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Publicerades avEbba Hedlund
Learning study som aktionsforskningsprocess: Lärares och elevers parallella lärande
Learning study Syftar ytterst till att förbättra elevernas lärande Har ett innehållsligt fokus Bygger på en modell för processen Teori som ”guiding principle”
Modell: lesson study Kollektiv process Iterativ, cyklisk Systematisk prövning Feed-back Utvärderande Teori: variationsteori Fokus på den förmåga som skall utvecklas Hur eleven lär/förstår det som skall läras Vad som är nödvändigt för att lära detta (kritiska aspekter) Mönster av variation/invarians? Learning study
2. Pre-test the students 5. Post-test students 6. Teachers watch the video recorded lesson and revise it 3. Co-plan the lesson 4. Conduct the lesson 1. Choose an object of learning
Exemplet ”Pre-algebra” Utgångspunkt: X och Y är ”otäckt” Strategi: undvika X och Y. Använda beteckningar närmare exemplet; Henry är 10 år äldre än Johan: J+10=H
Lektion 1 C – T = 5 C – 5 = T T + 5 = C C = T + 5 T = C – 5 C – 5 = T 5 + T = C Stämmer det?
Meeting after Lesson 1 T1: Here [in this situation] I could have given an example that was incorrect. Yes, I could have come up with that, one that was wrong! Tutor: Yes, writing an incorrect one! T1 Yes, I could. They should have had [an incorrect] one. That’s why they failed on that [test-] item [in the post-test]. That’s why they haven’t got any further. T2: Yes, when going through the first example you could have chosen…
The same letters, varying position Varying letters, the same position Incorrect or no answer Lesson 1 (N=23)87% (20)0% (0)13%(3)
Lektion 2 It was planned to contrast correct and incorrect expressions and to substitute the letters with values (i.e., to keep the constant ”in-variant” and varying the values of the variables).
Lektion 2 S: You can write X minus ten equals Y! E: A or B, C. S: Circle plus 10 equals square The students want to vary the symbols, whereas the teacher would like to see a variation of J+10=H The students open up a dimension of variation
Post-lesson Session 2 Tutor: Nice comments from your students. It doesn’t necessarily have to be H and J. T2: That one should have been taken up! T1: Did you write X and Y there? T2: No, I didn’t. I wanted to get to the abbreviations H and J. Therefore I didn’t want to confuse them with X and Y. I didn’t want to use that.
The same letters, varying position Varying letters, the same position Incorrect or no answer Lesson 1 (N=23)87% (20)0% (0)13%(3) Lesson 2 (N=26)73% (19)19% (5)8% (2)
Lektion 3 It was planned to deliberately introduce a variation of symbols Variation of the positions of the variables (and thus the operation)vT+5=C, Variation of the symbols used. T and C/ X and Y /other symbols (e.g., w and x) simultaneously.
Lektion 3 Students open up for variation: “Martha has five more marbles than Colin” M=C-8 ????? S: It could correspond, if C were Martha and M were Colin. In lesson 3 a more complex pattern of variation appeared compared to the previous two lessons in the cycle, the potential space of learning was expanded by the opening of more dimensions of variation in lesson 3. This implied that more and critical aspects of the object of learning were revealed in lesson 3 just as lesson 2 was "richer" in that respect compared to lesson 1.
The same letters, varying position Varying letters, the same position No or incorrect answer Lesson/class 1 n = 2387% (20)0% (0)13%(3) Lesson/class 2 n = 2673% (19)19% (5)8% (2) Lesson/class 3 n = 2759% (16)30% (8)11% (3)
Teachers’ Learning and Student Learning – a Parallel Process The awareness and the suggestions for variation from the teachers afforded an opening from the students just as if the variation opened up by the teachers invited the students to find other variations themselves. For instance, the more complex pattern of variation that was planned and constituted in lesson 3 seems to have invited the discovery of other critical aspects of the arbitrariness of the symbols on the initiative of one of the learners (c.f. Al Murani, 2008)
Learning study som aktionsforskning Kollektiv kunskapsbildning Lärarna är inte självkritiska (jfr. Hargreaves) En forskningsprocess: -Specifikt, avgränsat undersökningsobjekt -Systematik -Explicita teoretiska utgångspunkter/perspektiv -Tydligt resultat-men inte färdiga -Nya frågor - reflektion
Learning study steg 2 Kan andra lärare ”göra bruk” av resultat från andra learning studies?
LEKTION 1 Klass A n=23 FÖRTEST Antal % rätt i förhållande till maxvärdet 13p EFTERTEST 1 Antal % rätt i förhållande till maxvärdet 15p Ökning/ minskning i % (jmf.mellan för- och eftertest 1) EFTERTEST 2 Antal % rätt i förhållande till maxvärdet 15p Ökning/ minskning i % (jmf.mellan eftertest 1 och efter- test 2) Högpresterande67 %73 %+6 %80 %+7 % Lågpresterande22 %29 %+7 %35 %+6% Skillnad mellan hög och lågpr. 45%44%45% LEKTION 2 Klass B n=26 Högpresterande64 %69 %+5 %68 %-1 % Lågpresterande 19 %51 %+32 %54 %+3 % Skillnad mellan hög och lågpr. 45%18%14% LEKTION 3 Klass C n=27 Högpresterande54 %61 %7 %58 %-3 % Lågpresterande34 %52 %18 %39 %-13% Skillnad mellan hög och lågpr. 20%9%19%
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