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LG 21 Aug 2012: Agenda ACCESS Strategy Workshop [RS]
PhD Student Workshop [KG,KHJ] Collaborative project evaluation [SB] Mobility applications: Barra, Beck, Dullerud [KHJ] ACCESS Industrial Workshop [KHJ] DLS [KHJ] Next meetings AOB
1. ACCESS Strategy Workshop [RS]
2. PhD Student Workshop [KG,KHJ]
Status Organizing committee Co-located with the Strategy Workshop Preliminary agenda: 10.30am-10pm, Sep 6 Keynote by David Zhao, Microsoft/Skype ACCESS presentation Work sessions Poster session
3. Collaborative project evaluation [SB]
4. Mobility applications: Barra, Beck, Dullerud [KHJ]
Adriano Barra Proposal by Erik Aurell
3 months during academic year Researcher at Sapienza Università di Roma Dipartimento di Fisica PhD in Applied Mathematics presso King's College University of London, 2007
Ansökan från Erik Aurell
Jag skulle vilja föreslå Adriano Barra från Rom som ACCESS incoming, preliminärt 3 månader under nästa läsår. Huvudskälet är att Barra är en expert på den interpolationsmetod som hans lärare F Guerra uppfann för drygt 10 år sedan och jag skulle vilja ha en kurs i det ämnet. Det mest kända -- eller man borde nog säga berömda -- resultatet av den metoden är ett matematiskt rigoröst bevis för Parisis lösning av den s k Sherrington-Kirkpatrick modellen som utfördes av Talagrand med Guerras metod som bas. Barra har själv utvecklat metoder för att utsträcka Guerras metod till glesa system (alltså på slumpgrafer) och han har också intressanta ideer om liknande beskrivningar av dynamiska system som borde vara relevanta för mina intressen i inferens och effektiva beskrivningar av diskreta dynamiska system t ex köer som inte uppfyller villkor av typ "detailed balance". Barra har satt ihop ett förslag om fem föreläsningar enligt ovanstående och fem föresläsningar med tillämpningar till systembiologi (antagligen för att han trodde att jag ville ha det). Man kan säkert be honom ändra den andra halvan ifall något annat skulle passa ACCESS bättre. Det är den första halvan som är unik. Barra är ganska ung men har rätt omfattande erfarenhet i projektledning och att dra in egna projekt, mycket mer än det brukas i Italien. Han är ganska säkert en man på kommande.
Spin glasses: From mathematical methods to biological applications
Spin glasses: From mathematical methods to biological applications. by Adriano Barra, Dipartimento di Fisica, Sapienza Università di Roma Part one: Mathematical methods for spin glasses Lecture 1 (2 hours): The Curie-Weiss toy-model. Phenomenology trough heuristic methods. Thermodynamic limit. The HJ technique. Lecture 2 (2 hours): The Curie-Weiss toy-model. The smooth cavity technique, critical behavior, the Parisi equation, RS behavior and bifurcations. Lecture 3 (2 hours): The Sherrington-Kirkpatrick model. Introduction to complex systems. Existence of the quenched free energy. Annealing. RS-properties. Lecture 4 (2 hours): RSB scheme: Parisi ansatz in ficticious and real replicas. Ultrametric constraints: Ghirlanda-Guerra identities. Lecture 5 (2 hours): The smooth cavity field at work: Criticality in SK and polynomial constraints. Introduction to Aizenman random overlap structure. Part two: Applications to biological complexity Lecture 6 (2 hours): A streamiled introduction to neural processing systems. The Mattis model and the Hopfield model: Generalities. Lecture 7 (2 hours): Extended Stochastic stability technique applied to Hopfield networks. Equivalence between stochastic stability and cavity field techniques. Lecture 8 (2 hours): Introduction to immune networks: Burnet and Jerne perspective. Statistical mechanics of B-cells. The role of dilution in a nutshell. Lecture 9 (2 hours): Extended framework for immune networks: B,, helpers, regulators and killers. Emergent properties of the immune system: lymphocytosis and autoimmunity. Lecture 10 (2 hours): Parallel processing immune networks: Low storage regime and properties. Anergy in self-directed B cell networks as an emerging phenomenon
Comments from EA Hej Kalle och Sonja (och Mikael) Mitt förslag var att ha A Barra som (incoming) ACCESS mobility. Det har ju aldrig varit någon nackdel att (incoming) ACCESS mobility skulle ge en kurs -- men heller aldrig något krav. Skulle det vara det i det här fallet så kan vi skippa kursen och bara be Barra hålla några seminarier. Jag skulle därför ånyo vilja be ACCESS ledning att ta upp min ansökan om (incoming) ACCESS mobility-anslag för att bjuda hit honom, CV enligt tidigare. NB Kalles förslag om en intensiv-kurs är inte fel i sig, men Mikael och jag skulle nog i så fall vilja be Barra att revidera sitt förslag så att det passar bättre i ACCESS grad schools hela kursutbud. Jag kan ta det separat med Mikael. Vänliga hälsningar Erik
Carolyn Beck Proposal by KH Johansson
April-July 2013, 25 KSEK per month Associate Professor, Industrial and Enterprise Systems Engineering, UIUC PhD Caltech, 1997
