties, express or implied, in this summary.
Lösningsområden Dokumenthantering (ECM) Kommunikation & Samarbete (CC)
Beslutsstöd (BI)
Dokumenthantering (ECM) Säker och ordnad dokumenthantering
Dokumenthantering för användarna Hantera olika typer av innehåll/information i hela livscykeln Bort med papper och manuella processer
Dokumenthantering (ECM) Dokumentlager
Definiera egna dokumenttyper inom företaget Sök med metadata Hantera godkännanden och versioner 10
Dokumenthantering (ECM) Metadata
Anpassningsbar dokumentinfo-panel Definiera vilket metadata som behövs vid typdefinitionen Fånga metadata direkt vid produktionen (i Office) © 2002 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. This presentation is for informational purposes only. Microsoft makes no warranties, express or implied, in this summary.
Dokumenthantering Workflow för godkännande
Seriellt, paralellt, delegering, ändring Microsoft’s ECM offering uses the Windows Workflow Foundation capabilities to deliver and track workflows and associate these with individual documents, document types or site libraries. Visar en snappshot från hur man enkelt kan skapa ett workflow I Sharepoint Workflow kan starta när man: Av användaren Automatisk när ett dokument ändras Atutomatisk när ett dokument skapas Workflow participants are notified of their required action either via or through the document itself. Some workflows such as the Approval and Signature Workflows are available out of the box while organizations can build their own workflows using SharePoint Designer and Visual Studio. Stopp-villkor © 2002 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. This presentation is for informational purposes only. Microsoft makes no warranties, express or implied, in this summary.
Enterprise Content Management Records management
Selectively track, audit and expire content Customize policies by content type Store multiple record types including Vault behavior to ensure content integrity Pre-release software, subject to change © 2002 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. This presentation is for informational purposes only. Microsoft makes no warranties, express or implied, in this summary.
Dokumenthantering Formulärhantering, webb, PC, mobil
© 2002 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. This presentation is for informational purposes only. Microsoft makes no warranties, express or implied, in this summary.
Dokumenthantering (ECM) Affärsvärde
Ökad produktivitet Minskade kostnader för lagring Ökad kontroll
Lösningsområden Dokumenthantering (ECM) Kommunikation & Samarbete (CC)
Beslutsstöd (BI)
Kommunikation & samarbete Gör det enklare
En enda inkorg för all kommunikation Samarbeta effektivare Arbeta var som helst – när det passar On going business trends and technology challenges demand better (and better integrated) communication and collaboration tools that are easier to use and manage. Office 2003 delivered some key capabilities that begin to address these issues, especially through presence and self-service team sites. 2007 Office system builds on Office 2003 by delivering richer functionality and tighter integration that support new scenarios within teams and across organizations. Integrated Teaming and Communication is about richer, easier communication and working more effectively in teams of all kinds. Feedback and trends Heterogeneous communications Geographically dispersed teams Multiple information repositories Difficult knowledge transfer Enhetlig affärskommunikation En inkorg för all kommunikation – styra från datorn, webben Styr epost/kalender via telefonen Tillgång överallt Samarbeta effektivare Fler verktyg för sammarbete Åtkomst till epost, arbetsytor och dokument “Offline“ (Spontansamarbeta – Groove) Samarbeta med Wikis, bloggar och RSS Projekt- och ärendeuppföljning Människor, processer och information Personaliserade portaler och “Min sajt” Hitta rätt kompetens (sök) Utbyggbara arbetsflöden - “Out-of-the-box” Arbeta var som helst – när det passar Office, e-post & IM i mobilen Full fidelity business application – business can extend key business apps such as CRM, SFA, ERP from companies like SAP, Siebel , PSFT, and to mobile workers with version for windows mobile platform. Wide range of industry-specific apps from real estate to Healthcare to manufacturing available from partners to equip mobile workforce with mobile tools. Offline caching and synchronizing of WSS content to clients – Groove, Outlook and Access. Project and issue tracking with tasks and alerts Deliver seamless communications experience Shared s (Public folder replacement) Any mode any placen – across devices.
