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Graduate education, Research and Funding Graduate Education Funding.

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2 Graduate education, Research and Funding Graduate Education Funding

3 Graduate education Courses Thesis Departmental duties Licentiate degree –2.5 yrs (30p courses, 50p thesis) PhD –5 yrs (60p courses, 100p thesis) –Lic + 30p courses + 50p thesis “Doktorandtjänst”

4 Undergraduate and graduate education Comp.Sci. Comp.Eng. PhD (+2,5yrs) MSc (+1yr) = to industry BSc/ (3 yrs) Comp.Sci. (60 stud/yr) Comp.Eng. (75 stud/yr) Real-Time Systems Computer Sci. –Mathematics –Programming Theory Craft Computer Eng. –Mathematics –Electronics –Comp. Systems Software Hardware 3 4 5 6 8

5 The PhD student in focus Dissertation Recruitment (Leading in RT; Industry coop; Int’l contacts) Co-operation Int’l network >3 months abroad Nat’l network ARTES courses; meetings Co-op projects Uppsala; KTH; CTH Industrial co-operation MRTC ABB, Ericsson, Volvo,... Project; group; lab Seminars; Visitors; External mentors Supervisory team de facto supervisor main supervisor external supervisor Admittance Courses (99/00) Teoretiska grunder för realtidssystem, 5p; Datavetenskaplig metodik, 5p; Säkerhets och tillförlitlighetsteori, 5p; Systemarkitektur och simulering, 5p ; Feltoleranta realtidssystem, 3p; Realtidsmodellering och analys, 5p; Optimering (IMa); Teoretisk datalogi (KimE/Ima), Reglerteknik (IEl); Kurser i Uppsala, Stockholm, Linköping; ARTES; Övriga D-nivåkurser. Study-plan SotA Publication plans “Thesis proposal” 60p courses 100p thesis

6 Admittance of Graduate Students “Allmän behörighet” (basic requirement): 120p “ Särskild behörighet” (specific requirement) : –80p courses relevant for Computer Systems I.e. kandidatexamen (B.Sc.) or magisterexamen (M.Sc.) in Computer Engineering or Science is sufficient Alternatively: “Corresponding qualifications”

7 Subject areas (Forskarutbildningsämne) Graduate education (and research) is organised in subject areas –e.g., Computer Engineering; Computer Science Formal rights granted by the government (University or Science Area) MdH has Science Area Engineering (Medicine; Science; Hum/Soc..) For each subject area: one (or more) chair (ämnesföreträdare) –Prof responsible for subject area –Examiner

8 Admittance and supervision The faculty board has formal responsibility The faculty board decides who can be supervisor –“main supervisor” - should be qualified researcher (docent) –“assistant supervisor” PhD often the actual supervisor

9 Individual study plan Required for admittance submitted together with undergrad exam and application Rough plan from admittance to dissertation –Courses (name, time, points) –Thesis (titel and time) –Supervisors (type, title, and name) Is a plan! –Revised annually

10 Responsibilities: Grad Student - Supervisor (there is no general rule) Supervisor –Intro to research area –Contacts and refs –problem formul. –financing –co-author Student –Coursework –Study od research area –problem formul. –experiments/prototypes –co-author “Goal”: The student should become more competent than the supervisor in the specific area of study tid

11 The academic Career Undergraduate exam Graduate education => Lic and/or PhD PostDoc. Lecturer (Teacher/Researcher) Docent Professor Professor emeritus

12 Research Funding Univ. funding (Fakultetsanslag) Res council (forskningsråd) (e.g. VR) Stiftelsen för strategisk forskning KK-stiftelsen Prod.development Efter en bild av Mia Lindegren Commercialisation Applicability Science Basic ResearchApplied ResearchProd.Development Nutek Teknikbrostiftelsen

13 MRTC staff and budget Staff (May ‘99) –2 Full Professors Hans Hansson Björn Lisper –1 Assistant prof. Lennart Lindh –1 Visiting prof. Wang Yi MRTCs budget (MSEK) [$1=8 SEK; 1 ecu=9 SEK] 2003 29 MSEK 1999 16 MSEK –1 Research Fellow Sasi Punnekkat –7 Senior Lecturers (Associate Professors) –15 lecturers –20 graduate students (5 employed by industry) –6 Tech./Adm.

14 Teknikbrostiftelsen Stöd till samverkan mellan universitet/högskola och näringsliv, speciellt de små- och medelstora företagen. Kommersialisering av högskolans kunskap och kompetens. –Stöd i tidig fas: stipendier, bidrag, lån och såddkapital. –Stöd som förbereder fortsatt finansiering genom andra. Exempel: –RealFast och ZealCore

15 Närings och Teknikutvecklingsverket Aktuella satsningar –kompetenscentra (t.ex. ASTEC) –Industriforskningsinstitut (t.ex. SICS) –Specifika forskningsprogram komplexa tekniska system telekommunikation är Sveriges centrala myndighet för frågor som rör näringslivets utveckling. NUTEK stödjer samarbete mellan företag, högskolor och institut, samt internationell samverkan, framför allt inom ramen för EU:s forskningsprogram.

16 The “new” research foundations “Meidnerska löntagarfonder” Aims at increasing competence to facilitate economic growth. Supports e.g.:- Schools - “New univ.” (MRTC) - Education of SME’s in Embedded Systems Supports science, engineering and medicine. Development of strong research groups on highest international level, with importance for development of Sweden. - Local Programs (CAS at KTH) - Nationel networks (ARTES)


18 Teknikvetenskapliga Forskningsrådet Främjar och stödjer högkvalitativ grundforskning inom teknikområdet. Ansvaret spänner över ett brett fält alltifrån teknisk mekanik via datalogi till bioteknik. EU/FoU-rådets uppgift är att samordna det svenska deltagandet i EUs ramprogram för forskning och utveckling.

19 News from 2001 Old research councils and “Nutek” terminated Instead: –“Vetenskapsrådet” (FRN+HSFR+MFR+NFR+TFR) Three areas: Humanities and Social Science Medicine Science and engineering –“Forskningsrådet för sociala frågor och arbetsliv” –“Forskningsrådet för miljö, lantbruk och samhällsplanering” –“Verket för Innovationssystem” (VINNOVA) (=Nutek+Kommunikationsforskningsberedningen+Arbetslivsforskning)

20 “Private” research foundations Knut och Alice Wallenbergs stiftelse Volvo Research Foundation...

21 How to write an application? Project name Applicants: “established” researcher + (possibly) junior researcher Abstract (Most people will read only this+budget ;-) Background: Why is this a good project? Problem formulation: Which specific problem is considered? Expected results and impact Related Work (SotA) Partners (academic and/or industrial) Project plan: What should be done when? Budget: (staff, equipment, travel, overhead)? App1: The environment: presentation of research group App2: Curriculum Vitae for applicants Specific instructions on how to write the application is often provided

22 How are applications evaluated? (it varies!) Previous results –you should have a good reputation Relation to purpose of the call Main idea Relation to state-of-the-art Co-operation The plan: methodology and realism Is the idea interesting and sound? Will the applicants succeed?

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