Utkast ppt-manus: Fjärrvärme: renovering och modernisering.


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Presentationens avskrift:

Utkast ppt-manus: Fjärrvärme: renovering och modernisering.   Övergripande upplägg: Presentationen består av 6 delavsnitt. DEL 1: Bild 2–3: Intro Introduktion till SymbioCity och fjärrvärme som en del av plattformen DEL 2: Bild 4–13: Den svenska fjärrvärmen Hur det ser ut i Sverige: kunskapskapital, insikter och argument DEL 3: Bild 14–22: Det moderna fjärrvärmesystemet – det vi säljer Beskrivning av systemet och dess olika fördelar (effektivt, systemtänkande, flexibelt, robust…) DEL 4: Bild 23: Argument: alternativa intäkter (endast för Ryssland eventuellt) Bonus! Alternativa intäkter till följd av uppgradering DEL 5: Bild 24–27: Proof of concept Cases DEL 6: Bild 28-29: Team Sverige Avsändarna/team Sverige + kontakt 1. (Försättsbild)

2. (Bild: SymbioCity-ringar – Bringing energy full circle)   Introduktion till SymbioCity. Att SymbioCity handlar om hållbar stadsutveckling och att nyckeln till det är systemtänkande. Och hur samverkan och ihopkopplingen av stadens subsystem leder till resurseffektivisering och synergier. Our approach to sustainable urban development is about harnessing synergies through systems thinking. Bringing different skills, technologies and urban systems together so entire communities can share the benefits. We call it SymbioCity. Many urban functions interconnect. SymbioCity exploits and enhances these connections – making our cities more sustainable places to live.

3. (Click! Bild: Ringar med fjärrvärme – Less truly can be more.)   Fjärrvärme är ett ypperligt exempel på SymbioCity-förhållningssättet: resurseffektivisering genom systemtänkande och helhetssyn. Take district heating – the networks of underground pipes that from central heat sources supply heat and hot water to hundreds of thousands of homes and buildings all round Sweden. To us at SymbioCity and Sweheat & Cooling, district energy is an extraordinary example of exploiting and enhancing connections – and harnessing synergies. (Click!) Taking a holistic approach enables the networks to be optimized. And made so flexible that they can connect to multiple sources of heat supply – whatever the preferred source in your city. The result is a cost efficient and eco-friendly energy supply. Truly sustainable. Truly More from Less.

4. (Click! Bild: Bullets om svensk fjärrvärme)   Hur det ser ut i Sverige. Med fokus på produktion och ägande. Siffrorna kommer från Svensk fjärrvärme. Sweden has 200 district heating companies that supply 60 TWh of energy. Both private (22%) and publicly (78%) owned utilities operate the networks. Ninety-eight percent of all municipalities use district heating. And 90% of all apartment blocks are heated this way – the highest percentage in the world.

5. (Click! Bild: Bullets om svensk fjärrvärme)   Forts. Hur det ser ut i Sverige. Fokus storlek och marknadsandel. Trots vår stora andel fjärrvärme var Sverige varken först eller är störst på området. Siffrorna kommer från Svensk fjärrvärme. With 20,000 kilometers of district energy pipes crisscrossing our cities, carrying hot water to heat 280 million m2 of property space, district energy heats around 60% of all homes and properties nationwide.

6. (Click! Bild på rör med bullets)   Trots att vi är ett litet land har vi utvecklat robusta och hållbara system. We can’t claim to be the first or the biggest. But we have more than 60 years’ experience. We have developed two-pipe district energy systems, and we fully utilize substations on a building level. A two-pipe system means that we only use one primary and one secondary pipe for distribution throughout the system. The split into a radiator circuit and tap water circuit is made in the substation. The Swedish system is robust, long lasting and highly adaptable.

  7. (Click! Bild graf CO2 + GNP) Vad fjärrvärmen bidragit med för Sverige. Hur det är en nyckel till reducerad klimatpåverkan. Grafen blir ibland kritiserad eftersom den inte inkluderar vår konsumtion och att mycket av denna produktion outsourcats. Den här presentationen handlar om svensk värmeproduktion och för de reducerade utsläppen av koldioxid har fjärrvärmen spelat en nyckelroll. In Sweden, district heating has enabled us to slash CO2 emissions while still enjoying stable economic growth. Take a look at the graph. The grey line shows global carbon emissions and the white shows Swedish carbon emissions. The green line shows economic growth. Thanks to efficiency measures, a transition to new energy sources and the building of combined heat and power plants, district heating has helped cut Sweden’s total carbon emissions by 20% in only two decades.

  8. (Click! Bild Sundsvall då) Historiskt exempel: visar vilken skillnad fjärrvärmen gjort i Sverige. Sundsvall 1968 med 4000 pannor som till 80% eldades med fossila bränslen med en verkningsgrad på 40%. This is what the city of Sundsvall, in northern Sweden, looked like in 1968 – before district heating. Back then, homes and buildings had their own furnaces and boilers – which caused the smog clouds you can see in the picture. (Click! Statistik kommer över bild) In those days, there were more than 4,000 furnaces – 80% of which were powered by fossil fuels with an efficiency ratio of less than 40%.