Kommunikation & samarbete Integrerat
Koerera via weben Tillgänglighets-information Integrera med telefoni © 2002 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. This presentation is for informational purposes only. Microsoft makes no warranties, express or implied, in this summary.
Kommunikation & samarbete Affärsvärdet
Minskade resekostnader Reducerade projekttider
4/4/ :15 AM Communicator © 2006 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. This presentation is for informational purposes only. Microsoft makes no warranties, express or implied, in this summary.
1. Uppgifter och beroenden 3. Uppgradera till Project Server
Kommunikation & samarbete Projekthantering direkt i Windows SharePoint Services 2. Gantt-scheman Windows SharePoint Services 3.0 will offer a new type of list, the Project Task List, which creates a Gantt chart view based on the entry of tasks. These task lists work for simple projects or as a good way to initiate large projects. Project Web Access can import these task lists to Microsoft Office Project Server as activity plans, which you can then promote these plans to projects managed by Office Project Professional 2007 to which you can add much more detail as your management needs grow. This ability to easily capture information in a Project Task List then import them to Project Server as part of the Microsoft Enterprise Project Management (EPM) Solution enables you to gain a more complete picture of plans and resource utilization. 1. Uppgifter och beroenden 3. Uppgradera till Project Server Beta software, subject to change © 2002 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. This presentation is for informational purposes only. Microsoft makes no warranties, express or implied, in this summary.
Kommunikation & samarbete Groove – spontansamarbete
Säker informationsdelning och samarbete över organisationsgränser Medlemmars tillgänglighet Snabbmeddelanden Status-meddelanden © 2002 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. This presentation is for informational purposes only. Microsoft makes no warranties, express or implied, in this summary.
Lösningsområden Dokumenthantering (ECM) Kommunikation & Samarbete (CC)
Beslutsstöd (BI)
Beslutsstöd Möjliggör för fler att fatta bättre beslut
En version av sanningen Säker åtkomst till kalklyblad med server-baserade kalkyler och åtkomst via webben Dela kalylresultat & modeller med kunder utan att ge bort modellen Djupare förståelse Ännu bättre analys och visualisering i Excel & Visio “Instrumentpanel”, KPI:er och Web-komponenter Integration med SQL Server 2005 & Reporting Services Hitta rätt information för att göra de analyser som har störst inverkan på företagets resultat Broaden access to and usability of business data and applications through the business data catalog, report center and dashboard center – make BI assessable to more people Use new visualization and data exploration capabilities in Office 12 to understand patterns and trends in business data to develop greater insight Find critical business information and expertise regardless of its location through enhanced search and social networking capabilities Feedback and trends Difficult to find corporate information and experts Key performance indicators to align business execution BI tools disconnected from how people actually work Desire to get more out of data warehouse investments Hitta experter och kritisk information Sök genom webbsajter, filhanterare och din lokala PC Sök i andra system Sök efter experten (människor) Hitta relevant information och kompetens via datatyper och relationer © 2002 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. This presentation is for informational purposes only. Microsoft makes no warranties, express or implied, in this summary.
Beslutsstöd Möjliggör för fler att ta bättre bestlut
En version av sanningen Djupare förståelse Hitta kritisk information On going business trends and technology challenges demand better (and better integrated) communication and collaboration tools that are easier to use and manage. Office 2003 delivered some key capabilities that begin to address these issues, especially through presence and self-service team sites. 2007 Office system builds on Office 2003 by delivering richer functionality and tighter integration that support new scenarios within teams and across organizations. Integrated Teaming and Communication is about richer, easier communication and working more effectively in teams of all kinds. Feedback and trends Heterogeneous communications Geographically dispersed teams Multiple information repositories Difficult knowledge transfer Enhetlig affärskommunikation En inkorg för all kommunikation – styra från datorn, webben Styr epost/kalender via telefonen Tillgång överallt Samarbeta effektivare Fler verktyg för sammarbete Åtkomst till epost, arbetsytor och dokument “Offline“ (Spontansamarbeta – Groove) Samarbeta med Wikis, bloggar och RSS Projekt- och ärendeuppföljning Människor, processer och information Personaliserade portaler och “Min sajt” Hitta rätt kompetens (sök) Utbyggbara arbetsflöden - “Out-of-the-box” Arbeta var som helst – när det passar Office, e-post & IM i mobilen Full fidelity business application – business can extend key business apps such as CRM, SFA, ERP from companies like SAP, Siebel , PSFT, and to mobile workers with version for windows mobile platform. Wide range of industry-specific apps from real estate to Healthcare to manufacturing available from partners to equip mobile workforce with mobile tools. Offline caching and synchronizing of WSS content to clients – Groove, Outlook and Access. Project and issue tracking with tasks and alerts Deliver seamless communications experience Shared s (Public folder replacement) Any mode any placen – across devices.
