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The Swedish Spatial Data Infrastructure (SDI)
The Swedish Spatial Data Infrastructure (SDI) Who do what? Legislation says who has the responsibility to coordinate the Swedish implementation and which authority/organisation has a responsible to implement INSPIRE Technical infrastructure One national geoportal, decentralised, cost effective development (NOSIN) Harmonising Understand IR/spec, use thematic cluster groups Metadata Uniformity (Swedish metadata profile), facilitate publication of metadata (metadata editor), Data sharing Easy understandable model: pay once use all. But it is optional to join Competence workshops/webinar/Swedish guidelines Interpretation of requirements (Technical forum, Nordic INSPIRE network), Inspire ger förutsättningar, men man måste forma en fungerande SDI själv Geodatasamverkan Geodataportal Christina Wasström NSDI-unit, Lantmäteriet
The Geodata Advisory board
EU Ministry Inspire Network Lantmäteriet (NMCA) The Geodata Advisory board Thematic clusters NSDI co-ordination unit Technical forum EuroGeographics INSPIRE KEN Nordic cooperation The ministry of Environmental is formal responsible for implementing Inspire Working as a coordinator is a little bit a being a Swiss army knife; know little about much. Lantmäteriet is coordinating the implementation, NSDI coordination unit started 2006 with 2 persons. Ensure that Sweden has a functional infrastructure for spatial data Ensure that agreements, business model and terms and conditions are in accordance with the INSPIRE and Swedish needs Provision of a common discovery service (the Geodata portal) Ensure that services from respective authority fit into the overall picture Ensure that the Swedish infrastructure is coordinated with the European infrastructure Services and datasets shall be discoverable in the European Geodata portal National Contact Point MIG The Geodata Advisory board support LM in its role as coordinator Lantmäteriet Swedish Armed Forces the County Administrative Boards Swedish Civil Contingencies Agency Swedish Environmental Protection Agency City of Stockholm Swedish Maritime Administration Statistics Sweden Geological Survey of Sweden Swedish Association of Local Authorities and Regions Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute Swedish Transport Administration Swedish Research Council Inspire network Meet 6 times a year for information and discussions Include all authorities/organsiations that have an responisbility accordning to Inspire ~ 25 Mainly the organisations to comment suggestions from EU Thematic clusters Similar to the clusters that now is beeing set up within MIG (MIWP-14) Analyse specifications Cooparate if one or more authorities share the responsibleity for a theme Technical Forum Analyse technical requriments National views on the implementation (National guidance) Nordic cooperation Inspire Nordic network, common point of view NOSIN Inspire KEN Exchange knowledge
Working together – a success
Working together – a success ….. and it gives us a win-win situation (1 + 1 = 3) It’s about; - Trust - Commitment - Openness - Positive attitude Exampel Thematic clusters; Analysing specification Nordic cooperation; common development of the portals
A summary in the beginning …..
A summary in the beginning ….. 2009- Implementing INSPIRE Updated Vision & Strategy 2012- First Vision & Strategy 2007 Geodata cooperation Geodata portal Investigate the scope 2008 NSDI coordination unit (2 pers from the start, now 10) Geodata advisory board was initiated Utredning om vilka myndigheter som hade geodata (och vilka som omfattades av Inspire) Vision och strategi, omfattande arbete, många involverade i arbetet, rapporten omfattande ca 50 sidor Särskilt projekt för att ta fram Geodataportal och datadelningsmodell Ny Vision och strategi och process med handlingsplan Nu fokusering på MIG koordinering 2006 18/09/2018
Vision Goal Yearly plan Action
NATIONAL GEODATA STRATEGY Sweden is building an infrastructure for Geodata Vision Goal Yearly plan Action The Geodata Strategy is the plan… Which describes how we create a well functioning infrastructure for geodata in Sweden For the Swedish implementation of the EU-directive INSPIRE The Strategy will provide clarity and good guidance to users and producers of geodata The vision As simple as possible for as many as possible, to access, understand and use geodata Strategic goals Geodata and services are described clearly and user-friendly Geodata are possible to combine Services are accessible and make geodata usable Good competence is available to use, build and manage the infrastructure for geodata The benefits from the infrastructure for geodata are known The conditions for use of geodata are simple The provision of information is regulated by a well adapted legal framework
OK, there is a plan and an organisation to support the work, but what have we actually done?
Data sharing No legal obligation to join, so why do they?
