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My professional story Harriet Fagerholm CoCreate Life Everything is co-creation – the question is whether you are conscious or not! www.cocreatelife.fi1.

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En presentation över ämnet: "My professional story Harriet Fagerholm CoCreate Life Everything is co-creation – the question is whether you are conscious or not! www.cocreatelife.fi1."— Presentationens avskrift:

1 My professional story Harriet Fagerholm CoCreate Life Everything is co-creation – the question is whether you are conscious or not! www.cocreatelife.fi1

2 Prologue My story towards co-creation started in my previous job as a senior lecturer. I got frustrated in being the teacher who should have all the answers, and I felt such a shortage of knowledge. I felt insufficient. Already in my thesis writing about cultural differences in business relations back in the 80´s I saw the whole picture of how beliefs form the cultural system and what we keep as the truth. One core belief in the teacher´s work is that you have to have the answers. It took me quite a while to learn away from that belief. I started with my colleagues to develop the teaching methods. We found collaborative learning methods like problem-based-learning. I led the work of engaged teachers who wanted to find a new way of learning together. We learnt so much, we had so much fun and people came to learn from us. Our students still thank us for the tools they received. Tools for life. Trust in your own ability to learn and solve problems together. A will to take responsibility. A skill to communicate and give and receive feedback. Those were my most valuable tools when I met a big life crisis. I managed because of these skills. I had the trust in the capacity of the human being. I asked for help and I used existing knowledge. I questioned knowledge and I started to trust my inner knowledge and wisdom. Before the crisis I went out to organisations with the collaborative learning methods. In my synthesis of the action research process I found the concept of co-creation. I felt the power of the word. I got inspired by the word. I knew I would explore it further. Finding Co-Creative Process was one step on the journey. Starting to co-create with the InTune-group was another. Now my learning journey continues in communities and networks aiming at creating a new sustainable, conscious and prosperous lifestyle. Here I share my insights about co-creation and what it asks from us – now. Welcome to join! The pictures are taken in a Co-Creative Process with my co-creator colleague Katja Vilponiemi, who has an amazing skill to capture Co-Creative Process purely in pictures. www.cocreatelife.fi2

3 Know who you are Your roots and value base are the foundation for your work – what are the strengths and weaknesses? What do you need to heal and re-create in your life in order to be able to work as a free individual? What keeps you stuck? Co-Creation asks for individuals who reclaim their inner freedom and wholeness. www.cocreatelife.fi3

4 Use your free will You need a strong will and force to break free from your past and to find your inner vision and your own path. You need other people´s help to see. Are you willing to do the work? Are you willing to become humble and learn from the past? Co-Creation asks for awareness and honesty. www.cocreatelife.fi4

5 Becoming aware Stop and listen. What does the big picture look like? What story are you re-creating again and again? What kind of drama are you creating? What is the root of the story? Co-Creation asks for presence and acceptance. www.cocreatelife.fi5

6 Joy is in the truth Do you see and hear the message from others as the mirrors reflecting your reality? Are you willing to learn about your thought models and beliefs? Are you willing to feel all the feelings there is and become the master of your emotions? Co-Creation asks for joy and real feelings. www.cocreatelife.fi6

7 Walking your own path Are you walking your path with trust and a clear direction or is the hidden story walking you? Do you know where to go and what to follow? Do you know your true needs? Co-Creation asks for taking responsibility for your own path. www.cocreatelife.fi7

8 Letting go By letting go of the old story you can start creating consciously. Your body contains the wisdom you need to understand your story. Co-Creation asks for body consciousness. www.cocreatelife.fi8

9 Attuning Your heart contains the wisdom and quality from the Higher Self. Attuning to the stillness and listening to your heart will open the door to your true self. Co-Creation asks for becoming still. www.cocreatelife.fi9

10 Finding the inner vision The quality of your being is determining the quality of your doing. Your inner vision can be recognised through the feeling of the quality. How does your vision feel like? Co-Creation asks for feeling the quality. www.cocreatelife.fi10