Seminar Series Title: Coverage, Clustering and Classification in Dynamic Systems Overview: In this series of seminars, we will discuss the development and implementation of algorithms designed to solve coverage, clustering and classification problems arising in systems of dynamic elements. Such systems present constrained combinatorial optimization problems with cost functions that must reflect the clustering (or coverage or classification) objectives and incorporate the constraints resulting from specific requirements and limitations imposed by the underlying problems. Motivation: Numerous challenges in science and engineering share such an underlying computationally complex structure that impedes and sometimes inhibits their analysis and study. Examples include the study of grouping aspects in cyber (social) networks, finding patterns for selective grouping of textual phrases and words in search engines, allocation and coordination of multiple resources and facilities in disaster control, finding efficient code-vectors for data compression in video streaming, placement and management of sensors in networks, the selection of drug candidates from vast libraries of compounds in combinatorial drug discovery, and the classification of cellular data for diagnosing different stages of diseases in histopathology. A common feature in these problems is that they require partitioning a large set of elements into cells containing similar elements. The computational expense in these problems is combinatorial, that is, it scales as the number of combinations between the constituent elements; this complexity rules out finding optimal solutions by exhaustive search methods. A second common attribute in these problems is that they often require determining hierarchical or multi-scale clustering or grouping patterns of the constituent elements. On the other hand, many of these problems differ in terms of the metrics used to measure the interactions between the constituent components, the constraints on the interactions, and the desired insights into fundamental scientific behavior. For example, vehicle-resource coordination problems arising in the context of evolving disaster relief operations introduce dynamic constraints on the resources (say facility vehicles), as well as stochastics in terms of the expectation of a possible disaster at a location. Alternatively, non-uniformity in sizes and capabilities of sensors results in constraints unique to sensor network problems. Summary: In these seminars we will discuss both classical and recent methods aimed at solving what we refer to generally as dynamic clustering problems. Approaches for incorporating system constraints, and the role of the choice of metrics used, will be included in the discussions.
Geir Dullerud Proposal by KH Johansson
April-July 2013, 25 KSEK per month Professor, Mechanical Science and Engineering, UIUC PhD Cambridge, 1994
Proposed Research Collaborations
During my sabbatical visit to KTH I plan to pursue research collaborations in three distinct but related areas, all associated with control of cyberphysical systems. These are networked control, distributed optimization, and mechatronics. KTH has many faculty, both at the senior and junior levels, involved in these research areas and so joint research can be expected to lead to significant achievement. In particular collaboration will be initiated with Professors Karl Johansson and Mikael Johansson. Security of Cyberphysical Systems. In the networked control area the emphasis would be on the security of cyberphysical systems ,… Distributed Optimization. Another research activity planned is investigations of distributed optimization, and in particular parallelization of certain classes of semidefinite programs…. Mechatronics and Education. During my sabbatical visit I also intend to interact with KTH researchers interested in mechatronics and robotics. At Illinois I have an indoor…
5. ACCESS Industrial Workshop [KHJ]
Thu Jan at KTH Book F2 incl corridor? [KG] Org committee: From ACCESS EC: ?? (Chair), MF, MJ, RS, KHJ, SB, MS, MA, KG From ACCESS Board: Mikael Höök, Pal Orten, Tony Sandberg Program: Theme: Societal-Scale Opportunities and Risks: Security and Reliability of Critical Systems? ACCESS (Seed Project) presentations Industry presentations International invitation Panel
6. Distinguished Lecture Series [KHJ]
2012 4 Sep: Yonina Eldar, Technion 7 Nov: Leandros Tassiulas, UTH, Greece Remark 1-2 “popular science/technology” DLS’s per semester ACCESS faculty members should continuously propose DLS ACCESS PhD students, postdocs and faculty should attend DLS
7. Meetings 2012 ExCom Fall 2012 12:00-14:00 Mon 3 Sep [KHJ at MIUR]
12:00-14:00 Mon 1 Oct 12:00-14:00 Mon 5 Nov 12:00-14:00 Mon 3 Dec Board meetings: 13:00-14:30 Mon 21 May 13:00-14:30 Mon 15 Oct Workshops: Sep 6-7 lunch-lunch, ACCESS Strategy Workshop + PhD Workshop Jan 24 ACCESS Industry Workshop (All ACCESS incl PhD students + invited industry)
9. AOB Research project on women students
Plan presented by Marie and Sylvia at next ExCom Proposal from FamiljenPangea Together with EES? Financial support and split?
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