Bäddat för test av mobilt bredband Från 3g till 5g


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Presentationens avskrift:

Bäddat för test av mobilt bredband Från 3g till 5g Stefan Alfredsson Datavetenskap, Karlstads universitet SUNET-dagarna 2018-10-02 COMMITTED TO EXCELLENCE IN COMPUTER NETWORKING, SECURITY AND PRIVACY, AND SOFTWARE ENGINEERING

Din uppkoppling är okej! Mäta uppkoppling?

Utmaningar med nätverksmätning Prestanda? Datarate/kapacitet (megabit/s) Fördröjning/latens (ms) Tillförlitlighet (?) Säkerhet (?) Energiförbrukning (watt?) QoS / QoE … Tillförlitlighet till datan? Verktyg Repetitioner Vantage points C X X X X t

Utmaningar med mobilt bredband Radiokanal… Signal varierar med avstånd till basstation Signal varierar med hastighet Överlämning Störningar, interferens, skugga Öka kodning Gör omsändningar / H-ARQ … men överliggande protokoll då?

önskelista Storskaliga experiment End-to-end Standardverktyg Repeterbarhet Långtidsinsamling Tillgänglighet till testmiljön Öppen kod, öppen data vs Crowdsourcing vs Mäta i nätet vs Drive-by testning vs Mätningar av OS/enheten själv

- en unik plattform för e2e mätningar av mobilt bredband www.monroe-project.eu Operator 1 Operator 2 Operator 3 User Access & Scheduling Back-end Servers Experiment Deployment Results INTERNET Experimentation on Commercial MBB Networks MONROE Nodes (Mobile or Stationary) 3G 4G

Mer än 670,000 experiment på ett år MONROE täckning 16 olika länder 46 olika operatörer 180+ noder 150 i huvudplatform 30+ i utökad platform (OC) Mer än 670,000 experiment på ett år We now cover 5 countries with 150 nodes, measuring 11 operators, accommodate 27 users who are expanding our platform to other countries (here in orange). And we are even merging with another testbed in Norway. We cannot wait for you to try MONROE! https://www.monroe-project.eu/ info@monroe-project.eu https://github.com/MONROE-PROJECT Öppet för deltagande sedan nov 2017

Möjliga undersökningar med monroe 3G vs 4G vs WiFi vs Ethernet Metadata (cellid, signalstyrka, pos, …) Applikationsprestanda Singlepath vs multipath Bufferbloat Stationär vs rörlig Täckningskarta med GPS Stad vs landsbygd Dag vs natt Telenor vs Telia vs Tre x länder Sverige mot Norge ;) …

… mot 5g! Enhanced Mobile Broadband Massive Machine-Type Communication Ultra-reliable and low-latency communication Snabbare mobilt bredband – gigabit Pålitlig, låglatens – sub-millisekund Många enheter - tusentals

Utvecklingsytor för 5G för KAU DigitalWell (EU, Region Värmland) Multi-access solution design and implementation for 5G (Deutsche Telekom) Effektivare datatransport för 5G (IIS) Projekt Internetaccess (IIS) NFV-Optimizer – Profiling Network Virtualized Functions and Optimizing their Performance for Telecom Clouds (KK) 5GENESIS (EU H2020) 

mMTC,5G NR, NB-IoT, LoRa, flexible radio res. mgmt, spectrum sharing Surrey platform mMTC,5G NR, NB-IoT, LoRa, flexible radio res. mgmt, spectrum sharing Berlin platform Ultra dense network deployment, indoor, nomadic outdoor Athens platform Edge computing, small cells, SDN/NFV core for low latency in large public events Málaga platform Network slicing, orchestration and management Limmasol platform Ubiquitious access from diverse radio access (terrestial, sattelite) Map source CC-BY-SA 3.0 Fobos92 https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/Category:Blank_maps_of_Europe#/media/File:Europa_blanco.PNG

BIDRAG FRÅN KAU TILL 5GENESIS Utöka MONROE med NB-IoT, LoRA, 5G NR Integrera noder i testbäddarna i Surrey och Berlin Mäta NB-IoT prestanda Integrera NEAT (IETF TAPS, transport services) med 5G slicing och policyhantering Mäta prestanda för paralella anslutningar Toolbox för att hantera 5G

5GENESIS PROJECT PARTNERS The 5GENESIS project has received funding from the EU Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No815178. More info at www.5genesis.eu

Example Experiment: Roaming Roaming is a complex procedure

Roaming – Impact on Performance 16 MNOs 6 countries Traceroute: path discovery Dig: DNS lookup Curl: data transfer Scenario You live in Sweden and decide to travel to Italy. In Italy, you can use your Swedish (Roaming) SIM or buy an Italian (Visited) SIM You then surf to a home server in Sweden, or Visited server in Italy. What’s the latency impact?