11 Practising When you have the feeling of your quality – then start practising the vision through conscious actions. Walk the talk –be authentic and genuine and share your gifts with the world. Co-Creation asks for sharing and growing together. www.cocreatelife.fi11

12 Bli medveten Frigöra Ta kontakt med inre kärnan Praktisera Omrelatera tankar Omrelatera handlingar Omrelatera viljan Omrelatera känslor CoCreativeProcess© Terhi Takanen, 2005, 2010, 2012 Det finns fyra faser i processen: 1)Bli medveten 2)Frigöra 3)Ta kontakt med inre kärnan 4) Praktisera Processen är en fortgående spiral.

13 Grundantaganden bakom processen Vanligen försöker vi förändra genom att välja framtida visioner eller nya handlingssätt – ofta sker inte förnyelse genom detta kontrollerande sätt. Förnyelse bllir möjlig i varje stund ifall vi är medvetna om våra möjligheter av medskapande. I denna typ av process tillåter vi vårt tänkande, våra känslor och vilja att omrelateras Att vara närvarande i handling möjliggör inre och yttre förnyelse och där dessa båda inte är separerade. Processen startar i dig och i din vilja att växa som människa och som professionell aktör Det är möjligt att växa som människor och som kultur till att vara mera medveten, medskapande och ansvarsfull Vi kan delta i skapandet av en delad framtid i denna stund.

14 14 Möta känslor och kärlek Medvetet och inifrån styrt liv, förmåga att möta äkta känslor, kroppsmedvetenhet, öppenhet, förmåga att möta människor, ett ”helt” jag som bejakar livet och skapar livsenergi Förneka känslor och kärlek Rationellt omedvetet liv, styrd utifrån, förnekande av känslor, själ vförsvar och separation ifrån andra, förlust av livsenergi Sanning, frihet Inre frid Inre kraft Närvaro Intuition Medskapande Skygg, rädd / Dumdristig ”Ängel” / Skamlös ”Snäll” / Bitter Martyr/ Skuld- beläggare Vaksam, omdömes- förmåga Integritet, gräns- dragning Ansvar, erkän- nande Förlåtelse Medkänsla Släppa taget Flykt / Fastklamrande Självkännedom, kärlek, använd ande av full kreativ potential, naturlig visdom, tacksamhet och samhörighet Förnekelse av ditt sanna jag, kärlek och livet, underanvändning av kreativ potential en tämjd människa LIVET Tillstånd av isolering Bli ödmjuk Källa: ändrad från Pietiäinen Antti 2004: Tunne, Antitunne, Perimä © CoCreate Life Känslokartan När livet kolliderar väcks grundkänslor RädslaIlskaSkuldSkam Total ärlighet, renande sorg Glädje, ledsamhet Skenglädje, Självömkan Tillstånd av livsglädje Egoism / Uppoffrande Megasanning / Livslögn Farligaste området, stanna! Förhärdad Rent medvetande Förnuftet

15 Känslodynamikteori Känslokartan beskriver grunddynamiken hur känslor påverkar våra val, medvetet eller omedvetet Utvecklingen sker i cykler om 18 år och känslotrauman lagras för att sedan mötas och processeras/frigöras. Tidigare generationers trauman ges vidare, men kan frigöras och förlåtas av senare generationer. Kroppsterapier hjälper att hitta och frigöra känslotrauman. Teorin utvecklad i Finland av Antti Pietiäinen på Kairon Institutet. www.cocreatelife.fi15

16 Kunskapsbakgrund Ekon.mag, Åbo Akademi Lektor i Yrkeshögskolan 13 år Problem-baserat lärande, kollaborativt lärande med unga vuxna Coach i Empowerment 2007 Känslodynamikgrupphandledare 2008 Co-Creative Process Practitioner 2010 Co-Creative Inquiry Practitioner 2012 (för organisationskontext) Symboldramaterapistudier 2010- Drömgruppsledarstudier 2010- www.cocreatelife.fi16

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