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Vi bjuder på fika eller lunchmackor!

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En presentation över ämnet: "Vi bjuder på fika eller lunchmackor!"— Presentationens avskrift:

1 Vi bjuder på fika eller lunchmackor!
Wednesday 11/10 A world-view on health and well being Anne Ouma Common Ground How the climate change affects the lives of the people in the North Birgitta Evengård, professor och överläkare i infektionssjukdomar, Umeå Universitet Betula Thursday, October 12/10 Using social science to maximize the effectiveness of Zika Risk Communication John Kinsman Child health in a global perspective Anneli Ivarsson, Professor/överläkare vid inst. för folkhälsa och klinisk medicin, Umeå Universitet Betula Friday, October 13/10 Antibiotic resistance in Vietnam - What can be done? Håkan Hanberger, Professor i infektionsmedicin, Linköpings Universitet

2 Coffee or sandwiches included!
Monday 9/10 IFMSA Global Health Lunch Common Ground Global Health Pub with Kåren. With movie screening and live music! Kårhuset Villan Tuesday 10/10 Why is it important to continue aiming for a fact-based world view? Klara Johansson, PhD, epidemiologi och global hälsa, Umeå Universitet ,Common Ground Disaster Medicine - A Global Perspective. Hanna Jerndal and Joakim Bergman, certified disaster medicine trainers. Betula

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