Beslutsstöd Excel services
Webbläsare Excel 2007 Office SharePoint Server Excel 2007 Egna applikationer © 2002 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. This presentation is for informational purposes only. Microsoft makes no warranties, express or implied, in this summary.
Beslutsstöd Report center
Skapa nya rapporter We will be introducing a new Report Center that will make it easy for people in organizations to find, organize and use reports and dashboards that are meaningful for their work. Users can use reports and dashboards personalized for them or they can browse through categorized reports, or they can view a calendar of upcoming reports and subscribe to ones that would help them. The Report Center gives users one place to go to get the latest report, spreadsheet or KPIs so they know they have the “one version of the truth”. They can also create new reports in either Excel or SQL reporting services and make these available for their teams or organizations. Organizational data sources are managed through the new Data Source Library that makes it easy to manage access and connection to key organizational data with central control and user adoption. {Transition} We will be treating dashboards as a special kind of report and providing great tools to help build and manage dashboards that will help users get key insights into their business performance. Mina rapporter (Excel, SQL Reporting Services eller annan data) Sök efter rapporter m.m © 2002 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. This presentation is for informational purposes only. Microsoft makes no warranties, express or implied, in this summary.
Beslutsstöd Enkel överblick
Anpassat för mig/min roll We will be providing a set of web parts that will make it easy to build data-driven charts and key visual indicators. Users can hook up data sources easily through the data source library and like reports, can manage a set of their own custom dashboards, find and sign up for existing ones or have a set of dashboards available to them dependent on their job role. As with the reports, these dashboards will also be available from their personalized My Sites. “Levande” kalkylblad från Excel KPI:er © 2002 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. This presentation is for informational purposes only. Microsoft makes no warranties, express or implied, in this summary.
Beslutsstöd Sök efter information oavsett var den finns
Flikar för olika datatyper t ex Prenumerera på sökresultat © 2002 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. This presentation is for informational purposes only. Microsoft makes no warranties, express or implied, in this summary.
Beslutsstöd Hitta trenderna snabbt
Visualisera data, trender med mera Apply conditional formatting more easily and highlight trends with rich visualizations like gradients, thresholds and icons. Length of bar depends on values in each cell Färgkoda baserat på villkor Jämför värden snabbt 2200 30 30
Beslutsstöd Affärsvärdet
Förbättrad verksamhetsstyrning Förbättrad forecasting lönsamhetsberäkningar
4/4/ :15 AM Excel 2007 © 2006 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. This presentation is for informational purposes only. Microsoft makes no warranties, express or implied, in this summary.
Business Intelligence Business data in lists
LOB actions Data from ERP system Pre-release software, subject to change
Business Intelligence Customer search across repositories
Customer data from SAP system Pre-release software, subject to change
Business Intelligence LOB application integration
Use Outlook calendar as a front-end for SAP Time Recording New 2007 Office System capabilities and solution offerings make Microsoft Office the primary user experience for working with business information and participating in business processes. For example: April 26, SAP AG and Microsoft Corp. today announced they are jointly developing and planning to offer a new product, code-named "Mendocino," that will help companies gain a competitive advantage by revolutionizing the way information workers access, analyze and use enterprise data to make better business decisions. "Mendocino" will link SAP process functionality directly to Microsoft® Office applications. Users of this product, the first to be developed jointly between SAP and Microsoft, will enjoy the familiarity of Microsoft Office as they access SAP's best-practice business processes and information. The announcement was made at SAPPHIRE® '05, SAP's international customer conference being held in Copenhagen, Denmark, April Time management - Record and review hours worked and receive approvals Budget monitoring - Supports managers in fulfilling their cost and budget responsibilities, including annual budget planning, budget monitoring, cost analysis and correction of postings Leave management - Requests for leave and receive approvals Organization management - Supports managers in their HR related administrative and planning tasks. It supports HR processes relevant to a manager’s particular tasks For more on Mendocino – see the following resources. Enable users to work directly with line-of-business information within Office applications Receive LOB reports in your Outlook inbox and work offline Pre-release software, subject to change 35 © 2002 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. This presentation is for informational purposes only. Microsoft makes no warranties, express or implied, in this summary.
