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By Thursday you will be prepared to confidently, effectively and resiliently manage, teach & inspire students in your first lessons Day Two.

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En presentation över ämnet: "By Thursday you will be prepared to confidently, effectively and resiliently manage, teach & inspire students in your first lessons Day Two."— Presentationens avskrift:

1 By Thursday you will be prepared to confidently, effectively and resiliently manage, teach & inspire students in your first lessons Day Two

2 Is it safe to be here? Does it feel safe to learn here? (To take risks?) Do I feel calm? Do students feel calm? Would I want my child/my sibling to be in this classroom? Some questions

3 By the end of the session you will be prepared to design well- targeted assessments, use them efficiently & respond effectively. By Thursday you will be prepared to confidently, effectively and resiliently manage, teach & inspire students in your first lessons. Session objective: Session 4 - assessment

4 What is formative assessment?

5 Cutting things you love


7 I want students to know the parts of a flower Assessment I will know they can do this if they can label a diagram of a flower without help So In the lesson I will label a flower on the board, then students will dissect a flower setting out each piece Start thinking about objectives 1 1 2 2 3 3

8 1)Break down the knowledge the centralt innehåll includes. 2)Choose one segment for a lesson. 3)Break this down further (gold, silver bronze) Successful objectives include: Economy of language Economy of language Specific (measurable) objectives Specific (measurable) objectives Curriculum focus Curriculum focus Formulating objectives

9 FYSIK: Historiska och nutida upptäckter inom fysikområdet och hur de har formats av och format världsbilder. Upptäckternas betydelse för teknik, miljö, samhälle och människors levnadsvillkor. Heliocentric system, gravity & laws of motion, electromagnetism, relativity Effects of each one Setting objectives

10 Students can describe how heliocentrism was discovered (including the role of Ptolemy, Galileo and Copernicus) Students can describe the context and importance of the discovery of heliocentrism Same objectives for gravity, electromagnetism and relativity Setting objectives Centralt innehåll I årskurs 7–9 Lesson 1 Objective: Lesson 2 Objective: FYSIK: Historiska och nutida upptäckter inom fysikområdet och hur de har formats av och format världsbilder. Upptäckternas betydelse för teknik, miljö, samhälle och människors levnadsvillkor. Lessons 3-8 Objectives:

11 Students can describe how heliocentrism was discovered (including the role of Ptolemy, Galileo and Copernicus) Can describe what Galileo and Copernicus discovered Can explain how Galileo and Copernicus discovered this. Can explain how Galileo and Copernicus’s work changed our view of the universe. Lesson 1 Objective:

12 Ebbinghaus’s Forgetting Curve

13 B: Hur den fysiska och psykiska hälsan påverkas av sömn, kost, motion, sociala relationer och beroendeframkallande medel. F: Elproduktion, eldistribution och elanvändning i samhället. K: Partikelmodell för att beskriva och förklara materiens uppbyggnad, kretslopp och oförstörbarhet. Atomer, elektroner och kärnpartiklar. M: Innebörden av variabelbegreppet och dess användning i algebraiska uttryck, formler och ekvationer. MS: Olika former av samtal, dialoger och intervjuer. T: Hur komponenter och delsystem samverkar i ett större system, till exempel vid produktion och distribution av elektricitet. Or pick a topic you know you will teach in your first week. Choose the appropriate centralt innehåll

14 B: Hur den fysiska och psykiska hälsan påverkas av sömn, kost, motion, sociala relationer och beroendeframkallande medel. F: Elproduktion, eldistribution och elanvändning i samhället. K: Partikelmodell för att beskriva och förklara materiens uppbyggnad, kretslopp och oförstörbarhet. Atomer, elektroner och kärnpartiklar. M: Innebörden av variabelbegreppet och dess användning i algebraiska uttryck, formler och ekvationer. MS: Olika former av samtal, dialoger och intervjuer. T: Hur komponenter och delsystem samverkar i ett större system, till exempel vid produktion och distribution av elektricitet. Or pick a topic you know you will teach in your first week. Formulate lesson objectives 1)Break down the knowledge the centralt innehåll includes. 2)Choose one segment for a lesson. 3)Break this down further (gold, silver bronze) Successful objectives include: Economy of language Economy of language Specific (measurable) objectives Specific (measurable) objectives Curriculum focus Curriculum focus

15 Feedback It was effective when you… It might help if you… Choose one: ContentBe more specific in what students should know Reduce the amount of material you hope to cover Presentation Economy of language Show your model to a partner

16 B: Hur den fysiska och psykiska hälsan påverkas av sömn, kost, motion, sociala relationer och beroendeframkallande medel. F: Elproduktion, eldistribution och elanvändning i samhället. K: Partikelmodell för att beskriva och förklara materiens uppbyggnad, kretslopp och oförstörbarhet. Atomer, elektroner och kärnpartiklar. M: Innebörden av variabelbegreppet och dess användning i algebraiska uttryck, formler och ekvationer. MS: Olika former av samtal, dialoger och intervjuer. T: Hur komponenter och delsystem samverkar i ett större system, till exempel vid produktion och distribution av elektricitet. Or pick a topic you know you will teach in your first week. Formulate lesson objectives 1)Break down the knowledge the centralt innehåll includes. 2)Choose one segment for a lesson. 3)Break this down further (gold, silver bronze) Successful objectives include: Economy of language Economy of language Specific (measurable) objectives Specific (measurable) objectives Curriculum focus Curriculum focus

