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Telia Business Innovation AB/khn 00-01 Den Visionära Organsiationen vs. Den Förvaltande Organisationen...

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En presentation över ämnet: "Telia Business Innovation AB/khn 00-01 Den Visionära Organsiationen vs. Den Förvaltande Organisationen..."— Presentationens avskrift:

1 Telia Business Innovation AB/khn 00-01 Den Visionära Organsiationen vs. Den Förvaltande Organisationen...

2 Telia Business Innovation AB/khn 00-01 …eller… Varför vissa organisationer lyckas skapa nya marknadspositioner medan andra ”dör” då paradigmskiften uppträder på marknaden

3 Telia Business Innovation AB/khn 00-01 Processes tying cooperating units together vs. Ventures tying cooperating individuals together

4 Telia Business Innovation AB/khn 00-01 Business Proposals The Market Demand Model  The Customer Needs  The Product Properties  The Revenues  The Development Budget & Plans The Market Creation Model  The Team  The Opportunity  The Context  The Risks and Rewards

5 Telia Business Innovation AB/khn 00-01 A New Development Paradigm ResearchDevelopmentIndustrializationM & S Needs, Alternatives Business Proposition Design ”Bill Gates Are More Important Than Toll Gates”

6 Telia Business Innovation AB/khn 00-01  Processdrivet  Varje process involverar och kräver samverkan och synkronisering av flera bolag; varje bolag deltar i flera parallella processer  Riktat mot inkrementell utveckling av mogna marknader och mogna teknologier Market Demand Driven Business Development

7 Telia Business Innovation AB/khn 00-01 Market Creation Driven Business Development  lead users (innovators & early adopters) i teknologidrivna nischmarknader initialt  händelsedriven snarare än processdriven utveckling  stor risk initialt, stor potential långsiktigt  ”små” affärer initialt, många gånger krav på nya affärsmodeller

8 Telia Business Innovation AB/khn 00-01 Source of Decision  Corporate Committees vs  The Market

9 Telia Business Innovation AB/khn 00-01 Source of Attention  Demand on served markets vs  Opportunities on emerging markets

10 Telia Business Innovation AB/khn 00-01 Source of Innovation  Lead Employees vs  Lead Customers vs  Lead Users

11 Telia Business Innovation AB/khn 00-01 Source of Resources Management  The Corporate Management: Resource Allocation vs.  The Market: Resource Attraction

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