Business Scorecard Manager
Beslutsstöd Hela bilden av projektet Business Scorecard Manager Projektbudget i Excel Here Project Web Access offers a thin client interface that makes for better visibility and communication of information on project investments. The foundation in Windows SharePoint Services means you can add web parts that leverage the functions of a variety of applications while participating in the Microsoft Enterprise Project Management (EPM) Solution. Project Server
Enterprise Content Management & Forms
Gartner om oss… To maximize your current and future employee talent, and keep employees engaged, you must continually revisit and revise your collaboration strategies. Gartner “High Performance Workplace”, 2006 Communication/ Collaboration With the functional enhancements planned for Office 12 and the considerable presence of Microsoft Office System products in many organizations, this vendor has the potential to become a dominant player in ECM. Gartner, 2006 Enterprise Content Management & Forms The release of SQL Server 2005, coupled with Microsoft's Office Business Scorecard Manager and Office 12 announcements, demonstrate that Microsoft is moving in the right direction in terms of market requirements and vision, as well as leveraging its Office brand and SQL Server momentum. Gartner, 2006 Business Intelligence/ Performance Management
2007 Microsoft Office 4/4/2017 12:15 AM
OneNote Groove Access Publisher InfoPath Communicator Integrated Enterprise Content Management Integrated Electronic Forms Information Rights and Policy Access Publisher InfoPath Communicator Integrated Enterprise Content Management Integrated Electronic Forms Information Rights and Policy Office Standard 2007 will continue to empower customers to effectively manage and easily create great-looking documents, spreadsheets and presentations. Office Standard 2007 will make it easier for people to get things done, with improved menus and tools including enhanced graphics and formatting capabilities, new time-management tools as well as greater reliability and enhanced security. Office Professional Plus 2007, the new name for an updated release of Microsoft Office Professional Enterprise Edition 2003, will deliver a powerful set of tools designed to help people and organizations work more efficiently with information. Through integration with new Microsoft Office SharePoint® Server 2007 and Microsoft Windows® SharePoint Services capabilities, Office Professional Plus 2007 will offer advances in teamwork solutions. Building on the strengths of Microsoft Office Professional Plus 2007, the new Office Enterprise 2007 suite will help teams share information easily and more securely across geographic and organizational boundaries, whether information workers are online or offline. Customers with active Software Assurance or EA in place will receive: Office Standard 2003 Office Standard 2007 Office Professional 2003 Office Professional Plus 2007 Customers with active Software Assurance or EA in place will have the following step-up options: Office Standard 2003 can purchase step up to Office Professional Plus 2007 Office Standard 2003 can purchase step up to Office Enterprise 2007 Office Professional Plus 2007 can purchase step up to Office Enterprise 2007 These customers will have the option to purchase these step-ups once the 2007 Office System products become available on the volume licensing price lists. Outlook Word Excel Power- Point Outlook Word Excel Power Point 38
2007 Office System - tidplan
Oktober 2003 – Office 2003 Maj, 2006 – Beta 2 ~Nov, 2006 – Volymlicenskunder ~Jan-Feb, 2007 – Allmän tillgång Nya versioner av samtliga produkter i Office system! Utvecklingen driven av feedback från kunder, partner & analytiker Fokus på individens såväl som företagens behov Systemkrav: Klienten: Windows XP SP2 Server: Windows Server 2003 SP1 eller senare SQL Server 2000 SP3 eller senare 39
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