  9. (Click! Bild Sundsvall idag) Idag är läget ett helt annat. Sundsvall 2008 har 10 pannor som förser 95% av staden med värme. 3% av bränslet är fossilt och verkningsgraden har mer än dubblerats. Today 30,000 homes and buildings in this city of 50,000 people run on professionally managed district heating. The number of furnaces has been reduced dramatically. Now just 10 furnaces supply 95% of the city with heat. Fossil fuel accounts for less than 3% of energy use and efficiency has more than doubled. Most cities in Sweden have seen a similar leap forward thanks to district heating. Achieving more with less.

  10. (Click!: Bild på andra städer) Visar på behovet i form av andra städer. Visar på vilka möjligheter som finns för tekniken med centrala energikäller, dvs fjärrvärme och fjärrkyla.. Bilderna visar Shanghai, Beijing, London, Bangkok, Kairo, Bryssel. The example of Sundsvall highlights the vast potential for improvement across the world. Just imagine what district heating and cooling could do for cleaner air – and lower climate gas emissions – in cities worldwide.

10. (Click!: Bild på fjärrvämeverk)   Vilka faktorer som påverkat och att vi fortsätter bygga ut och utveckla fjärrvärmen. A dynamic system of energy taxes, fees and instruments helped raise our performance even further. Political incentives – both at central and local level, nourished a holistic approach and long-term strategies. Today we are reaping the benefits – and continuing to raise the bar. Not only have we saved more energy; we have doubled efficiency, too.   Något saknades här. Har jag tolkat texten korrekt?

11. (Click! Rör)   Att detta är lönsamt. På lång sikt… Svenska bolag är lönsamma företag. Thanks to efficiency improvements, Swedish district heating – whether publicly or privately owned – is a profitable business with clear economic and environmental benefits for all concerned. We build district heating systems to last for 100 years, so upgrading existing networks makes strong economic sense.

12. (Click! Rör: då och nu: Hållbart!)   Att modernisering är lönsamt även på kort sikt… Reparationer och modernisering betalar sig relativt snabbt. Kan man minska läckage till exempel så slits också rören mindre. Vatten innehåller mycket syre som gör att rören rostar. Fyller man på mycket nytt som inte avoxiderats kortas livslängden på rören. Modernization makea strong economic and environmental sense even in the short term. Upgrades can cut annual costs dramatically, repaying invested capital in just a few years. Upgrading also cuts water leaks, reducing wear on pipes. As fresh water is oxygen-rich, it will cause corrosion in the pipes. Minimizing water top-ups means the pipes last much longer. Refilling shouldn’t be necessary more than once a year at the most. Modern pipes are also fitted with automatic leakage detection, reducing water leaks and repair costs even further.

  14. (Click! systembild) Introducerar systemet. Att det handlar om systemtänkande. Access to advanced technology is only one side of the coin. Putting the technology to use requires hard work and creative solutions. Decades of dependence on fossil fuels and vulnerability to international energy price shocks forced us to move towards improved efficiency. This resulted in better control systems through hardware and software solutions – both in the production unit and for the end user.

  15. (Click! End-user) Systemet kan kalibreras i båda ändar för mesta möjliga effektivitet. Utifrån ett ”demand driven” perspektiv så handlar det om att optimera användningen. A demand-driven approach cut energy consumption, optimizing the outtake – but with a retained, and even improved, level of indoor comfort. This successful Swedish model for saving energy is based on a focus on the distribution system, which means the pipes and substations. It’s vital to minimize leakage and distribution losses, and to make sure that the on-site substation consumes no more heat than the building actually needs.

  16. (Click! Cirklar rör på sig: production unit) Och i andra ändan handlar om att optimera laststyrningen. Att öka bränsle-effektiviteten på produktions-sidan av systemet. Control systems on the production side can optimize load and calibrate the output from heat source to network for increased fuel efficiency.

  17. (Click!) För att få maximal effect så behöver hela systemet tas i beaktning. For maximum effect, the whole system needs to be considered using a holistic approach.

  18. (Click! Komfortbilder) Det ska alltid vara tryggt för slutkunden. Kundperspektivet. Genom att systemet är behovsstyrt så kan slutkunden själv bestämma sin egen förbrukning och inomhustemeperatur. Systemet är utformat på att sådant sätt att det har en mycket hög tillgänglighet. Energy saving and efficiency measures never compromise on indoor comfort. Even during the depths of winter, when temperatures can fall to minus 30°C or below, heat deliveries never fail. (Click! Bullets på komfortbilder) The new generation of district heating is flexible and demand-driven. Output can easily be adapted to consumption in real time. All according to the indoor temperature the consumer wants. This type of network is also highly robust: disruption in one part of the system doesn’t interrupt delivery elsewhere. It takes far more than a leaking pipe to disrupt supplies to consumers. People indoors should never have to worry about being cold – not even during the coldest winter weather.