Data sharing No legal obligation to join, so why do they? It is simple; Pay once, get all Lantmäteriet administers a model for co-operation, including harmonised conditions for licensing of data. The agreement has been in force from 1 January 2011 Agreement concerns organisations with public tasks 37 governmental authorities (19+18) and 178 municipalities (out of 290) Pay a yearly fee, get access to all data/services Valde frivillig datadelning istället för lagstiftning för att få mer engagemang än om det varit tvingande A choise, to make a simple model but not that equal to every organisation or to make it more complex and equal. We choosed tha later. The buisness model is based on a few common parameters: Need of data (yes/no) if no the fee is zero. Coverage (municipality/county/country) Use (background/essential) Extra parameter for govermental authorities; Revenue Extra parameters for municipalities; Urban area Population density Total area Population
Metadata profile Required from INSPIRE National requirement
Metadata profile Required from INSPIRE Cooperation with Swedish Institution for standardisation They maintain the profile, we contribute National Metadataprofile based on ISO19115 and Inspire technical guidelines Everyone who wants to publish data services have to use the profile The metadata profile has to fulfil 3 requriments Fulfil Inspire requriments Support Inspire reporting Suport national geodata cooperation Metadata editor to facilitate production and publishing metadata National requirement
National Geodata Portal
National Geodata Portal OpenLayers for the mapviewer GeoNetwork catalogue Built on JAVA/JSP-code Metadata catalogue is stored in PostgreSQL User interface; component library ExtJs/GeoExt The Geodata Portal consists of A search engine to search geodata. The searching is built on metadata. Map viewer to be able to search and view requested geodata. Normally the map is based on WMS-services. General information and documents regarding how to use the Geodata portal. Might come later on: E-business systems for ordering, agreements, purchase, delivery and customer management. Open source The Geodataportal is Open Source A number of agencies is setting up internal portals with the same framework as National portal. GeoNetwork CSW-catalogue are used Webforms for editing metadata Management of users and roles Search and explore interface are not used. (Built our own) Metadata editor Simple GUI (desktop) Manage metadata as xml-files Integration into CSW of Geonetwork Web-based
Exampel of Nordic cooperation
Geodata portal – our discovery service
Decentralised solution, access data and services via metadata
….. and yes, the directive is implemented in a Swedish law
Who will coordinate SDI? Who has an obligation to implement INSPIRE? Which datasets are included?
But most important - we have started to use the SDI
Example 1 …. dredge a waterway
Example 1 …. dredge a waterway Använder diverse geodata i bl.a. farledsprojekt Sjöfartsverket – Part i geodatasamverkan Tillgängliga geodata publiceras m h a metadata i geodataportalen ( ) och i separat produktkatalog för parter i geodatasamverkan ( Sjöfartsverket hämtar geodatafiler för användning i bl a farledsprojekt ifrån exempelvis: Lantmäteriet: Fastighetskartan, Tätortskartan, Terrängkartan, Höjddata, Höjdkurvor, Marktäckedata, Vegetationsdata, Ortofoto MSB: Översiktliga Stabilitetskarteringar, Översiktliga Översvämningskarteringar Naturvårdsverket: Ramsar (våtmarker och grunda vattenmiljöer), Terrester habitatuppföljning, Biogeografiska regioner, m.m Länsstyrelser: Diverse skyddade områden Riksantikvarieämbetet: Fornsök; fasta fornlämningar och övriga kulturhistoriska lämningar som är kända och registrerade. SGU: Grundvatten, Jordarter, Marina sedimentprover, Miljöövervakning marina sediment Skogsstyrelsen: Biotopskyddsområden på skogsmark och Nyckelbiotoper Trafikverket: Bro- och tunneldata, Transportslagens riksintressen M fl Exempel – Analyser i farledsprojekt: oPåverkan på närområden - ”Buller analys” oSkyddade områden: Natura 2000, Riksintressen e t c oTrafikanalyser av olika slag – Här: Tippområde för muddermassor
Example 2 …. geological field work
Are we done now? No
Inspiring words …… “Do not ask us whether we have implemented INSPIRE. Ask us whether and how we have satisfied our users by implementing INSPIRE” Jarmila Cikánková, Project Manager at CENIA, Czech Environmental Information Agency Antal metadata Antal datamängder Antal tjänster Detta är ointressant om användaren inte kan använda dessa vad är rätt format/”format”? Jmf Hackaton Vart är vi på väg? Tjänstekoncept
Tack så mycket = Thank you very much
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