17 Exit Tickets

18 Objective: All students will be able to add two fractions with shared denominators Some students will begin to add fractions with different denominators. Exit ticket: 1) 5/7 + 3/7 = 2) 3/5 + 4/6 = Exit Ticket: Maths Objective: Exit Ticket

19 Objective: Students can describe three ways Swedish people influence nature: water pollution, air pollution, loss of animal habitats. Exit Ticket: Explain three ways Swedish people affect nature: - Exit Ticket: Biology Objective: Exit Ticket

20 Objective: Students can explain how heliocentrism was discovered. Exit Ticket: How was heliocentrism discovered? Or: What did each person discover: Ptolemy Galileo Copernicus Exit Ticket: Physics Objective: Exit Ticket

21 One or two questions which will show whether students have met the lesson objective. Five minutes at the end of the lesson (week), final task. Includes all aspects of the lesson Includes all aspects of the lesson Differentiates accurately between levels of understanding Differentiates accurately between levels of understanding Can be answered briefly Can be answered briefly Can be marked easily Can be marked easily Exit Tickets

22 Formulate an exit ticket question for your objective. Includes all aspects of the lesson Includes all aspects of the lesson Differentiates accurately between levels of understanding Differentiates accurately between levels of understanding Can be answered briefly Can be answered briefly Can be marked easily Can be marked easily Script own questions.

23 Feedback It was effective when you… It might help if you… Feedback cheat sheet Narrow the question Clarify the question words Amend the question to differentiate better. Show your model to a partner

24 Rewrite your exit ticket (and maybe your objective) using feedback B: Hur den fysiska och psykiska hälsan påverkas av sömn, kost, motion, sociala relationer och beroendeframkallande medel. Version 1: How does sleep affect our health? Version 2: How does lack of sleep affect our health? Show your model to a partner

25 What next?

26 Everyone got it right Image Credit: Ildar Sagdejev Ildar Sagdejev

27 Identify most common three mistakes and reteach those. Or reteach from the start. Everyone got it wrong

28 Split (seats or places) Some people got it right, some wrong

29 Dotmark, students rewrite/develop their answers

30 Overview of progress Shows me which lessons worked better Mastery tracking (Which you can track)

31 Good use of exit tickets is: Utilitarian Utilitarian Opportunist Opportunist Efficient Efficient Mastery-oriented Mastery-oriented Positive! Positive! Using exit tickets

32 Exit ticket: 1) 5/7 + 3/7 =18 correct, 3 incorrect 2) 3/5 + 4/6 =9 correct, 12 incorrect Plan: Reteach blue students adding same denominator fractions for five minutes then they practice more. Greens help amber, then I teach all greens and ambers adding fractions with different denominators. Script your next move

33 MY PLAN:Reteach blue students adding same denominator fractions for five minutes then they practice more. Greens help amber, then I teach all greens and ambers adding fractions with different denominators. I WILL SAY: Thank you, the exit tickets are really going to help me help you more. If you have a blue mark, I’d like you to sit and work with me here. If you have an amber mark, I’d like you to pair up with someone with a green mark. Green mark people, try to spot the amber mark person’s mistake and explain it to them. Script your next move

34 12 students got bronze 12 students got silver 3 students got bronze. What will you have students do? How will you say it? Script your next move Utilitarian Utilitarian Opportunist Opportunist Efficient Efficient Mastery-oriented Mastery-oriented Positive! Positive!

35 Person A, give your directions to Person B. Person B, give feedback. Person A, repeat. Swap. Half the class got the answer wrong Possible feedback: Use this to explain a tricky concept Make your tone more positive/mastery-oriented Be more efficient

36 Real time Image Credit: Almost Human Almost Human

37 A hinge question in maths In which of these right-angled triangles is a2 + b2 = c2 ? 37 A a c b C b c a E c b a B a b c D b a c F c a b

38 Wilson and Draney (2004) A hinge question in science 38 The ball sitting on the table is not moving. It is not moving because: forces are pushing or pulling on the ball B.gravity is pulling down, but the table is in the way C.the table pushes up with the same force that gravity pulls down D.gravity is holding it onto the table E.there is a force inside the ball keeping it from rolling off the table

39 A hinge question (computing) with a twist

40 At a 'hinge' in the lesson. Multiple choice questions with 'distractors' based around student misconceptions (MCQ are hard!) Quick: - 1 minute for a student response (via mini-whiteboards, letter cards, fingers) - 15 seconds to interpret responses Teacher responds accordingly (proceeds, discusses, explains key point again, starts from scratch) So hinge questions are

41 How do we use hinge questions What does Brian Belanger do? Why is it effective? cf. Kahoot

42 Model Feedback It was effective when you… It might help if you… Feedback cheat sheet Narrow the question Clarify the question words Amend the question to differentiate better.

43 Find an appropriate space in the back of your notebook for takeaways. What will you do short-term and long-term based on this session? When will you do them? I have blogged extensively about formative assessment and hinge questions.formative assessmenthinge questions Takeaways

44 Assessment :I  why? Vision into action :I  why? I (Harry) should: Keep doing Stop doing Start doing Any other thoughts/questions Feedback

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