You should put a comma before a person’s name if you're talking directly to them… Come here, Lily! …or when you are introducing or talking about a person.


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Presentationens avskrift:

You should put a comma before a person’s name if you're talking directly to them… Come here, Lily! …or when you are introducing or talking about a person. This is my boyfriend, Tobias. My boyfriend, Tobias, called me today.

RESTRICTIVE CLAUSE Meningen innehåller viktig information om subjektet (den som utför handlingen) som inte kan uteslutas. Tas frasen bort så blir innebörden inte densamma. My brother who’s abroad has sent me a letter. (My other brothers haven’t.) NON-RESTRICTIVE CLAUSE Meningen innehåller en eller flera fraser som kan tas bort, som fungerar som tillägg för extra information om subjektet (den som utförhandlingen). Frasen omges av kommatecken. My brother, who’s abroad, has sent me a letter. (He is the only brother I have.) Put commas if you want to add extra information about a thing or person.

RESTRICTIVE CLAUSE Meningen innehåller viktig information om subjektet (den som utför handlingen) som inte kan uteslutas. Tas något bort så blir innebörden inte densamma. The girl who is picking flowers is in love. Frasen ”who is picking flowers” berättar för läsaren vilken tjej som är kär, runt om henne kanske det finns tio tjejer till men det är bara hon som plockar blommor och alltså hon som är kär. Frasen kan inte tas bort. NON-RESTRICTIVE CLAUSE Meningen innehåller en eller flera fraser som kan tas bort, som fungerar som tillägg för extra information om subjektet (den som utförhandlingen). Fraserna omges av kommatecken. The detective, who was short, fat, and grubby, took down my statement.

Correct: The book that is on the bureau is mine. Incorrect: The book, that is on the bureau, is mine. Here the restrictive clause "that is on the bureau" tells which book is mine. There might be other books in other places, but this sentence is only concerned with the book that is on the bureau. Do not use commas with a restrictive clause.

Snakes which are poisonous should be avoided. Snakes, which are poisonous, should be avoided. The 1st sentence implies that only some snakes are poisonous. The 2nd implies that all snakes are poisonous.

Styckeindelning – Paragraph Division Styckeindelning – Paragraph Division: 2 alternatives Xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxx. Xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Leave an entire row! Lämna en hel rad! Xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxx. Xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx. Make an intendation! Gör ett indrag! (Första inledande stycken dock utan indrag.)