19. (Click! Cirkelsystem)    Systemet är flexibelt och möjliggör nya energikällor. Därigenom är det framtidssäkrat. I Sverige använder vi främst biobränsle (47%), hushållsavfall (16%) och fossila bränslen utgör 16%. Dessutom värms städer upp med spillvärme (6%).   District heating networks are highly flexible and open to a host of alternative heat supply sources. These can easily be added and fed into the network. Energy sources are always a matter of local availability, which can change over time. That’s why district heating systems are always future-proof. In Sweden, we mainly use biofuel (47%) – leftover material from the forest industry. But other sources like household waste (16%) are also common. Fossil fuel accounts for 16%. Even waste heat from industrial plants (6%) can be fed into district heating grids.

  20. (Click! Luleåbild/Rönnskär) Framgångsrikt exempel på alternativ energikälla. I Luleå kommer 98% av fjärrvärmen från spillvärme från SSAB. Källa: Norrbottenskuriren In Luleå, a city of 47,000 people in northern Sweden, 98% of the district heating is fueled by waste heat from the local steelworks.

  21. (Click! Bild på combined heat & power plant) För optimal effektivitet ska man kombinera el- och värmeproduktion. Enbart elproduktion utnyttjar bara 40% bränsle-energi, resterande 60% blir spillvärme som går förlorad. Kombineras elproduktion med värmeproduktion mer än fördubblas verkningsgraden. But even cities that lack industrial plants can utilize waste energy from other sources, such as electricity production units. For ultimate efficiency, a combined heat and power plant is the best option. Electricity production only uses 40% of the fuel; the rest is lost as waste heat. Combining electricity generation  with heat production more than doubles fuel efficiency – from 40% to 90% and higher. As an added benefit, the electricity generated can be sold to local users or fed into the national grid, creating a valuable new revenue stream.  rätt tolkat?

  22. (Click! Trekretsmodell) Sammanfattning som visar att systemtänket är nyckeln till effektiv och optimal uppgradering. Det viktiga är att behålla helhetsperspektivet så att rätt insatser görs för största möjliga effekt för hela systemet. Improvements made at one end of the chain pay dividends at the other. The important thing is to apply a holistic approach throughout the process. That means taking the right actions where they have the greatest impact on the whole system. (Click!) For example, minimizing the return water temperature from users' apartments and buildings raises the system’s efficiency and maximizes electricity production at the other end of the chain. With higher revenue for the energy utility as a result.. Systems thinking is key to success. Coupled with that vital holistic approach which uncovers potential synergies for added efficiency and profitability.

  23. (Click! Ledande fråga) OBS! Den här bilden använder Ryssland som exempel. Kan plockas bort. Bilden beskriver hur energieffektivisering skulle kunna ge en alternativ inkomst genom export av bränsle som inte förbrukats. For many of us, saving energy is a goal in itself as it cuts direct costs. But what if that energy instead could be another source of revenue? Take Russia. What would its revenue-earning potential be from exporting the surplus natural gas from district heating modernization? (Click! Rysslands-graf) Russia currently uses 150 billion cubic meters of natural gas every year for district heating. Doubling fuel efficiency from district energy modernization would free up 75 billion cubic meters of natural gas for export.

24 (Click!) On top of the 180 billion cubic meters Russia already exports. That’s a lot of natural gas!

  25. (Click!: Världskarta) Vi har lång och bred erfarenhet av att leverera globalt. Working with leading local utilities and consultants, we have installed and modernized district heating and cooling networks all over the world. Swedish district heating and district cooling technology is applicable worldwide. Our installations are found in countless nations. Here are a few.

26. (Click! Bredd och höjd)   Vi har erfarenhet av att leverera i alla möjliga klimat och miljöer. You can find our technology and know-how in everything from skyscrapers to bungalows and individual buildings to entire districts. From the desert heat to the Arctic cold.

27. (Click! Odessa)   Case Odessa: Där har ett kluster av svenska företag levererat system design, rör, brännare och undercentraler. Kunden var det kommunala energibolaget. In Odessa, our associate companies delivered system design, new distribution pipes and burners and also installed substations for the municipal energy utility. A 50% cut in energy need cut direct annual costs by 38%, resulting in a return on investment of just three to five years. Leaking pipes were replaced, saving 96% of water and a lot of work refilling the system.

28. (Click! Ivano-Frankivsk)   Case Ivano-Frankivsk. In Ivano-Frankivsk… The installations cut costs by 1.25 million in 2012. They have also cut water consumption by 96% and energy use by 6.7 million cubic meters of natural gas.

  29. (Click! Företagsmapping) The dream team. As part of SymbioCity, SweHeat offers access to a network of complementary businesses with expertise in district heating and cooling. These suppliers do not deliver products but know-how and services, offering a comprehensive suite of expertise in upgrading and renovating existing networks – from planning to operation optimization. Interested in what we could achieve together?

30. (Click! Next step)   Här finns möjligheter till fortsatt dialog: individuella möten, besöksresor, konferens, match making m.m. We’re always available to talk through your needs in district heating and cooling. We gladly arrange visiting programs, matchmaking events, individual meetings, conferences or seminars. Whatever you need. Just let us know!

31 (Click!) Låda Tel. & mail. url: symbiocity.org + Sweheat   Thank you!