Example Experiment: Web browsing Motivation: Find out the major factors affecting web performance and quantify their impact Run large-scale, repeatable and reproducible experiments with intertwining technologies, protocols, and setups. Compare 3G/4G MBB performance of browser and different protocols, operators, networks Open-data for further analysis

Web browsing – Key Findings 3G and 4G HTTP/2 and QUIC Firefox and Chrome QoE metrics: FP, PLT, SI 11 MNOs 4 countries 100+ locations Stationary, Mobile, Eth 2,000,000+ page visits Distribution of FP for Chrome Distribution of SI for Chrome

“Web” – Key Findings Significant penalties for MBB users Network impact: Significant penalties for MBB users Mobile nodes suffer further penalties due to changing channel conditions and handovers Protocol impact: Marginal benefit of using HTTP/2 QUIC does not improve performance Machine Learning: Used to identify the most influential factors Highlighted features: RAT, mobility, browser, webpage composition, etc.

Frågor? www.monroe-system.eu www.5genesis.eu www.digitalwell.eu Stefan.Alfredsson@kau.se


5G-related HITS Topics (1/2) Transport solutions for m-MTC Energy efficient communication over NB-IoT Transport solutions for c-MTC GOOSE Smart Grid Solution in 5G IoT networks Congestion control for OTT low-latency traffic Multipath transport solutions for OTT low-latency traffic MDTCP: Towards a Practical Multipath Transport Protocol for Telco Cloud Datacenters Signaling solutions for the 5G core Load Balancing for a Virtual and Distributed MME in the 5G Core

5G-related HITS Topics (2/2) Service Orchestration for Distributed Clouds Identify and model industry applications for distributed clouds Build a machine readable descriptive model Optimise system parameters to execution applications Build a holistic monitoring/executing platform Programmable Dataplanes for Network and Service Optimization Programmable Load balancing for Distributed Datacenters Programmable Congestion Control Programmable Fine-grained Monitoring at scale

DISCO 5G-related project portfolio (1/2) 5GENESIS – 5th Generation End-to-end Network, Experimentation, System Integration, and Showcasing (EU H2020) Multi-access solution design and implementation for 5G (Deutsche Telekom) MPTCP extensions (scheduling, session establishment) Multi-access solution for non-TCP traffic Standardization More details on HITS and 5GENESIS are provided in the following slides

DISCO 5G-related project portfolio (2/2) DigitalWell Research (EU regional funds) Extend MONROE to 5G testbed How to define, measure and evaluate 5G quality Design of protocols and services for 5G Data analytics to improve protocols and services in 5G NFV-Optimizer – Profiling Network Virtualized Functions and Optimizing their Performance for Telecom Clouds (KK) identify Telecom specific NFV deployments, systematically profile them, and provide optimization recommendations to satisfy 5G requirements Effektivare datatransport för 5G (IIS) Application performance over 5G Evaluate congestion control in 5G Transport services for 5G

5GENESIS HIGH LEVEL OBJECTIVES 5GENESIS is one out of three selected projects in the 5GPPP ICT-17 call for building the 5G testbeds that will be used to validate the KPIs and the performance of verticals. The Project just started in July 2018.

The five platforms of the 5GENESIS Facility Athens Platform. An edge-computing-enabled shared radio infrastructure (gNBs and small cells), with different ranges and overlapping coverage that are supported by an SDN/NFV enabled core, to showcase secure content delivery and low latency applications in large public-events. Málaga Platform. Automated orchestration and management of different network slices over multiple domains, on top of the 5G NR and fully virtualised core network to showcase mission critical services in the lab and in outdoor deployments. Limassol Platform. Radio interfaces of different characteristics and capabilities, combining terrestrial and satellite communications, integrated to showcase service continuity and ubiquitous access in underserved areas. Surrey Platform. Multiple radio access technologies that can support massive Machine Type Communications (mMTC), including 5G NR and NB-IoT, combined under a flexible Radio Resource Management (RRM) and spectrum sharing platform to showcase massive IoT services. Berlin platform: Ultra dense areas covered by various network deployments, ranging from indoor nodes to nomadic outdoor clusters, coordinated via advanced backhauling technologies to showcase immersive service provisioning.